Message from @Kaiser Wilhelm II
Discord ID: 768515712289079328
Hey, to each their own
I like em both
Never shot either but AK ftw
Hunter be like: Never introduced my old man to my business partners
Its a toss up i love shooting the ak but also love shooting my ar15
If I had my choice, AR all day, but that said, both guns are ugly as hell. :|
Now that's crazy looking
@sixfivebyfiftyfive cool looking air rifle
Is that what it is looks crazy
> Anybody seen this before? I kinda want it...
@sixfivebyfiftyfive pcp air rifle
hello folks
> S teir wife material right here
@redpill Yes, we had to do that in Russia... I touched my first AK47 when I was in first grade. 🙂 I believe by 5th or 6th you had to be able to put one together.
ye, ik. I think its a Benjamin..?
that is an atrocious meme... who mashes up Viva La Vida and Swing....
out of these two .22lr rifles witch one is a better investment 1: browning sa-22 (new) or henry golden boy (new)
I don't have an answer to that... all I have to say is: *which
yeah yeah grammar police over here
Grammar nazi mind you
If we ban guns how will we kill people in video games?
wha tthe fuck
> probably not real, but I still laughed
@sixfivebyfiftyfive rhey do know that bbs are ammunition right?
I just imagine a senile old grandpa wrote that post, so no
I like to think not
I loss all my guns in a boating accident 😕
rip. that reminds me, I need to go kayaking before winter sets in.
Yup I was so sad
My stress relievers
There's so many accessories you gotta figure out how to put them all on, it's a challenge
Attaches one of the thermals to the under barrel grenade launcher because why not
Just a lil bit more expensive then a doll
is that green item above the grenade launcher a fishing reel?