Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 524657799980908567
I believe it. The omnibus, bump stocks, I dont know I can't think past my frustration but I know there are others.
Also don't get blackpilled on demographics. We don't need a majority to wield power or secure our future. All we need is unity.
He talks a good game, puts a good front, and then buckles when it counts. Prove me wrong.
Well next time round we'll get a Balsonaro
Then plummet right from there
It will be good times
1- the media want us to feel defeated
2- we aren't privy to what's actually going on behind the curtain
I'm not saying "trust the plan" but I am saying don't give up hope
Consider two futures.
1. Trump stems tide and magapedes get woke enough for mass remigration policies.
2. We lose majority, Texas turns blue and white demonization intensifies. Then we take a strategy of separatism following pattern of successful ethnic separatist movements.
Well time will tell. He has until 2020
Either way we have hope. Buckle up and never be defeatist.
If you think modern day is grim you need to read more history and remember all we've overcome.
tbh, things haven't even gotten bad yet
Honestly the 00s bluepilled life was boring and current year redpilled life is actually exciting.
Sorry I can't agree, in the 00s there was no trannies, no gay marriage, no deplatforming
Maybe 90s kids are wrong. Maybe 00s is the best decade
Nothing to fight. Snoozfest.
Also gays trannies MTV rap trash was everywhere. And deplatforming wasn't a thing because dissidence wasn't a thing.
Just 24/7 controlled narrative and a slow death by decadence.
Current year is best year I've been alive. No irony.
Being outnumbered is fun anyway.
Even New York City had its second Republican mayor in a row
00s republicans were traitors
Doesn't mean anything
The only good thing in 00s was Ron Paul
They're also traitors now, but with all the gays and immigrants too
That was inevitable conclusion of 00s politics.
I guess so
Probably right about that
Meanwhile in current year real white nationalism is bigger than ever and our narratives contend with mainstream
Huge progress imo
This was all the inevitable conclusion of the Protestant revolution
Haha, there may have been a few bus stop since then ...
I guess, but they all germinate from the moral relativism that everyone can decide what's right for their own self
Guys what if White Genocide is fake and it will all be ok and we can watch NFL and HBO forever
*boomer posting intensifies*
I'll take active information war over information hegemony any day. Current year is better than last decade for that reason alone. The enemy fighting you means you actually threaten them
Did anyone think they'd just roll over and let us be in charge ? Of course this level of resistance is expected and in fact proof that our influence is growing
Just 202 more years of leftist pilpul