Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 797144906979606589

2021-01-08 08:41:29 UTC  

According to your understanding...

2021-01-08 08:42:12 UTC  

I just want to be sure I’ve explained this piece fully

2021-01-08 08:46:33 UTC  

@TaLoN132 I understand your apprehension. I can still understand your doubts despite the Satellite concern... and we can get to those as well. ... But you can confirm that the data transfer as I described is within the capabilities of a satellite, yes?

2021-01-08 08:51:46 UTC  

@deMontfort OK... I was just watching the video that Jenna shared. He clearly claims that the satellite connection was used for 2-way communication, which means they would have also needed a transponder in Germany. And then he says that they looped in the American Embassy, where it took place...

Sorry... This is complete nonsense. There was no algorithm that got overloaded. No electronic hack would be able to produce paper ballots that matched the vote totals during the hand recounts and risk limiting audits in each of these states. It is simply not possible.

Satellite communication is a ridiculous solution for this when solutions like VPN's are readily available, completely secure, software configurable, have no bandwidth or back channel requirements, and can be dropped into a location and easily removed - no antennae, receiver/transponders and other equipment.

2021-01-08 08:55:20 UTC  

Why is tracing data packets between servers “loopy”?

2021-01-08 08:56:05 UTC  

What do you mean? Who used the term loopy?

2021-01-08 08:57:02 UTC  

Alright. I’ll use your term. Let’s substitute your word. “nonsense”.

2021-01-08 09:03:31 UTC  

Data packets only exist at the time that it occurred. It would require a packet sniffer sitting somewhere between point A and point X while the transmissions are occurring. You can't trace packets after the fact.

Also, vote tabulation did not occur outside the USA. This was a basic misunderstanding of how Scytl - a Barcelona based company - was being used. I first heard this mischaracterization from a report that Russ Ramsland created when he started investigating Dominion after he lost his election bid in 2016. Scytl does have online voting system that are used elsewhere, but not in the US. The US locations use an Election Night dashboard service that are used to display vote totals by race/measure. Ramsland asserted that the untabulated ballots were sent to Scytl, who's AWS based servers were in Frankfurt Germany.

2021-01-08 09:03:35 UTC  

I also do recall when I was in the military, we had a mobile send/receive Satellite at all times. It was never my duty to man it, but I was trained on setting it up once.

2021-01-08 09:05:30 UTC  

I also worked on the JTRS project for Boeing in Huntington Beach, CA - I wrote an Encryption key management component and managed remotely a team in Huntsville Alabama. There were satellite capabilities on the platform, but it was primarily voice-based when I worked on it.

2021-01-08 09:05:33 UTC  

@TaLoN132 You not going to get those technical specs from a high level brief. Barking at the wrong people. And you’re just not gonna get your hands on the machines for the questions you think you’re gonna get an answer to

2021-01-08 09:08:34 UTC  

On a high level..... the Satellites have the capability to send and receive the type of data between Germany and Italy.... and Germany servers conducted the “hacking”. It’s just the way it. If you want to dive into your technical geeking out, you’ll need to hop on a plane and convince the nerds you need to be on the team.

2021-01-08 09:16:37 UTC  

Not sure what you mean by that...

I am more concerned with how places like GA could conduct a full hand recount (something nobody could have predicted) and have it tie out almost exactly. Also, since the majority of Biden's votes were via Mail-in, someone would have to infiltrate each mail-in ballot processing center and replace Trump Ballots with fake Biden Ballots - without significantly altering down ballot races, which a few were also recounted.

Keep in mind that precincts do not have the same ballots (for example, in the City of Detroit, there are 600 precincts and over 250 ballot configurations (and there are in-person and mail-in versions of each one). So, they would have to sneak into each location and swap them out and get out without being caught or disturbing chain of custody seals.

Also, you can't just add votes. They know how many ballots are cast based on the voter rolls - in-person signatures/check-in and received/processed mail-in ballots checked against the rolls as received to prevent double voting. So, an algorithm designed to manufacture votes for Biden when Trump hits certain thresholds is an idea that someone who knew nothing about how elections are run would come up with.

2021-01-08 10:38:09 UTC  

ok the argument "I am more concerned with how places like GA could conduct a full hand recount (something nobody could have predicted) and have it tie out almost exactly. " umm if thats the way it happened but no. Same people that counted what are going to tell on themselves? Like the guy that took the TV from you house you dont claim did it you find the TV 1st. they dont just say hay look at this tv i took. Or when you ask to see in the house what do you think happen?

2021-01-08 12:02:11 UTC  

As for "for example, in the City of Detroit, there are 600 precincts and over 250 ballot configurations' what the heck is 250 ballot configurations? not sure if the 600 precincts are in Detroit seems a bit off as there are only like 980 in the entire county of Wayne where this city is located. so 250 configurations seems off they try very hard to keep them the same for the collection centers aka Cobo hall err now as of 2019 now TCF Center. possible you are referencing state wide 86 county's (i think) or for both primary and general elections. but yea every yr many problems and always downplayed from the media. here is an articaul about it as for the last statement you had about machines cannot change votes it is called mass adjudication interesting enuf there is a record of this but in Antrim County 2020 adjudication records missing Weird have them in the machine for previous elections. Just have another look at the report if you like. but the biggest kick in the teeth was when SOS saying trump could have request a hand recount of the entire state if he suspected fraud. then blocked all requests.

2021-01-08 12:59:04 UTC  

Testing. Testing. New to discord

2021-01-08 13:03:49 UTC  

You're good, yep!

2021-01-08 13:44:28 UTC  

you get that the people hand recounting the votes and the folks running the precincts are different people right? Local ballots have different cofigurations to custom include different local races but the same national races. If you wanted to break the system you would have to replace some of a wide variety of different configutations obviously if you just added 50k votes to a precinct that only has 3000 people that voted it would be pretty easy to detect the problems you are imagining but not explaining.

2021-01-08 16:47:32 UTC  

did they really try to make it look that? They went after satellites being used? I've heard better reasoning on Judge Judy

2021-01-08 16:48:16 UTC  

how did someone like Lin Wood ever pass the bar, cause God knows I couldn't.

2021-01-08 16:49:16 UTC  

Who knows? Maybe he had a brain at one point.

2021-01-08 16:50:23 UTC  

Until the democrat cabal lobotomized him and stole it to sacrifice its intellectual capacities to Biden.

2021-01-08 16:50:53 UTC  

Did he actually tweet that? Jesus...

2021-01-08 17:07:16 UTC  

At some point, it was no longer about what happened, but about what they could make people believe happened. This universal theory attempted to connect all of the dots about German servers being seized, votes being tabulated overseas, remote vote flipping (without any need to correct the paper ballot record to match, apparently), vote stoppages overseas, algorithms that broke the system to manufacture Biden votes (without any attempt to balance with voter roll counts), and... that's when I stopped listening because it had gone beyond the point of absurdity...

The new twist on this one is that it supposedly involved Barrack Obama, the CIA/FBI/MI6, the US Embassy in Italy, and Vatican owned satellites... because satellites can apparently create magical bidirectional connections into any network.

2021-01-08 17:08:17 UTC  

The Vatican? Maybe the Pope was behind Epstein's suicide too.

2021-01-08 17:08:52 UTC  

Would you agree everything would’ve been completely alleviated if all of the access to audit signatures, software and hardware was allowed? No raid on the Capitol?

2021-01-08 17:10:46 UTC  

to a certain extent maybe, I wouldn't go as far as to say it would make everyone calm down completely. I know Sen. Lankford said he hoped other members would join in being able to start an initiative to help states better secure and protect their elections but even he said after the raid that there was no chance of that happening.

2021-01-08 17:12:19 UTC  

'See what you made me do?'


2021-01-08 17:39:00 UTC  

No... I would not, because every election dispute in history has been resolved by recounts. That is the only legal remedy specified in any election. The difference in this case was the refusal by Donald Trump to accept the official results of the election. He had his days in court. They were unable to produce any amount of evidence to substantiate fraud - and there WERE cases where evidence was presented and accommodations made. No election in history was there a duplicated ballots audit as done in AZ or a signature audit as done in GA or a "forensic audit" as was agreed to in MI..

But the biggest indicator that there was no fraud is that there have been absolutely 0 arrests of anyone who is believed to have been involved with voter fraud of any scale for the presidential election. And criminal investigations do not require court authorizations. Law enforcement (which apparently 100% endorsed Trump) could and probably did attempt to follow up on allegations of voter fraud. If these investigations were fruitful, there could have been subpoenas issued for access to whatever is needed for the criminal case. Plus, leads could be followed up by private investigators who are often used by lawyers trying to build a case. 9 weeks of access to supposed "overwhelming evidence" and not one cop or PI in the country could make a case.

So... No... Donald Trump was never going to concede. He was always going to assert a massive conspiracy against him. Lack of proof of fraud would only have been proof to him that it had all been covered up as part of the massive conspiracy against him. In my opinion, the blame for the attack on the Capital buildings falls mostly on Donald Trump and to a lesser degree on his supporters who failed to see and accept what was happening as concession after concession was made and none of it resulted in evidence of anything other than a well executed election.

Only small scale fraud occurred and I hope they are all prosecuted to the fullest extent.

2021-01-08 17:44:52 UTC  

Dedkraken covered this, but recounts are not conducted by the same people. There is bipartisan participation. In the hand count, they literally sit next to each other and have to agree on who the ballot was cast for.

2021-01-08 18:18:50 UTC  

Regarding Detroit... I was doing it by memory. I just checked and there are 503 precincts in Detroit and 134 AVCB's. I am not sure how many ballot configurations there are, but I know that in MI jurisdictions of 250 or more precincts are allowed to have ACVB's count multiple precincts. I have been unable to find a map of precincts to AVCB's, so it is hard to tell. I know that in Antrim County when they forgot to ad a race, the mistake impacted 3 precincts. So, I am guessing that in a more densely populated area it would likely be a similar ratio or slightly less - hence the guess of 250. In any case, it is a significant amount of variation in ballot composition. See:

The statement about flipping was specifically in regards to this Italy conspiracy theory where the Vatican theoretically provided access to their satellites so the CIA/FBI/MI6 under the direction of Barrack Obama from the US Italian embassy were able to remotely initiate vote switching... It's a ridiculous theory, in my opinion.

In the case of mass adjudication... This isn't a thing. All states require that adjudication be conducted by panels made up of representatives from all factions involved and an election official. And in regards to Antrim County... the logs were not deleted, they never existed, because Antrim does not do on-screen adjudication - they do adjudication by hand. Also, the SoS of MI conducted a full hand recount of Antrim County and determined that the final results were spot on, which proved without a doubt that the adjudications were conducted fairly and accurately.

Lastly, Trump won Antrim County by 4k votes. Why would they ever choose that county to gain access to those machines? Seems illogical to me.

2021-01-08 19:55:24 UTC  


2021-01-08 19:55:25 UTC  

@BUD SMOKER, you just advanced to level 1!

2021-01-08 19:59:46 UTC  

What’s the tests that need done and remedy being sought on hardware software and signatures? Where is it supposed to happen nationwide? Who is going to do it? Every test that was allowed failed to prove anything and they just demanded more random odd tests because the next test and the next recount and the next lawsuit would “prove everything”. It’s always more and never enough evidence nothing happened

2021-01-08 20:14:40 UTC  

I wouldn't agree not after listening to the entire phone call between Trump and the GA sec of state. It was pretty obvious that Trump's mind was made up that he had won the state regardless of what the state officials (Republicans I might add) had to say or what evidence they offered to show him.

2021-01-08 20:51:58 UTC  

Does that include an investigation into the false water line break? Or what about the Republicans bein instructed to leave for the night and that counting was being halted and then the few staying and pulling out numerous cases from under a cloaked table and all returning to their perspective stations and returning to the count. You mean that? Oh yeah that's right nothing happened

2021-01-08 20:52:40 UTC  

You continue to spew b's why is that?

2021-01-08 20:55:12 UTC  

All the video is available in full for this time.

2021-01-08 20:55:22 UTC  

Can you answer those questions?

2021-01-08 20:56:04 UTC  

I assume that unspecified tests in unspecified locations will prove Trump won isn’t enough

2021-01-08 21:09:04 UTC  

Yes it does. The GA sec of state went over that in great detail in investigations. He made sure a TV station had all the video from that day, many hours, all timestamped and they went through every bit of it and came up with a detailed timeline. Every person in that video was interviewed by GBI (GA Bureau of Investigations). All the ballots and paperwork was accounted for. All the ballots were re-counted by hand NOT machines and the totals compared to what the machines got that night on that video. The ballots were even counted a third time by machine. And in the that phone call with the President, the GA sec of state offered to provide to him all this evidence. Go over it with his attorneys if needed. Offered to provide him the link of the video investigation and timeline and here's is Trump's response: "Trump: I don't care about the link. I don't need it. Brad, I have a much better link —" ... and on it goes, Trump doesn't care about searching out what is the true, he had already determined what he wanted the truth to be and pressured numerous folks to violate their oaths of office and "rig" the election after the count didn't go his way.