Message from @Numbnuts180
Discord ID: 774125547030577194
When they say it under oath then I'm more willing to listen
@Elzam you have met a lot more ethical people than I have in this universe 😂
lol, based on nothing at all.
it's almost as if just saying it makes it true
Presidents as do military, police and other government employees take an oath... To protect and defend from all enemies foreign and domestic.
If state employees or voters were encouraged to commit fraud for Harris /biden to steal this election.
Trump can't just be polite and overlook it so that he appears a Gracious loser.
The crimes included in hunter Biden's laptop have not been investigated and social media has suppressed.
None of this is a game. If a majority vote in socialism then I'll move elsewhere.
But if the presidency is stolen by fraud, a peaceful transition cannot occur. It would be a coup.
Where would you move?
If you have already decided it's fraud, the die is cast.
When you take a look around, we are pretty much the only center-right developed nation left
no good alternatives
Let's tone down the coup stuff. I trust our judicial system and especially if it comes down to scotus. If the president loses, he loses. I don't think it's the end of the world.
If it's a large concerted effort to commit fraud to remove a lawful president it is a coup.
Valentino, I agree there are no better alternatives. I do not think that more than half the people here want socialism.
I believe that there is a great amount of corruption and collusion. I believe that as Bill binney a director and nsa whistleblower stated many are blackmailed.
Elzam I agree I don't think it's the end of the world if trump loses.
I believe it could be the end of the republic if a president is inaugurated due to voter fraud and corruption . If it's proven that biden "wins" by fraud, he should not be able to seated
Crazier things have happened imho and the republic is still standing 🙂 Biden is weak as overcooked noodles (a discount variety at that), and if he's as incompetent as making law now as he's ever been (should he get in), in 4 years a new President shouldn't have too much trouble fixing it up. Although there will be lots of human suffering in the meantime for sure, people jailed for stupid things. All this assuming WWIII doesn't happen in the meantime. But good people are not powerless - there is a lot of good work to be done regardless of who is in the White House 🙂 Trying to be positive! Maybe slightly easier being on the other side of the world...
We got the Senate. Anyone who has watched Star Wars knows the Senate is what matters.
Also two other presidents have been inaugurated in contested elections and we are still here. 3 if you count Bush v Gore.
Supposed voter fraud
Apparently the Entire election was a DHS sting operation
Possible Election fraud evidence
The watermark meme is probably fake, the executive doesn't send out the votes
If anybody's interested in playing with the data, I have a script which shows the discrepancy between pres and down ballot voting.
well, im not expert or anything but there is a email saved on government website (i know, eventing on internet needs to be taken with grain of salt) that talks about this in relation to Nov 3rd 2020 General Election
Georgia turned blue
Is that sting operation legit? Not sure if i have much faith in info wars. But that would be big if it is real
looks like the moderate democrats aren't happy with the progressives
I'm not a mathematician, so I don't really understand that
I got a 450 on quantitative reasoning in my SATs
Learned about Bedford's law in accounting fraud course. Wouldn't be able to explain it though. But it is a tactic used in accounting to potential fraud in accounting forensics.
"Covefe_45_MAGA" Not exactly an unbiaded source though