
Discord ID: 386331844980768771

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> what up my fellow memelords. anyone got the meme of all the liberal freakouts from the new ylyl vid?
@Nightenhelser I briefly saw it in one of the threads

Hello to the smartest group in the US


Why did you scare him away?


I used to be a normal thinker. The left turned me into a paranoid conspiracy theorist. #changemymind

My rescue. Her name is Rizzo.

She can't be released into the wild - she had a head injury as a baby.

This spring, 1 year

Guys I need advise, insight! Ready? We are in texas - kids need to wear masks to school (grrrr) now my Jr High student must wear a lanyard with his student i.d. in it. The purpose is to keep it handy for lunch, library check out, and i.d. purposes. All I can visualize is students being sheep - all in masks, i.d.s displayed, in public education. We tried online school. Didn't work. 1) Am I being paranoid (yes) 2) should I fight it, is it worth It? 3) input?

How do I present this without sounding like a freak?

That helps

Thanks Erib

Don't turn this into a mask debate.

That has nothing to do with my question

I am a christian

I thought fellow Christians could give the best advice

I figured my question fit here best XD

Ummmm...... define "nuts" lol

I mean. I taught preschool at a christian school.

Mo-me that is why I'm like ... hmmmmm

Yea, I don't debate well.

I'm like. Nope.

Or they say it is a crutch

Lol Jesus is my iron lung

If you ever want to take that discussion out of the chat room, Otto, let me know.

Purgatory is a Catholic concept. A place where someone goes to pay for their sins to prepare for heaven

You wont find purgatory in the bible.

If you have faith, you will act. They go hand in hand.

*this little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine*

Who is that?

Charles Spurgeon?

Thank you. We are doing that, I hope, enough. You know what the Bible says about their being pain in childrearing - lol this is it!

Does anyone have the meme of Biden falling down the stairs with his dog at the top of the stairs wearing a maga hat?

Thank you!


And we wondered how ppl could turn their own families/neighbors in - Nazi, Germany

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