Al <3
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Say no to slow Joe and the quid pro hoe 🧐
How many times a day do you think Biden has to be reminded his name, his location and what positioning he’s running for..?
They don’t do the majority of what they promise..
That’s racist 🧐
Who can?
> Fantastic speaker, terrible leader.
@Arkayde Amen to that that
> That reminds me... who do you guys think the republican candidates will be in 2024?
@Rocci I have no idea.. that’ll be the first election I can participate in, so dear lord please let it be someone good 😂
> That’s how politics work
@Dinglesplat True.. what I should say is I hope it’s someone whom holds good values and won’t run this country into the ground.
> @Adx cali too
@Dinglesplat + NY
I don’t think Ivanka would be wise.. I respect the woman but she is very liberal
Pence is great.. I’d like to see him as president
> And I'd trust a ham sandwich before I trust dems
@SpaceDandyJoestarGG Amen 😆
Yeah, right
That was amazing to watch
I need to look into these names.. cause I’m clueless to the majority.
Hopefully Hillary Clinton is dead by then 🧐
That wouldn’t be creepy..
The sky’s up 🙃
Omg 🤣
I may be wrong, but does @john wayne seem to be just jotting down any name that comes to mind for a candidate..?
It’s also a guys name.. as was Ashley, Meredith.. Etc.
Never been.. sorry 😂
Oh, ok. My bad. Sorry.
> my man just wanted to play scrabble
@PROPHET And bro, imma girl 😂
Thanks, tho
> Partners Forever. 👍
@Rocci When’s the wedding?
> Wait it's dementia
@SpaceDandyJoestarGG His one and only friend..
> Nah not true he was probably friends with Epstein
@SpaceDandyJoestarGG Oml 🤣
Y’all are too much.. 🤣
> I just got over pneumonia. it was fun coughing in all the grocery stores and freaking out the blacks and karens.
@nadrud Yeah.. feels like a crime to cough.. or sneeze nowadays 😂
I worked in a dental office.. most patients are older.. try sneezing there. It’s like you declared you have a bomb on you.
Fr.. I love those old cartoons 😂
Damn.. I feel late to the party 😂
Seems the server has died out for the night.. Adios.
Oh, and @Rocci..
You’re great 😂
God bless
Wow.. there’s an art chat room? Yay
Ik.. I was checkin out the other servers. I’m excited now. Guess you’ll have to put up with me a lil while longer 🙃
I have all kinds of stuff to share here 😁
Thanks. N yeah 👍
Thank you. I have nothing better to do at midnight, so I will continue spamming this room with art 😂
> Morning everyone! Hope y'all re having a spectacular Wednesday and everything is going swell for ya! Stay safe whether it's outside or inside, and stay hydrated :3
@~D J~ Aw, same to you! 💕
Think slow Joe believes in little green men..? 🧐
Right 🤣
> For resident
@its_Jimmy There ya go
> @Al <3 thats the scariest thing that i've ever seen
@Dinglesplat Almost creepy as Kennith Copeland
Me too 😆
Yeah.. My favorite 😂
The movies were good, tho. They wrapped it up well
> Really? Haven’t watched them
@Kaladin Yeah, you should.
I used nontoxic hair dye on my cat..
He was on the counter when I was dying my hair.. he’s not allowed up there, so I put a strip down his head. Then hosed him off.. Haven’t seen him on the counter since 🙃
He’s pretty chill.. 😂
He actually likes the camera
Awe 🥺
As I said.. he’s pretty chill. And he’s CONSTANTLY purring 😂
How cute 😆
That’s a gorgeous kitter-cat
That’s really neat; bravo 👏
It’s sad.
What happened to respect through war? Now they’re just playing dirty
> I never attended boy scouts, but if I see a flag being burned imma beat some ass
@Chuck Norris' beard🇮🇱 You’re not alone there
It’s genuinely disgusting. They’re talking ‘equality’ too far.
> Hello
@ThiccTomato Bonjourno
The false equality in Boy Scouts is similar to the racism in this country. It’s racist to mention skin color, unless they’re calling while people “white privileged”. It’s not raciest at ALL when that is said 🙄
> This is good topic
@Apathetic Right. It’s going full circle
> @Al <3 It literally goes with everything
@Apathetic It’s disgusting. I get that black people were treated unfairly. But it’s ludicrous to expect us to apologize for something that our generations had no part in. The Irish aren’t expecting apologies for the way they were treated in this country. Nor are the Chinese.
> Michelle Obama is joke she shows footage of blue states and blames it on trump
@SeatedGamer Ahem... Don’t you mean Michael..? 😏
He’s pretty
> I'm weird.
@Arkayde Trust me.. You aren’t alone 😂
> Education requirement: Know the difference between a rhino and a hippo, have passed the 6th grade, and understand basic economics
@Hank The The And know how many states there are.. if that was a requirement in 08 Obama never woulda got it.
> Must have an IQ greater than the room temperature of a classroom situated in Chicago. So at least double digits
@Hank The The You have high expectations... 🧐
> @Hank The The
> I'll have you know that I read at a third grade level!
@Arkayde Yk.. I can read at a doctorate level.. But half the time I can’t spell for nothin’. 🤷♀️
> That's impressive. I didn't know that ANYBODY could read a doctor's handwriting.
@Arkayde That’s not what that means.. 😂
> I sense a women among us
@ThiccTomato 🙋♀️
Sniff me tho, I’ll kick your ass
> Btw there’s only one gender
@ThiccTomato Elaborate?
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