Message from @PatrickAZ
Discord ID: 531683279326281750
I did enjoy it but it challenged me so I took my time with it. Maybe it’s a bit more of a personal read
And I mean I took my sweet ass time
I am gonna cruise through white identity
@Alex Kolchak - NY 4th political theory is a combination of communism and fascism
5th political theory is communism, fascism and liberalism
6th political theory is communism, fascism, liberalism , and libertarianism
The 6th political theory is where you have a homogeneous society with strong borders that organizes workers into interest groups to redistribute the wealth and the seize the means of productions while also allowing to have gay marriage and guns
and based
and redpilled
that's unironically pretty close to my political views
Sounds like Richard Spencer
I support
> nationalism
> some left wing economics
> not necessarily gay marriage, but I don't wanna outright oppress them or anything
> gun rights
I'm literally a 6th political theorist
I’m on board except the economics
Gay culture should be fringe
Public displays of sexuality are incredibly vulgar
The problem with putting up gay pride flags in public, especially areas with children, is that it's inherently sexual symbolism
Young people shouldn't be thinking about that at all, and even older people shouldn't be sexualized 24/7
That being said, if we acknowledge biological determinism, sexual orientation isn't really a choice. If someone is gay and not bothering anyone, we should just leave them alone.
yes, that could be a fair way to put it
that's true but the issue is that outright suppression is necessary or you get this globohomo obligated faggotry.
we have today*
There is a gene for sexuality but it isn’t a gay gene. It’s just some men have the like men gene. And it’s also triggered by child abuse
Depends what suppression would look like
This is a theory I've heard. There's certain genes that make you really attracted to a particular body part. If a women ends up with the gene that makes her really attracted to penises, she just becomes really promiscuous. If a man has it, he becomes gay.
This can explain why the genes for homosexuality manage to reproduce themselves, which otherwise would have seemed kind of paradoxical.
The militant, in your face, fringe of the lgbt community is unfortunately the loudest and most obnoxious but does not encompass all gay people.
it's not a palatable discussion topic but it is something that has to be removed. correct, that's why outward suppression is necessary to not promligate the gene. I guess the issue is also having the cultural pressing for homosexuals to marry, you may infact be continuing homosexuality and not letting it be weeded out.
@PatrickAZ Gay people are borne of straight parents though they are not borne of gay parents
@Grayson that's true but it's also like the based minorities, they'll weather any storm because they are willing to remove their personhood for a better opportunity.
Well, at the same time, do you really want to suppress them to the point that they're getting themselves into unhappy marriages due to social pressure? Better to just let people admit that they're gay, and as long as they don't shove it in your face, leave them alone.
@Grayson of course. it's recessive and it is more effeminity not outright "homosexuality"
oy vey. I dunno. I see that as a slippery slope either way.
I’ve plenty of friends who married women and tried really hard to be straight and everybody was miserable and some committed suicide.
I understand that.
As I understand it there was very effective conversion therapy research suppressed by the gays
Frankly, I'm not convinced ANYONE is born gay. Every homosexual I've known had family issues and/or suffered from sexual assault. Or are just perverts/pedophiles
correct. I think that there are much stricter measures that we could promligate. not just the live let live mentality...
Milo Yiannopoulis even said he doesn't think people are born gay
@Nico The Great - CA no you can’t say that bro. Come on now.