Message from @Eazy-E (Sami come back!)
Discord ID: 785932448964935701
@boazzie memes are for memes we have debate 3 now
👍 What did yall think about this <@&771015502902067250> <@&771015472425598985>
Give image perms for this channel rq
I dont even have them
do you guys think britain is moving too fast? With the vaccine approval?
Nigga you have admin
I dont have image perms here
Idk why
Don’t tell me he didn’t actually give administrator perms
Sometimes he takes them away
But also
This is a new channel
So it’s perms arent probably set up
Then set them up
I cant lol
do you think the vaccine will be effective? and or will be safe?
It might be effective in the people it is safe for but i don't trust that it is safe
I hope it’ll be effective
May I ask @Divine Fischy, why do u have capitalist and socialist roles?
I'm a curious guy haha
he is confuse, but he got the spirit
That's the point, no? Having the spirit😅
@Thaddeus M. it’s cuz I have some left wing views and some right wing views
Free Phillip Manshaus
Based centrism ftw
@justkaus why are you both pro life and pro abortion at the same time lol?
Cuz I support abortion till the fetus isint alive. Which IMO means till the time it gets a heart beat
oh so about 5-6 weeks?
I support abortion up until the third trimester, after that point it should only be allowed if you have medical complications
Even in the second trimester, it’s developing the traits of a human being. That’s messed up.
if i suck my homies meat, am i gay?
thats being homiesexual