Discord ID: 724692324357111919
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Now here's a better name for myself
So anyways I read through the rules which curse words do and don't get filtered
Is cunt a slur
Yeah I'mma go watch his newest video probably
If I'm not mistaken I would be the most hated person in a few years to anyone in California
Cuz I'm straight white and a dude
I mean I was going to go with retard but I didn't want anybody to get offended
I just deal with so many people that say it's offensive
I can't even say retarded my school without somebody getting triggered
And I live in Indiana
Like at my school this one sub tried to get someone in trouble for wearing a trump lanyard
!play pantera 5
I have none
! queue
!play adipocere
I think his dumb ass deserved it if you're going to dress up like a deer when it's hunting season you should expect to get shot
But I don't know what EDC is
And I'm 17
Ah I see
Is a sword too much
Oh shit
Guess I am racist
!play Pantera
!Play Pantera 5
!play judas priest painkiller
!play Megadeth symphony
!loop queue
Can someone tell me why this exists
Join the club
!play Pantera
!play Pantera 5
!play Megadeth symphony
!play Megadeth sweating
!play Megadeth angry
!play Disturbed indistructable
!play Disturbed ten
!play Disturbed down with the sickness uncensored
Is that a feminist joke or the animal cuz I respect one way more than the other
Never heard of it anyways it's 3:30 in the morning I'm out
!play Pantera
!play Disturbed indistructable
!play Megadeth holy
!play metallica master of puppets
!play judas priest painkiller
!play sepultura ramatatama
!play sepultura ramahata
!play slayer raining blood
!play Motorhead ace of spades
!play marylin Manson this is the new shit uncensored
!play accept son of a bitch
Lemonade and pickle juice
!play sod antiprocrastinationsong
I will not comply
That's funny
@Kwright02 like this
@Big Wrm your name is from a legend
We should have been saying Jim Carrey 2020
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