Message from @Raging Smurf

Discord ID: 783801731615031297

2020-12-02 20:59:09 UTC  

did i get the message right

2020-12-02 20:59:18 UTC  

I don't think you got the purpose of the message right

2020-12-02 21:00:41 UTC  

I think the purpose was to test if Abraham would truly follow God's will no matter what. God never intended for Abraham to sacrifice his son, as God prevented Abraham from doing that in the Bible. It would really be more of a test of loyalty and faith in God

2020-12-02 21:01:19 UTC  

Was god mad that he did not try to kill his son

2020-12-02 21:01:31 UTC  

No, Abraham was about to do it

2020-12-02 21:01:39 UTC  

he was preparing to sacrifice his son

2020-12-02 21:01:40 UTC  

No God stopped him from killing his son

2020-12-02 21:01:53 UTC  

It was a test

2020-12-02 21:02:35 UTC  

So, if I reading this okay, God wants all of us to do everything he tells us to, even if we know it will harm each other

2020-12-02 21:02:53 UTC  

well yes, but actually no

2020-12-02 21:03:04 UTC  

In the Issac story it didn't hurt anyone

2020-12-02 21:03:36 UTC  

Ur correct in this first part of your sentence

2020-12-02 21:03:46 UTC  

Fine you guys win with the point with Isaac

2020-12-02 21:05:31 UTC  

Don't want this to be a debate, things can get heated really quick. Feel free to ask questions and learn that what this channel is about

2020-12-02 21:06:02 UTC  

He wants us to do everything he tell us to. And depending on circumstances he wouldn't tell us to hurt another

2020-12-02 21:06:14 UTC  

like let's be honest God is a vengeful God

2020-12-02 21:06:21 UTC  

Fine, look my opinion is that God shouldn't be the decider of morality, The effects of the action should, thats my choice.

2020-12-02 21:06:21 UTC  

I won't sugarcoat it

2020-12-02 21:07:21 UTC  

What your perspective on God? Do you believe or dont

2020-12-02 21:07:34 UTC  

Like when the Israelites started worshipping idols instead of God. God instructed the Levites to kill all those who worshipped said idol.

2020-12-02 21:08:15 UTC  

The Isaac part was about whether Abraham would submit his love for his son to his love and dedication to God. As I mentioned before, in some cases, such as my brother committing a horrible crime, I must "kill" my love for him, to do the right thing.

2020-12-02 21:08:59 UTC  

It was less about literally killing his son, but to not let love for his son cloud his covenant with God.

2020-12-02 21:10:31 UTC  

Yes God gave Abraham his son when he was 100 years old. Abraham was really happy when Isaac was born

2020-12-02 21:10:57 UTC  

Through God's gift, Abraham was given a purpose in the world.

2020-12-02 21:11:12 UTC  

One of the greatest gifts a man can have is the opportunity to be a father.

2020-12-02 21:12:16 UTC  

Though a lot of the morals changed after the New Testament. Like God’s philosophy changed a bit

2020-12-02 21:16:26 UTC  

The reason I think God was more "harsh" in the old testament, is the same reason that at times, a parent must be harsh with their young child. They must "demand" that their child listens to their instructions because they don't know better. Once a child reaches a certain age, they begin to understand the reasons behind such "tough love".

2020-12-02 21:18:06 UTC  

I believe in him but, I really care more about what it does on earth than in heaven, I side that I most kill my love of god to save my love of my brother. I can see the smile of my brother, I cant feel gods love. I struggle to believe that god is real. My interpretation of the bible is more about loving your neighbor, because Jesus was 100% real, I will always value the ruling of Jesus over The father/ the holy sprit because he was a real person, He only wanted us to be happy, God, i think only cares about if we follow the rules. God can be real, and if he is, if I left the world in a better state that I found it in, I feel that the world is more important than gods word. I agree with gay marriage because that only brings joy to the world . To summarize, I look morality through the eyes of an atheist, The old testament will be always overruled by the new one.

2020-12-02 21:18:32 UTC  

It wasn't until I was much older that I realized many of the things my parents did that I , at the time, thought was harsh, but turned out to shape me into a decent person. You can't forge a sword without getting a few times. I don't mean hitting in a literal sense though.

2020-12-02 21:21:06 UTC  

God, Jesus and Holy Spirit are one

2020-12-02 21:22:14 UTC  

You really can’t take one without the other

2020-12-02 21:22:29 UTC  

God and Holy Spirit are just as real as Jesus. I understand that you can't see God or Holy Spirit but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Hope that make sense

2020-12-02 21:24:20 UTC  

Going back to the topic of mortality, humans are corrupt, so when we follow mortality throught the lenses of human we will have a flawed mortality. God is perfect therefore his mortality is superior to our view of mortality

2020-12-02 21:25:23 UTC  

@White Feather I understand fully understand what you are saying. It was torturous for me to come to terms with the idea that I may need toss aside all my loves that I can see with my own eyes, for a God I have never seen. On the part of Jesus, he said he was the Son of God. One cannot be the son of a non-existent archetype. Either Jesus was a lunatic when he said he was the son of God, in which he should not have been executed and should be pitied. Or he was a liar, and deserved execution for being a rebel rouser. You can't say that you like Jesus, and yet want the security of having a grand purpose in the world without admitting that you're either listening to the words of a lunatic or a treacherous bastard.

2020-12-02 21:28:30 UTC  

The reason why I am guarded around the idea of the results mattering more in regards to moral acts, is that if it Western culture, specifically of the American variety, was the most stable and most productive one in the world, and required the deportation or elimination of individuals that would not adhere to it to survive, I would fight with every iota of my soul against it. even if it resulted in the death of my culture, my people, and my family.

2020-12-02 21:29:09 UTC  

None of those should ever stand as rivals to God, and righteousness.

2020-12-02 21:29:19 UTC  

People don't want to follow religion because it means change in their cushy lives. They're far too lazy and priveleged to consider someone above them and to act on someone else's will.

2020-12-02 21:34:30 UTC  

To Deify any of the aforementioned things has always led to ruin. Nationalism that is not tempered by righteousness unleashes a horror of the likes of Nazi Germany. The deifying of race leads to a racialist ethic that would justify the extermination of other races to aid your own. And it frightens me that I can very easily use publicly available statistics to justify such a travesty.

2020-12-02 21:36:07 UTC  

Look, We have different values, If continue this nice conversation will devote into a shouting match. I value the world more than god. Thats just who I am, It might be sinful but thats just a value. I respect your decision to do what ever you want, i'm not you and I don't know your values. No matter what you tell me, you will not change my value. No matter what i tell you, I wont change your value

2020-12-02 21:36:23 UTC  

Lets agree to disagree

2020-12-02 21:36:47 UTC  

I meant no offense. I have not use profanity. Although we may never see eye-to-eye, I very much appreciate this exchange. I thank you for that.