Message from @TransEgoistCatGirl👻👻👻

Discord ID: 456596717341638678

2018-06-13 23:08:42 UTC  

i would too

2018-06-13 23:08:46 UTC  

hitler went to war with the west i dont care if he didnt wanted too

2018-06-13 23:08:55 UTC  

britain went to war with the west too

2018-06-13 23:08:56 UTC  

and first

2018-06-13 23:09:01 UTC  

and germany retaliated

2018-06-13 23:09:04 UTC  

so flawless logic

2018-06-13 23:09:09 UTC  

no the West went to war with Hitler

2018-06-13 23:09:14 UTC  


2018-06-13 23:09:16 UTC  

>The West

2018-06-13 23:09:24 UTC  

muh hitler killed white people

2018-06-13 23:09:31 UTC  

nigga like he did it first

2018-06-13 23:09:39 UTC  

like he declared war lol

2018-06-13 23:11:01 UTC  

hitler did nothing wrong change my mind

2018-06-13 23:11:13 UTC  

he lost

2018-06-13 23:11:27 UTC  

he started the war

2018-06-13 23:11:33 UTC  

he damned nationalism in the west for 80 years

2018-06-13 23:11:33 UTC  

a war he could not win

2018-06-13 23:11:54 UTC  

BK isn't chad enough imo. it doesnt give you the shits like mcdonalds and t bell does

2018-06-13 23:12:03 UTC  

Imagine unironically defending hitler in 2018

2018-06-13 23:12:20 UTC  

he had no navy to invade the UK and it would have took decades to build said navy against the best navy in the world

2018-06-13 23:12:33 UTC  

hitler did a lot of things wrong... fighting a war on two fronts was always going to be a losing proposition.... But to say that he wanted to conquer the world, and that he wanted war with the West is not historically correct

2018-06-13 23:12:41 UTC  

Even if you were right the media will still kill you

2018-06-13 23:12:41 UTC  

he made the right call invading the USSR so early but could not take moscow

2018-06-13 23:12:45 UTC  

imagine unironically attacking Hitler in 2018

2018-06-13 23:13:18 UTC  

who even gives a fuck at this point who defends a loser

2018-06-13 23:13:40 UTC  

also the ussr had moved a lot of its stuff behind the Ural mountains so it would have been a drawn out war even if he took moscow

2018-06-13 23:13:41 UTC  

Taking Moscow would not have ended the war. Remember, Napoleon not only took, but burned Moscow and still suffered a staggering defeat

2018-06-13 23:13:51 UTC  

"lol who gives a fuck about the west"

2018-06-13 23:13:52 UTC  

he had to take and hold it

2018-06-13 23:14:01 UTC  

he couidnt even do the first part

2018-06-13 23:14:47 UTC  

also they could not take the russian oil fields because they were diverting a lot of forces to stalingrad

2018-06-13 23:14:58 UTC  

the russian front was aids

2018-06-13 23:15:01 UTC  

There were so many diplomatic blunders that led to WWII it is staggering...

2018-06-13 23:15:04 UTC  


2018-06-13 23:15:05 UTC

2018-06-13 23:15:18 UTC  


2018-06-13 23:19:49 UTC  

hitler was retraded stop defending him

2018-06-13 23:20:05 UTC  

he didnt have a problem killing millions of white slavs

2018-06-13 23:20:16 UTC  

almost like he was continuing the holodomor maybe he was a jew\

2018-06-13 23:22:05 UTC  

he gave jews their greatest tool