Discord ID: 479769433208913940
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The trump lord is here
Already do e
Snitch 9?
Now I got some liberals to piss off byeeee
05 noobs
Oh yeah if i blow it up with my trump stuff you know you are in the group lololo
Joe can kiss my a**
> if Trump loses im gonna keep my Trump flag
@minecraftgamer420 trump wont loose
Joe has no change
Sleepy creepy uncle joe
He cant remember where he is
The debate was funny I was dead laughing at biden
Lmfao joe
Honestly joe biden can’t do shit
Dont get me wrong
I’m always out making my liberal neighbors pissed
I have a 4x6 trump sign
Oh its already a mondter
Waiiit it might be wrong
Oh yes yes
Lmfao Obama and joe did🤣🤣🤣
Lmfao camaro
Mine doesnt till 5 am
Thats when I stop making liberals mad
I got to see air force 1 so it was pretty cool ngl
Its dark for me
@Psychotics ohio?
My uncle compains for trump
So I know when they are in town
I saw the ss get their gun cases and put them in their cars
Don’t mess with our secret service
Your ass will be whipped
@xd_gangster69 Just ask russia
Anyone agree with me making liberals mad is fun?
Its fun I always piss them off
Lmfao “joe I cant meet you i got a sniffing appointment”
Enjoy that.
I cant stand kamala
My liberal neighbors wont be happy 🙂
Omfg i thought of that
My neighbors has JOE BIDEN SIGNS and he doesnt like Joe or trump
Im like wtf are you even doing
Uhhh i like trump forign policies
Im like buddy the fuck outta here
Lol yup
Oh yea anyone wanna hear a story?
Hell no
My family can’t stand joe biden
Lol @KingZapapple 2nd amendment shoot on signt
My grandparents support joe
I’m like when you cone over for Christmas when trump is in office have fucking fun because my room has trump shit
> liberal ass governments will 100% take your guns and probably send you to jail
@minecraftgamer420 facts
Coming in illegally hmmm
joe wants open borders
No police
No military
What else
Can I get myself into
Also anyone like my private status
> you cant seriously believe Joe actually wants open borders
@minecraftgamer420 it wont happen
mail in voting is rigged!
Kneeling isnt
If you kneel you should be kicked off the team
> I remember every time my dad sat down each of me and and my siblings and told us how to act if we are pulled over so we dont get shot its just common pratice
@JDButAPilot🇺🇸 damn right
Stand for the Flag Kneel for the cross
not kneel for the anthem
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