Message from @𝔾/𝔾

Discord ID: 712980799015616552

2020-05-20 21:23:02 UTC  

Is this why Jesse calls Obama the fallen messiah?

2020-05-20 21:59:01 UTC  

@Rendezvous he called him the Fallen Messiah years before. Only because almost every black preacher in America in the times of first Obama election called him black Messiah. So, blacks again was fooled. And Messiah appears to be child of the devil.

2020-05-20 22:02:56 UTC  

Even if you not believe in God and reasonable mysticism. Every person with little common sense can see Obama full of shit.

2020-05-20 22:47:40 UTC

2020-05-20 22:51:48 UTC  

> @Rendezvous he called him the Fallen Messiah years before. Only because almost every black preacher in America in the times of first Obama election called him black Messiah. So, blacks again was fooled. And Messiah appears to be child of the devil.
@𝔾/𝔾 the headline is from 2010 though

2020-05-21 00:06:32 UTC  

She looks 50 and 16 at the same time

2020-05-21 05:20:08 UTC  

He just black

2020-05-21 05:47:31 UTC  

@Rendezvous you can call Jesse on the Show and ask about this article. It's could be cool.

2020-05-21 10:19:53 UTC  

I don't live in the US, i would call as i have so many more questions like what does it mean you become what you hate? Is getting inspired and becoming like someone the same thing? Do i hate my inspirations?

2020-05-21 10:37:52 UTC  

@Rendezvous just for scientific purposes. You Arab? Or from middle east?

2020-05-21 10:38:42 UTC  

None, India 🇮🇳

2020-05-21 10:39:02 UTC  

Lol kinda same for me

2020-05-21 10:39:29 UTC  

We should have a chat room here where only Jesse replies to our questions

2020-05-21 10:41:18 UTC  

No it's not supposed to be this way. You should ask yourself and don't search answer inside your head. And everything will be reveal to you

2020-05-21 10:42:22 UTC  

I've been thinking about this for a while, the answer hasn't revealed itself. I understand what you're saying though

2020-05-21 10:44:07 UTC  

Fear only God and don't make idols from other things and people. Funny trick that everything already there for you. You don't get it only because you overeact/overthinking and make about it the big deal. You should let everything go.

2020-05-21 10:45:19 UTC  

I know Indians. Indians almost the same like russian. Just we don't shit on streets. Apparently.

2020-05-21 10:46:23 UTC  

But in the most part we have the same situation. Just you gays have really good weather.

2020-05-21 10:48:09 UTC  

We had a summer delay by almost 2 months this year. Weather's Amazin'

2020-05-21 10:51:09 UTC  

@Rendezvous and for your question you can buy his little book 7 guarantee steps for family and spiritual success. Really good little guide. And I see your answer inside this book. But you should see it for yourself not just because somebody said it.

2020-05-21 10:52:01 UTC  

Thanks Jesus

2020-05-21 10:54:15 UTC  

I use Amazon Kindle but you can get real book with his authagraph from his site. Reabuilding the men . Com

2020-05-21 10:56:47 UTC  

You came find everything in <#458314537821798401>

2020-05-21 10:58:10 UTC  

great book

2020-05-21 10:58:58 UTC  

there used to be a channel to ask jlp questions and he would actually answer. but i havnt seen it in a while.

2020-05-21 14:08:51 UTC  

My question is: Can we get an update on the building fund? They seem to be deliberately avoiding the question for some reason. What is there to hide?

2020-05-21 14:38:38 UTC  

@R-Zone Gamer Jesse isn't a publicly traded company he can give the money to a random junkie on the street and that junkie can go buy heroin with the money and shoot the heroin into his dick if he wants. If you are serious about supporting Jesse, join his patreon, he's up to 68 subscribers! But sadly he's not earning in so much money there, you can add to the community if you like by supporting at

2020-05-21 14:39:38 UTC  

My problem isn't that he can't do whatever he wants with the donations. My problem is that he raised a TON of money and (I'm speculating) lied about what it's being used for. He deceived people who wanted to support his move to another building.

2020-05-21 14:40:32 UTC  

Jesse's not a publicly traded company, you're not the IRS so I would just stop using this discord to ask private questions about others. Why don't you go on ahead and call him yourself? I need you to stop asking publicly like we are Jesse's bank.

2020-05-21 14:41:02 UTC  

you are trying to start shit, there's no two ways about it

2020-05-21 14:42:03 UTC  

I seriously am not trying to start anything.

2020-05-21 14:42:20 UTC  

others aren't going to rally with you on this, you're not going to form a posse here, you're not organizing any protest here either. nobody else cares.

2020-05-21 14:42:47 UTC  

I'm not saying I'm the IRS, but why is being curious about where the thousands of dollars of donations went a problem?

2020-05-21 14:42:54 UTC  

hundreds of thousands

2020-05-21 14:43:00 UTC  

If he was being honest, I'd think he'd willingly tell us.

2020-05-21 14:43:02 UTC  


2020-05-21 14:43:29 UTC  

why is someone else's money your business ever?

2020-05-21 14:43:54 UTC  

I'm not saying it is. I'm saying that if Jesse wanted to be transparent, why is there any shame about telling us where the money went.

2020-05-21 14:44:02 UTC  

it's not your business, not my business. if he raised several million great.