Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 797249849144901644

2021-01-08 23:12:00 UTC  

Not sure who you think is nervous... I am more than confident in my opinions I've been commenting on the "Italy Did It" nonsense for days... You can see my posts at length. You can start here, if you like:

2021-01-08 23:12:07 UTC  

@TaLoN132 how do you explain those usb drives with 6k votes? where's that from?

2021-01-08 23:12:46 UTC  

Are you referring to the ones in GA that were found during the canvass?

2021-01-08 23:13:01 UTC  

yeah, I think those are the ones

2021-01-08 23:19:21 UTC  

Those were always going to be found. Every state goes through a canvassing process to make sure that the number of ballots cast aligned with the number of individuals known to have voted. It shouldn't happen, but this was only the second time with a whole new election system.

2021-01-08 23:27:22 UTC  

You know I was talking to a friend of mine today in Florida both of us are from NY state her upstate me the city....I am currently in Georgia.....I have seen such blatant disrespect for the Constitution.......okay so now our government is blue........we can throw them the rope and pray they hang themselves if they do we may have a shot in 2 years to roll the senate red...hopefully not too much damage done in 2 years, and if so my reverse some of it......It will be an easier feta to roll the senate than to try to get the next presidential to be a republican.......we will need 2 things : a rising star (aka another Trump like Republican-non establishment) to run for president to continue the type of republican party we need to run the government, and we will also need the electoral process to be overhauled specifically in GA/PA/MI/WI/AZ/NV and get rid of every dominion machine in the country......big feat that should be our focus put the electoral process back to what the original state constitution has written for each state and find a Star.......

2021-01-08 23:27:26 UTC  

so I'm right in my thinking that no one disputes that there were usbs which flipped some votes?

2021-01-08 23:27:49 UTC  

when I google now it just shows left leaning websites debunking the existance of usb sticks

2021-01-08 23:29:15 UTC  

Well Kaiser they pocketed the usb's and shredded all ballots in Fulton GA we will never know... we have a corrupt judge/s Stacy Abrams sister and other crazy stuff going on....need to get rind of gov Kemp and sec of state brad to start out will replace with normal senator

2021-01-08 23:38:18 UTC  

you left out the part where 2 of the counters are clearly seen running the same stack of ballots through the scanners 3 and 4 times before moving on. All part of the legit proccess though 🤣

2021-01-08 23:40:44 UTC  

You can think of no legitimate means in which this may have to be done? Oof.

2021-01-08 23:42:24 UTC  

Language, mister!

2021-01-08 23:42:54 UTC  

I think he was unbanned yesterday? Dunno if he got permabanned.

2021-01-08 23:43:00 UTC  

Saw him tweeting this morning.

2021-01-08 23:43:14 UTC  

Show me them rules then?

2021-01-08 23:43:33 UTC  

SFW and non-18+ language, because the channel is marked as PG.

2021-01-08 23:43:37 UTC  

He was but it was just made permanent

2021-01-08 23:44:19 UTC  

So I can’t insult a Publisher?

2021-01-08 23:44:33 UTC  

You can, but generally with less adult language.

2021-01-08 23:46:04 UTC  

if it was due to an error they would have had to do something on the computer before re-scanning them wouldn't they? All i seen was them them take the stacks of scanned ballots out of scanner... hit them on desk a few times to get them all ready for scanning again, then instantly put them back in.... multiple times, back to back

2021-01-08 23:46:16 UTC  

Remember, we kinda want Robert and folks to be able to browse this while being at work.

2021-01-08 23:47:08 UTC  

That’s the more PG-13 insult I have for it

2021-01-08 23:47:28 UTC  

When they open it and it produces an error, it likely reconfigures a batch.

2021-01-08 23:47:53 UTC  

I don't even think it counts it unless you explicitly have no faulty runs.

2021-01-08 23:49:31 UTC  

Also keep in mind, this would be the most 2Head way of committing fraud, as it'd be really easy to tell it was done.

2021-01-08 23:49:49 UTC  

And would raise massive flags on any sort of recount.

2021-01-09 00:05:08 UTC  

the recount that republicans once again couldn't do their jobs as poll watchers and oversee anything you mean? And i agree, it would be easy to tell if it was done... in an audit... which apparently none of the problem districts could allow. If it was legit, should have just let some actual audits happen, instead of trying hiding everything and leaving people uncertain. A lot of people will never trust elections again now.

2021-01-09 00:05:09 UTC  

@ArcaneLyrixx, you just advanced to level 1!

2021-01-09 00:25:51 UTC  

and you left out the part where these same ballots along with all 5 million ballots in GA were recounted not once but twice ... so total of three counts all showing the same result ... never mind the check that the number of ballots versus the number of voters was double-checked in each and every precinct (that's how they found a few extra mail-in ballots for Trump in some rural county where they received the ballots but forgot to run through the machines) ... never mind the signature audit check they did in one county where they randomly sampled the signed envelopes and hand checked some 15k signatures using signature experts from GBI and sec of state office, found 10 potential problems, tracked down every one of them and only 2 were eventually be found to not be acceptable (one voter signed on the front and one voter's wife signed for him) but could have been cured and were actual ballots voted by actual registered voters ... yeah they covered all this up alright 🤦

2021-01-09 00:28:38 UTC  

Parler is down, apple says they won't allow it on their platform

2021-01-09 00:33:57 UTC  

Trump banned from twitter permanently. insane

2021-01-09 00:53:03 UTC  

Good thing I’ve had it for a while

2021-01-09 00:54:33 UTC  

Parler is only down because so many people are joining at the same time. Apple removing it from the app store does nothing to its web servers.
You guys are honestly so dumb

2021-01-09 00:59:57 UTC  

It’s like Bitchute. They don’t like either

2021-01-09 01:14:27 UTC  

But Parler wasn't down because anyone dislikes it, quite the opposite. Parler servers crashed because too many people joined at once.

2021-01-09 01:14:27 UTC  

@Christian0214, you just advanced to level 1!

2021-01-09 01:21:58 UTC  

What @huntingkc said is true. Apple doesn’t like it like Fortnite but they don’t have any impact on their servers. It may be that the bandwidth was exceeded as more people are joining Parler as Trump got banned from publishers

2021-01-09 02:00:45 UTC  

What's the difference between our voting system and area 51 ?
We'll never know what's true! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

2021-01-09 02:03:07 UTC  

That absolutely did not happen...

2021-01-09 02:20:47 UTC  

tough day i guess

2021-01-09 02:44:36 UTC  

so much for healing and unity, kinda glad I moved to Ottawa a few months back.