Nick Corona
Discord ID: 404362006989373440
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Proof of voter ballot dump
on louder with crowder
the vote dump
woman who saw the ballots being dropped off at 4:30 am
talks on crowder
@Zuluzeit 100% biden votes mail-in ballots is a statistical impossibility. We are not "undermining" them. We want a fair election with legal votes, which these one's clearly aren't.
another whistleblower from USPS
saying that his supervisor is ordering ballots be postmarked with november 3rd
he said they're picking up more ballots tomorrow
no evidence of election fraud you say?
it's not anecdotal
he works for the postal office
he's a witness
you don't have standards, you have your head in the sand
Lol, if it's a youtube video, you'll just deny it, but if it's that same youtube video in court
then you'll listen
that's called willful ignorance
lol, based on nothing at all.
it's almost as if just saying it makes it true
> I'm not a mathematician, so I don't really understand that
@Neph (Nec) / Krystaps (War) there's not really much to understand other than the fact that that's the expected distribution of aggregate ballots totals. big deviations from it indicate a non-random process, aka vote fraud
it's not proof, but it's evidence and cause for investigation.
it could be random chance
but the point is it's unlikely
think p-values on a normal distribution.
if you flip a coin 100 times and every time it's heads
what's the chance that it's a fair coin?
slim to none
it isn't really
you could apply a similar concept
to deviation from the distribution
you can calculate the chance
that what you're observing
is random
given the null hypothesis of a fair election
Regardless if Biden won legitimately or not, the Democrats pretty much guaranteed the result of Republicans not trusting the election by their lack of transparency. Republican poll counters should have been allowed to observe what was going on in the polling stations.
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