Message from @sixfivebyfiftyfive
Discord ID: 768307180054904863
> @redpill We aren't looking to ruin people's day so sometimes things fall through that we miss.
@Stargatemaster96 yeah, it was a 3 minute long vid
had nothing to do about guns
^^^That smile at the end is perfect
that last one is nicee bro.
not much of an ak fanboy, but i would love something like that
Agreed, it's a nice looking gun and a unique gun to own considering it isn't wood and pre ban.
Does it still kick like a son of a bitch?
Do people actually, legitimately think that 7.62x39 "kicks like a son of a bitch?"
I tip the scales at a whopping 120 pounds and can handle an AK47 all day long
Well I'm just repeating what I've heard, never shot an AK before
Yeah, they really aren't that bad to shoot. I had a buddy who bought into the internet hype and was nervous as fuck to shoot mine. He fired one round, looked at me, said "This is nothing!" and had a ball of a good time for the rest of the day
Few rounds really kick horribly (magnums and .50's mostly). Even my 8mm Mauser is easy to shoot. AR gus just love to criticize that the 7.62x39 kicks more than the 5.56x45, so they exxagerate.
DISCLAIMER: I am an AR guy myself, don't kill me guys... <:salut:730846445732888630>
Well I'm an AR guy too, still will be, just not as critical of the AK knowing it doesn't kick as hard
Hey, to each their own
I like em both
Never shot either but AK ftw
Hunter be like: Never introduced my old man to my business partners
Its a toss up i love shooting the ak but also love shooting my ar15
Now that's crazy looking
@sixfivebyfiftyfive cool looking air rifle
Is that what it is looks crazy
> Anybody seen this before? I kinda want it...
@sixfivebyfiftyfive pcp air rifle
hello folks
> S teir wife material right here
@redpill Yes, we had to do that in Russia... I touched my first AK47 when I was in first grade. 🙂 I believe by 5th or 6th you had to be able to put one together.
ye, ik. I think its a Benjamin..?
that is an atrocious meme... who mashes up Viva La Vida and Swing....
out of these two .22lr rifles witch one is a better investment 1: browning sa-22 (new) or henry golden boy (new)
I don't have an answer to that... all I have to say is: *which
yeah yeah grammar police over here
Grammar nazi mind you
If we ban guns how will we kill people in video games?