Message from @sixfivebyfiftyfive
Discord ID: 781343591641120779
I have an Ontario sp2 (fixed blade) that has worked well for years now, so I think the rat would be a safe buy.
Personally I carry a leatherman wave+ every day I can't tell you how many times I've used every tool in it.
Leathermans are a wonderful tool, Swiss Army knife+ essentially
i got a little hammer multi tool
cheapest meal prep kit that
will last 30+ years is just 40lbs of rice in a food grade 5 gallon bucket
whatever you do, don't cook food in the can it came in. they got a plastic lining that'll have you shitting through a screen door twice as bad as canned food already will
lol, that reminds me. my papa taught me a trick to cook canned food with a 12v cig-lighter if shtf. He says it obviously is not healthy and it puts a strain on your car battery if the vehicle isnt running, but he tried it with no problems.
he even said if you don't have a can opener, you can take a knife or a screw driver and punch a hole in the lid to A), keep it from blowing up, and B) at least drink the juice inside. xD
On sale 50% off <:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513>
Heads up on ReadyWise, slow shipping and potentially poorly quality food.
Slow shipping?
I haven't tried the food but my family got ours in a week or so
I forget where we got ours, but it took like 4 months to get half of the shipment just due to covid.
could just be most places rn
Walmart has Augason farms and its pretty cheap but good
Ah my family has some of those too
I finally pulled the trigger on an OKC Rat! Also just bought all my Christmas gifts for my bros! Pretty excited ngl! :D
Aye nice
the only cheap knife id buy is a Morakniv
Ooo I just got a Morakniv a few days ago
This is my EDC, im 16 and cant get a handgun for 5 more years. (Which is BS, it should be 18) so im stuck with knives.
You can get one through a private transfer and get a permit to carry it at 18.
The gun can be transferred at any time, to my knowledge.
But I don't know what EDC is
And I'm 17
Every Day Carry
Ah I see
I know 2 lighters is a little much but
Is a sword too much
Depends on context
Not in all states iirc
@SurvivalPNW how/where do you carry that on you? I'd like to edc a fixed blade for a while, but not sure how I would do it haha
Plus I need to find a good be to do it with
@Nope its a smaller fixed blade l, it fits in my pocket. Its about 8 inches i would say
@Nope its agreat knife