Message from @linuxace

Discord ID: 779747451959377982

2020-11-21 16:32:42 UTC  

Alright so SCYTL owns Clarity Elections, which is based out of Barcelona.

2020-11-21 16:33:25 UTC  

The video is old, so it has given SCYTL an opportunity to address these concerns

2020-11-21 16:33:26 UTC  

@NoobDad That slide is very misleading and Ramsland explanation was not very convincing. The media organizations all have their own processes to collect the data from the states - sometimes down to the precinct level. Trying to derive anything from how it was presented on TV is not very scientific. You would logically think that it was all integrated, but it's not. In many cases, it is literally people making phone calls and manually entering numbers into the news organizations own database.

2020-11-21 16:34:04 UTC  

@TaLoN132 You literally see vote swaps on CNN... not one... but MULTIPLE times!

2020-11-21 16:34:18 UTC  

"Vote swaps"?

2020-11-21 16:34:45 UTC  

Seems to me based on my brief look at the data that MI, WI, and PA may have had meaningful fraud. Not sure about AZ, NV and GA. The data isn't as clear there. Limit that also to a handful of cities/precincts in the three suspect states. Maybe other explainations but it is concerning that eyewitness testimony validate strange happenings along with strange data.

2020-11-21 16:34:47 UTC  

yea, so as you can see the from the architecture, the Media data is updated in real-time

2020-11-21 16:35:06 UTC  

I would have thought there would be a training amd certification (competency) system for election workers, *with* the actual machines used, well before elections could take place. And a register of approved machines, make and model.

2020-11-21 16:35:06 UTC  

@Lady Georgia, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-11-21 16:35:14 UTC  

That's what I am telling you... It is not an integrated system. CNN does not have a connection to any system in MI. They are literally refreshing pages and manually typing what they find.

2020-11-21 16:35:40 UTC  

This is a snippet from Russell's video above.

2020-11-21 16:36:00 UTC  

I understood that there was a datastream from Edison Research that most news agencies used.

2020-11-21 16:36:14 UTC This is the data most news agencies were using.

2020-11-21 16:36:38 UTC  

I too think that evidence of election-affecting fraud is probably limited to the minimum number of states Trump needs to win.

2020-11-21 16:36:57 UTC  

(Including CNN)

2020-11-21 16:36:59 UTC  

You can see in real-time the Republican's vote count go down

2020-11-21 16:37:45 UTC  

674,508 - 673,948 = 560.... Bevin: 661,675 - 662,235 = -560

2020-11-21 16:37:49 UTC  

A SWAP of 560 votes

2020-11-21 16:37:53 UTC  

@NoobDad That line on Ramsland's (net very accurate chart) connecting to the media does not provide any indication on how that data is gathered. With all of the disparate systems, it is not automated. This is from several sources.

2020-11-21 16:37:59 UTC  

Suspicious, but I would have to know the technology and methods being used in ER data stream to say for certain that this is indication of fraud.

2020-11-21 16:38:01 UTC  

And there are multiple examples of this all over the internet, I just have to find them

2020-11-21 16:38:12 UTC  

If it were a fraud thing, CNN wouldn't be streaming it to the entire world ... that's the idea of fraud. You try to hide it...

2020-11-21 16:38:28 UTC  

No, cloud tech is HARD

2020-11-21 16:38:42 UTC  

All they have to do is wait for more votes to come in for Biden and slow the ones for Trump.

2020-11-21 16:39:08 UTC  

it's just configuring different systems, it's easy to mess up. Not everyone working on the architecture is a PHD genius. It's like saying every plumber is A+ all the time

2020-11-21 16:39:12 UTC

2020-11-21 16:39:29 UTC  

Sometimes there are bad plumbers who do bad jobs, based on the security analysis, this is one of those cases

2020-11-21 16:39:33 UTC  

I would say it depends on who know about the fraud in that case. I've seen multiple examples of the votes changing in this stream and it could be indicative of fraud or just someone typing in the numbers and mixing them up. I haven't seen any information on how the processes to make any further determiniations.

2020-11-21 16:39:34 UTC  

@Lady Georgia The story is shifting from direct fraud to something more nebulous. That's not by accident.

2020-11-21 16:39:34 UTC  

@linuxace, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-11-21 16:39:46 UTC  

Yeah. CNN declaring stuff doesn't actually change anything so I don't think it proves anything. Maybe something to look into but nothing I would freak out about

2020-11-21 16:40:19 UTC  

No @Zuluzeit I'm just saying it's not hard to belive that these "mistakes" could be made, whether it's from an innocent developer or a frauding developer.

2020-11-21 16:41:13 UTC  

Except these aren't developers.

2020-11-21 16:41:32 UTC  

The ones setting up these systems are developers. The ones setting up the security, they're developers

2020-11-21 16:41:37 UTC  

These are people telling ER what the tallies are.

2020-11-21 16:41:42 UTC  

@NoobDad I gotchu, bro. It's just getting hard to navigate after the firehose of fake news for The last 2 weeks.

2020-11-21 16:41:48 UTC  

Then they're plugged into the system.

2020-11-21 16:42:32 UTC  

You can validate a portion of this architecture your self

2020-11-21 16:42:39 UTC  


2020-11-21 16:42:51 UTC  

And tallies change as they get certified.