Message from @Kaiser

Discord ID: 797241257092841512

2021-01-08 17:44:52 UTC  

Dedkraken covered this, but recounts are not conducted by the same people. There is bipartisan participation. In the hand count, they literally sit next to each other and have to agree on who the ballot was cast for.

2021-01-08 18:18:50 UTC  

Regarding Detroit... I was doing it by memory. I just checked and there are 503 precincts in Detroit and 134 AVCB's. I am not sure how many ballot configurations there are, but I know that in MI jurisdictions of 250 or more precincts are allowed to have ACVB's count multiple precincts. I have been unable to find a map of precincts to AVCB's, so it is hard to tell. I know that in Antrim County when they forgot to ad a race, the mistake impacted 3 precincts. So, I am guessing that in a more densely populated area it would likely be a similar ratio or slightly less - hence the guess of 250. In any case, it is a significant amount of variation in ballot composition. See:

The statement about flipping was specifically in regards to this Italy conspiracy theory where the Vatican theoretically provided access to their satellites so the CIA/FBI/MI6 under the direction of Barrack Obama from the US Italian embassy were able to remotely initiate vote switching... It's a ridiculous theory, in my opinion.

In the case of mass adjudication... This isn't a thing. All states require that adjudication be conducted by panels made up of representatives from all factions involved and an election official. And in regards to Antrim County... the logs were not deleted, they never existed, because Antrim does not do on-screen adjudication - they do adjudication by hand. Also, the SoS of MI conducted a full hand recount of Antrim County and determined that the final results were spot on, which proved without a doubt that the adjudications were conducted fairly and accurately.

Lastly, Trump won Antrim County by 4k votes. Why would they ever choose that county to gain access to those machines? Seems illogical to me.

2021-01-08 19:55:24 UTC  


2021-01-08 19:55:25 UTC  

@BUD SMOKER, you just advanced to level 1!

2021-01-08 19:59:46 UTC  

What’s the tests that need done and remedy being sought on hardware software and signatures? Where is it supposed to happen nationwide? Who is going to do it? Every test that was allowed failed to prove anything and they just demanded more random odd tests because the next test and the next recount and the next lawsuit would “prove everything”. It’s always more and never enough evidence nothing happened

2021-01-08 20:14:40 UTC  

I wouldn't agree not after listening to the entire phone call between Trump and the GA sec of state. It was pretty obvious that Trump's mind was made up that he had won the state regardless of what the state officials (Republicans I might add) had to say or what evidence they offered to show him.

2021-01-08 20:51:58 UTC  

Does that include an investigation into the false water line break? Or what about the Republicans bein instructed to leave for the night and that counting was being halted and then the few staying and pulling out numerous cases from under a cloaked table and all returning to their perspective stations and returning to the count. You mean that? Oh yeah that's right nothing happened

2021-01-08 20:52:40 UTC  

You continue to spew b's why is that?

2021-01-08 20:55:12 UTC  

All the video is available in full for this time.

2021-01-08 20:55:22 UTC  

Can you answer those questions?

2021-01-08 20:56:04 UTC  

I assume that unspecified tests in unspecified locations will prove Trump won isn’t enough

2021-01-08 21:09:04 UTC  

Yes it does. The GA sec of state went over that in great detail in investigations. He made sure a TV station had all the video from that day, many hours, all timestamped and they went through every bit of it and came up with a detailed timeline. Every person in that video was interviewed by GBI (GA Bureau of Investigations). All the ballots and paperwork was accounted for. All the ballots were re-counted by hand NOT machines and the totals compared to what the machines got that night on that video. The ballots were even counted a third time by machine. And in the that phone call with the President, the GA sec of state offered to provide to him all this evidence. Go over it with his attorneys if needed. Offered to provide him the link of the video investigation and timeline and here's is Trump's response: "Trump: I don't care about the link. I don't need it. Brad, I have a much better link —" ... and on it goes, Trump doesn't care about searching out what is the true, he had already determined what he wanted the truth to be and pressured numerous folks to violate their oaths of office and "rig" the election after the count didn't go his way.

2021-01-08 21:35:40 UTC  

WE DEMAND ANSWERS (that we will selectively ignore).

2021-01-08 21:40:28 UTC  

I'm other news Sidney just got sued for 1.3 billion.

2021-01-08 22:31:21 UTC  

you statement "Trump won Antrim County by 4k votes. Why would they ever choose that county to gain access to those machines? Seems illogical to me." if you want why that was the place that Original 1st count went to Biden by 3000. people there was like thats odd and did a hand recount that provided the results that me see now. Dismissed as "Human Error" when they investigated they got once again "Nothing to see here" and here we are... 90% of my claim was not in direct dispute of yours just that it is not that black and white as it should be by now. but if you have miscounts to that degree with "Human error" what we saw in TCF would have been expected 30fold. now show us the ballots so that we might be able to fix it correctly for the next and see where we can or cannot do so...

2021-01-08 22:39:23 UTC  

The human error was in the way that they improperly handled the ballots with the missing race in 3 precincts. Rather than upload the new configuration to all of the voting machines, they only uploaded the updated ballot configurations to the voting stations in those three precincts. When they tried to process the ballots from those precincts, they were kicked out because the ballot definitions were out of sync. This resorted in a significant number of ballots not being processed correctly. When they realized the problem and were able to synchronize the definitions, they reprocessed them and all was good.

This is an example where the confirmation bias created in this election made them assume that there was foul play (in a Trump district) when there was nothing of the sort. But people will see boogeymen where they want to see boogeymen.

2021-01-08 22:45:27 UTC  

if you say so nothing needs to be Fixed and life from now on will just be unicorn farts. yea wee need unbias looks into all of this. you only see that there cannot be misfeasance and i still see goldfish voting...

2021-01-08 22:47:25 UTC  

Sounds like somebody is getting nervous. What you are describing is word for what regarding the current fraud video and statement yet you changed the facts the one the did an investigation of the Rome fraudulent vote actually indicates the the votes were sent all to biden

2021-01-08 22:47:55 UTC  

There are several video and statements out today

2021-01-08 23:12:00 UTC  

Not sure who you think is nervous... I am more than confident in my opinions I've been commenting on the "Italy Did It" nonsense for days... You can see my posts at length. You can start here, if you like:

2021-01-08 23:12:07 UTC  

@TaLoN132 how do you explain those usb drives with 6k votes? where's that from?

2021-01-08 23:12:46 UTC  

Are you referring to the ones in GA that were found during the canvass?

2021-01-08 23:13:01 UTC  

yeah, I think those are the ones

2021-01-08 23:19:21 UTC  

Those were always going to be found. Every state goes through a canvassing process to make sure that the number of ballots cast aligned with the number of individuals known to have voted. It shouldn't happen, but this was only the second time with a whole new election system.

2021-01-08 23:27:22 UTC  

You know I was talking to a friend of mine today in Florida both of us are from NY state her upstate me the city....I am currently in Georgia.....I have seen such blatant disrespect for the Constitution.......okay so now our government is blue........we can throw them the rope and pray they hang themselves if they do we may have a shot in 2 years to roll the senate red...hopefully not too much damage done in 2 years, and if so my reverse some of it......It will be an easier feta to roll the senate than to try to get the next presidential to be a republican.......we will need 2 things : a rising star (aka another Trump like Republican-non establishment) to run for president to continue the type of republican party we need to run the government, and we will also need the electoral process to be overhauled specifically in GA/PA/MI/WI/AZ/NV and get rid of every dominion machine in the country......big feat that should be our focus put the electoral process back to what the original state constitution has written for each state and find a Star.......

2021-01-08 23:27:26 UTC  

so I'm right in my thinking that no one disputes that there were usbs which flipped some votes?

2021-01-08 23:27:49 UTC  

when I google now it just shows left leaning websites debunking the existance of usb sticks

2021-01-08 23:29:15 UTC  

Well Kaiser they pocketed the usb's and shredded all ballots in Fulton GA we will never know... we have a corrupt judge/s Stacy Abrams sister and other crazy stuff going on....need to get rind of gov Kemp and sec of state brad to start out will replace with normal senator

2021-01-08 23:38:18 UTC  

you left out the part where 2 of the counters are clearly seen running the same stack of ballots through the scanners 3 and 4 times before moving on. All part of the legit proccess though 🤣

2021-01-08 23:40:44 UTC  

You can think of no legitimate means in which this may have to be done? Oof.

2021-01-08 23:42:24 UTC  

Language, mister!

2021-01-08 23:42:54 UTC  

I think he was unbanned yesterday? Dunno if he got permabanned.

2021-01-08 23:43:00 UTC  

Saw him tweeting this morning.

2021-01-08 23:43:14 UTC  

Show me them rules then?

2021-01-08 23:43:33 UTC  

SFW and non-18+ language, because the channel is marked as PG.

2021-01-08 23:43:37 UTC  

He was but it was just made permanent

2021-01-08 23:44:19 UTC  

So I can’t insult a Publisher?

2021-01-08 23:44:33 UTC  

You can, but generally with less adult language.

2021-01-08 23:46:04 UTC  

if it was due to an error they would have had to do something on the computer before re-scanning them wouldn't they? All i seen was them them take the stacks of scanned ballots out of scanner... hit them on desk a few times to get them all ready for scanning again, then instantly put them back in.... multiple times, back to back

2021-01-08 23:46:16 UTC  

Remember, we kinda want Robert and folks to be able to browse this while being at work.

2021-01-08 23:47:08 UTC  

That’s the more PG-13 insult I have for it