Message from @SomeSouthernGuy

Discord ID: 783518198611574834

2020-12-01 18:47:24 UTC  

Me and my religion believe that children are not held accountable before 8

2020-12-01 18:48:02 UTC  


2020-12-01 19:09:35 UTC  

> Mormon
@corny🌽🌽 true and blue

2020-12-01 19:09:42 UTC  

Fake and cult

2020-12-01 19:09:48 UTC  

But not politically blue

2020-12-01 19:25:00 UTC  

If everyone who dies before 8 goes to heaven, then shouldn't killing someone before they turn 8 be merciful, as it never gives them the opportunity to go to hell. My old pastor John McCarther believes in the age of accountability but there was no evidence in the Bible that says that you are not held accountable before the age of 8. There is however evidence that you can be saved before you are born, like for instance how John the Baptist was convincted in the womb and jumped for joy when he heard about jesus.

2020-12-01 19:38:37 UTC  

Age of accountability is too high for most denominations to say the least. And 8 year old can most definitely make right and wrong decisions. And they know it. Though babies literally cannot sin as they are physically incapable. So what age does it start. This also begs the question, do mentally ill people go to hell? Like many serial killers see no problem with murder as they are mentally broken. They are unable to be fixed by humanity. Does god also give them a pass?

2020-12-01 20:08:49 UTC  

You are held accountable to sin when you have knowledge whats right and whats wrong

2020-12-01 20:20:08 UTC  

An inability to feel bad about the committing of heinous acts does not exempt you from being Damned. even the most morally decrepit of criminals understand that what they are doing is illegal, therefore wrong. Sociopaths, or those afflicted with psychopathy, are still perfectly able to understand the illegality of their actions.

2020-12-01 20:22:35 UTC  

To question whether said individuals are capable comprehending right and wrong, is to put them on a level similar to children, mental invalids, and domestic livestock. Meaning that they ought to be assigned caregivers or , in the case of the violently deranged, incarceration in a mental asylum.

2020-12-01 20:25:43 UTC  

For individuals who are genuinely mentally retarded or cognitively challenged, we as Christians and reasonable human beings

2020-12-01 20:26:20 UTC  

Who believe in the soul being the self, not the body, could not fault certain behavior by individuals who are trapped within the confines of their own body.

2020-12-01 20:28:17 UTC  

They are not any lesser than what we are simply because their flesh suit refuses to adhere to their commands. I did not think any less of Stephen Hawking because his body would not respond correctly. Nor do I think any lesser of a veteran who returns home bereft of limbs. one of my greatest fears is to suffer a debilitating brain injury that will render me trapped within my own body. only to be released by Death.

2020-12-01 20:50:37 UTC  

sometimes i wish god was an angry and vengeful god

2020-12-01 20:50:54 UTC  

mostly so he would purge us of the wicked

2020-12-01 20:56:30 UTC  

Most of the horrible things the media puts out is fear and rage porn, twisting our perception on how bad the world is.

2020-12-01 20:57:59 UTC  

The world is better now than what it was 100 years ago. If we held it to Heavans standard, of course it will always be found lacking. You can't compare a turd, no matter how well polished, to a diamond.

2020-12-01 22:17:23 UTC  

He is. He is also merciful and gracious to sinners who are full of rebellion and wickedness. The trouble is that we try to think about God in human terms and he is far greater than that. Our limited minds then demand things from God that do not make sense. That is why we are told to have faith and believe. Trusting in God means being obedient and the fruits of our faith are the real proof that He is for us, even when we are against Him in our hearts.

2020-12-01 22:18:36 UTC  

The world is not bad. Humans are sinful and choose that which causes them pain because they rebel against the law of God in their hearts and actions. The programming has a "formula" and we cannot change the outcomes of wrong behavior.

2020-12-02 02:21:35 UTC  

@KungFlu BatSoup this is a place for the discussion of religion not to joke around in

2020-12-02 03:55:07 UTC if you want 100% assurance and know where you will go when you die. Religion damns, Jesus saves. Can also message me and I can get on mic or answer any questions. <:blobthumbsup:394341278961106955>

2020-12-02 05:49:26 UTC  

Finally made it to Hawaii and Dad cannot get on base cause my crazy aunt filed a police report on him.

Obviously I can't give details, but this is absolure bullshit. Everytime we go somewhere fantastic my Mom's sister always has to try and find a way to ruin it!

2020-12-02 06:12:43 UTC  

sup my jesus following homebois

2020-12-02 06:13:03 UTC  

(or other religions if there are any here which im assuming theres not)

2020-12-02 06:13:24 UTC  

other religions here are atheism basically

2020-12-02 06:16:54 UTC  

Sorry to hear that, hope everything get fixed

2020-12-02 11:07:46 UTC  

You're based enough to post this in a server probably with mormons?

2020-12-02 11:07:57 UTC  

Celestial sex

2020-12-02 11:07:59 UTC  

Space gods

2020-12-02 11:08:07 UTC  

This is the stuff mormons believe in

2020-12-02 12:07:09 UTC  


2020-12-02 14:34:56 UTC  

Thank you. We are doing that, I hope, enough. You know what the Bible says about their being pain in childrearing - lol this is it!

2020-12-02 14:52:50 UTC  

Um... could you elaborate

2020-12-02 14:56:01 UTC  
2020-12-02 15:07:40 UTC  

There’s quite a few things in that video that aren’t taught in the church

2020-12-02 15:11:28 UTC  

Like the things about “celestial sex with thousands of wives”, those are things I’ve only heard from people who attack the church or people in the church who go off the actual doctrine.

2020-12-02 15:12:30 UTC  

Yeah well y'all think the guy who espoused this bullshit was a real prophet

2020-12-02 15:12:35 UTC  

So keep coping

2020-12-02 15:12:44 UTC  

"Demons are black people" bitch asses

2020-12-02 15:12:54 UTC  

That’s not doctrine either