Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 775367928925257748

2020-11-09 04:54:00 UTC  

@Gypsy Agreed...

2020-11-09 04:57:04 UTC  

Going by the latest media, I see the turncoats are starting to rear their heads...

2020-11-09 04:58:26 UTC  

@SaberToothRat where are you from?

2020-11-09 04:59:03 UTC  

South Africa

2020-11-09 05:01:33 UTC  

Oh. That’s an awkward situation there I have heard. I mean I can understand why history would create a lot of division between people but I also know that capitalism is the best way we know to level a playing field. I have heard that there is a lot of redistribution of resources. This rarely helps marginalized people. But I don’t know much about the situation, only a little bit.

2020-11-09 05:19:30 UTC  

> Yes! many have their version of the situation here, which is grossly under rated by some. You need to **be** here to grasp the fear & hopelessness, which is only getting worse... I could send you eye opening pictures which you probably wouldn't believe anyway.... I think Trump would make a difference and improve the situation here, Sad thing is we might never know...

2020-11-09 07:07:59 UTC  

@SaberToothRat Whats the road to unity there?

2020-11-09 08:49:45 UTC  

@SaberToothRat Goie More.

2020-11-09 10:33:39 UTC  

Good morning @Doc are you from S.A. or you just familiar with Afrikaans? πŸ˜€

2020-11-09 10:43:24 UTC  

Ek prat afrikaans. πŸ™‚

2020-11-09 10:44:03 UTC  

Im not South african. Just used to visit many years ago.

2020-11-09 10:58:42 UTC  

Mooi, dis lekker om jou te ontmoet πŸ‘ πŸ˜€

2020-11-09 11:08:27 UTC  

lekker om jou to moet ook!

2020-11-09 11:54:32 UTC  

πŸ‘ 🏁 -

2020-11-09 12:56:21 UTC  

> Question...! Trump/Biden aside, for America's future prosperity, economy, security, growth, stability & equality, which party would be best chosen/trusted to fulfill these traits? I'm not from America, but the result of this election will rub off on the rest of the world. My choice would be Republican, we need to remove the clutches of the Deep State keeping the world suppressed for their personal gain.... Thoughts?

I believe that what is the best for America and the world is limited government, away from globalism.

Its best for all, IMO when we deal with others as individuals.

In this race I believe trump is better than biden for the US and the rest of the world.

He is the first president to not start a war, he says that he wants to bring troops home, I hope he will.

2020-11-09 14:16:13 UTC  

He is also the first president (in modern American History at least) to oversee major peace deals in the volatile Middle East between nations that have warred against each other for millenia (earning 2 Nobel Peace Prize nominations along the way). I don't like the 2-party system as it is one of the most detrimental things our government has become, but between the two...Trump and the Republican party appear to be the better choice.

2020-11-09 14:18:05 UTC  

The Repubs at least hold ideals and beliefs that aren't destructive or regressive, and have a solid foundation. The Dems may have at one time, but after the past 4-ish years (and the past 6 months especially), they need to unf*** themselves.

2020-11-09 14:32:38 UTC  

They haven't warred for millennia

2020-11-09 14:33:59 UTC  

It's much like a cold war currently, there is sporadic fighting. It could technically be called a war. They do frequently attack one another with conventional weapons.

2020-11-09 14:35:19 UTC  

It's why many places are so against them having access to nuclear weaponry.

2020-11-09 14:37:31 UTC  

Don't overdo it lol. Also discord is having problems :(

Also I'm not 100% sure but the nominations aren't all that interesting, my understanding is that it isn't hard to nominate (i.e "university professors" etc.), and the people doing the nominations are not exactly left wingers.

2020-11-09 14:37:41 UTC  

The UAE, Bahrain and Sudan are not sporadically fighting with eachother or Israel

2020-11-09 14:38:14 UTC  

It is just a formality w.r.t peace

2020-11-09 14:38:26 UTC  

The big deal is economic and diplomatic

2020-11-09 14:38:34 UTC  

If I recall, there is a ton of rocket attacks launching from Israel to Palestine and vise-versa very frequently.

2020-11-09 14:39:13 UTC  

And Gaza has nothing to do with this deal

2020-11-09 14:39:17 UTC  

In fact this deal is in spite of Gaza

2020-11-09 14:41:06 UTC  

Another way of looking at it: I don't believe there were commercial flights going on between the UAE and Israel prior to this deal being signed.

2020-11-09 14:41:36 UTC  

It wasn't exactly a friendly environment, and noted about Gaza.

2020-11-09 14:41:48 UTC  

Many see this as a blow to any future deal with Gaza by taking away part of their leverage (specifically the idea that if israel makes peace with PA/Hamas, they stand to get the chance to make a deal with other arab countries); others view it as a help for a future deal for the same reason (it takes away leverage)

2020-11-09 14:42:37 UTC  

Well finally we are getting to the real point lol. I don't disagree that there is something great here, I am just taking way the BS that was stuck on top of that.

2020-11-09 14:43:55 UTC  

Appreciate it.

2020-11-09 14:44:27 UTC  

Also it actually was a mostly friendly environment behind the scenes, due to ISIS, Iran, and extremism, israel and several neighbors have been cooperating for years. That is why some thank Obama for this deal (for emboldening Iran).

2020-11-09 14:44:56 UTC  

I haven't had the time yet to delve in depth about the agreement, but I had presumed it included Gaza to start with, so I'm glad you corrected me on that.

2020-11-09 14:45:28 UTC  

But still it is a very hopeful moment and whoever brokered the actual deal probably deserves a lot of credit

2020-11-09 14:46:45 UTC  


2020-11-09 14:46:49 UTC  

Having commercial flights begin between countries is a great start for alleviating a "cold war" scenario, and strengthening bonds between the countries at the very least. Their economies could intermingle and it would be good for all countries involved to remove the stigma with each other.

2020-11-09 14:47:47 UTC  

Yes but I actually think you have it backwards

2020-11-09 14:53:15 UTC  

The stigma is induced, socially and politically, by the media in these (Bahrain, Sudan and UAE) countries, and the politicians that utilize the stigma to gain/remain in power (promises of punishing israel or - in the past, going to war with israel - were used to gain favor). Recently they changed their tune a little. I think in order for such a deal to happen a. the stigma had to have already gone down and b. You can be assured (have hope) that the media is going to change its tune going forward.

And this is even more hope than the deals themselves. The people will now be open to real communication (direct or via their media) instead of absurdities

2020-11-09 14:53:55 UTC  

I mean, this further helps the stigma, don't know how that's backwards.