
Discord ID: 694970369727135841

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Sex out of wedlock is not good for the kids, neither your partner's mental well being and nor yours. It's a mess. Stay off the pot married people

I heard this call from guy asking how can satan become daddy if evil is a woman's nature

Jesse said maybe satan is a transgender or something


Jesse continues... No wonder Satan is pushing the transgender agenda

Jesse's bank story from the church session is amazing

Can we have Mark Dice on the fallen state?

> Jesse needs to see what the ghana president told the french president
@NoobGai yes, please do this, amazing speech

Is this why Jesse calls Obama the fallen messiah?

> @Rendezvous he called him the Fallen Messiah years before. Only because almost every black preacher in America in the times of first Obama election called him black Messiah. So, blacks again was fooled. And Messiah appears to be child of the devil.
@๐”พ/๐”พ the headline is from 2010 though

I don't live in the US, i would call as i have so many more questions like what does it mean you become what you hate? Is getting inspired and becoming like someone the same thing? Do i hate my inspirations?

We should have a chat room here where only Jesse replies to our questions

Make a chat room where Jesse replies to our questions?

I've been thinking about this for a while, the answer hasn't revealed itself. I understand what you're saying though

We had a summer delay by almost 2 months this year. Weather's Amazin'

As in their mind world is black vs white not black and white

White history month on

Jlp on Alex Jones show. I'll have to smoke on it

I see, all I hear is some chants in the video

Jesse is heard around the world by everybody and their mama

I've dated an orissa girl when I was in the fallen state. LOL

> I like the Sikh. I first went to a Gurudwara in the 90s. they sold me some Tabla
@J_G_ amazing story

These smart Indians need to stay here and fix our country

> @Rendezvous no they all need deported
@Deleted User what daaaa? > These smart Indians need to stay here and fix our country
@Rendezvous are you referring to this?

BLM was founded by a bunch of Black Lesbeeeyans

Evil Radical far left agitative group founded by a bunch of black lesbeeyans

Gotta watch the fallen state with amber rose again

I would but do you have slots to add more emojis?

> Yeah sorry man you're better off asking someone else cuz I don't know much about that stuff
@Stephen Will you're the moderator LOL

No i meant the timestamp for the haunting part

> also the trip on which Rodman discovered critical intel that he revealed to all the world, the existence of Kim Jong-Un's daughter
@Japheth source?

> i made that koala harris pic for The Donald discord server lol
@Dark Rose that's where I got it from

164 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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