Jake Statefarm

Discord ID: 778067110857277440

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Give image perms for this channel rq

Nigga you have admin

Donโ€™t tell me he didnโ€™t actually give administrator perms

Then set them up

A channel that is literally just called Ohio

They can just check notifs

You're named Antonio

and asking him to Vc

Being named Antonio is a huge fucking red flag

Youโ€™re black

So you all can see it

I hate black people

Why are you not racist?
Why canโ€™t you just be smart

Itโ€™s not racist if Iโ€™m black

It should be noted

Iโ€™m not black

Oh how wrong you are.

The Asians hate everyone ngl

Thatโ€™s just them being them

Us Hispanics hate everyone who isnโ€™t Hispanic

Note โ€œhateโ€ whites

Itโ€™s more of making fun of them because of things like โ€œwhite guiltโ€ and how they let that control their lives

You havenโ€™t seen my grandfather

He genuinely hates black people

Honest to god heโ€™d send them all to hell

He dislikes everyone who isnโ€™t Hispanic basically

But holds a special hatred for blacks due to life experiences

Watch out everyone

Josh is here and heโ€™s gonna abuse his mod to everyone who dislikes him

Your brothers a pussy

Youโ€™re Jewish lmfao

He doesnโ€™t really do it anymore but when he had head mod thatโ€™s all he fucking did lol

How did you get stupider over time

I remember the time when my friend Danny brought sprite cranberries to school,

Some nigga piece of shit came up

Grabbed one without saying anything

And just walked away

Fucking average black thief

Fucking this time this year Iโ€™ve been kicked

I didnโ€™t bypass

Nigga ainโ€™t against the rules

This is why you donโ€™t give women power

White women that is

Itโ€™s just that white women are fucking cringe

And Iโ€™m only thanking you because of whatโ€™s about to happen

Compensation basically

I mean she thinks all lives matter

Of course she doesnโ€™t

265 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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