Discord ID: 548567624209006595

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I personally think there is a meaning to life, but it isnt given to us by some sort of entity. Our meaning in life is what we make it, and it is a malleable ever changing thing that can be influenced by others.

Yeah their meaning is to be a cop, until they change their minds and become something they like more later on or whatever y'know?

@External bro nice conspiracy sheet

<:emoji_60:771472937295413279> I spent all day yesterday telling people there was none. Like bruh

The only "good evidence" comes from project fucking veritas

And the only reason its "good" is because it has videos

Is this your dumpster ballots?

Aight one sex

Dude got fired yeah


Biden is about 12k ahead

Which is a decent lead for a state that's completely empty, 76% reporting, and slow as fuck at counting

<:emoji_31:767137189225431111> feelsbadman

Yeah, I think people have a right to live

But it's an arguement of it's own if fetuses in the womb are people

Do you value economy over humanity? And earth?

So you're fine with literally all life disappearing and everyone dying so long as some rich people make more money for the next few decades?

Let's be honest in a system of capitalism, especially one that you want. The poor wouldnt be getting much richer, and they certainly wouldnt be getting more benefits

So only the rich would privilege

We kill actual humans all the time so

Also please get a name I can tag


No, we kill innocent people too


Brain dead people

Anyone ever just, create a new nation?

They arent suffering they feel nothing

They are brain dead

They dont think

They dont feel

But they are alive

<@398034001006166017> at the cost of limiting women's freedom and burdening the mother? Especially since they most likely will create a horrible life for the child?

<@398034001006166017> you dont always have that control

So abstinence is the only way then?

State enforced abstinence

@George Penny why is it the women's fault she got pregnant?

Why not the mans?

> Unless she wants to become a murderer
@George Penny

Yeah but the woman never wanted the baby

She either got raped or just wanted sex

@George Penny yeah but she still has to go through pregnancy and labor

Not to mention the fact that you seem to not actually care about the child

A shitty life?

Where it will probably die young or kill itself?

Could you explain how an unwanted child who gets cast away is good at all?

For how long?

They are more likely to be poor

@justkaus oh well a child has a right to live....a fetus is debatable

We kill plenty of humans

Not just evil mean criminals either

Innocent people die all the time

So you wanna protect all human life yes?

Make sure people can live?

@justkaus yeah, innocent humans die all the time

@George Penny so you support healthcare?

@George Penny why not? It helps innocent people stay alive

So does forced childbirth come at the cost of a womans money and time, and the doctors and hospitals

No its relevant

Becaude if you cared about human life you would support these things which help humans live

Which you dont

Or we could raise taxes slightly and direct funds from other places

@justkaus yeah but you guys wanna protect life? Sacrifice military spending

@justkaus higher taxes arent going to kill people, especially if we use this brilliant thing called tax brackets and redirecting funds

As for military idc about killing iraqis

But this does relate to pro life actually

Because my viewpoint of pro lifers

Is that their actually just anti choice

They dont care about life

They care about limiting women's rights

@Mr.Respect fetuses actually

Because it's my body

@Mr.Respect its inside of me, connected to me, hardly independently thinking. I wouldnt even consider it a person.

@Mr.Respect don't force me to do something when your morals are inconsistent

@Mr.Respect you wanna force me to give birth

Your morals are inconsistent in that you do not want the best lives possible or the best chances for people to live

> Well youโ€™re killing them
@Mr.Respect they arent people

@Mr.Respect yeah but not people

And the man's fault

> So why should the baby pay for it?
@George Penny because it's a fetus first of all, and secondly nobody wants it, and thirdly it will most likely have a horrible and short life. Why burden people only to cause more suffering?

> Why short?
@Mr.Respect they will probably die young, suicide, etc.

You ever been poor or unwanted?

@George Penny no I wanna help them, but they dont inconvienence people, and you guys dont really wanna help them so yeah

I mean you guys on the right advocate for those people to die

<:pepelaughingemote:767137824998686751> peoples lives dint become Roses and sunshine from jobs

They need to work multiple jobs in this capitalist hellhole

And it's not easy to get one either

Dont ancaps like freetrade?

Ye I can see

Because you said that

That's not socialist, that's just welfare nations

Socdem at best

Which isnt really socialist

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