Message from @TaLoN132

Discord ID: 780160069920358442

2020-11-22 19:10:09 UTC  

@NoobDad, you just advanced to level 9!

2020-11-22 19:10:35 UTC  

Most of these places livestreamed the entire time.

2020-11-22 19:10:57 UTC  

Lol WI was 5x5 pixel

2020-11-22 19:11:10 UTC  

It was one camera view, low resolution

2020-11-22 19:11:12 UTC  

We aren’t privy to the evidence or lack of, as always. It has to play out

2020-11-22 19:12:28 UTC  

I've heard part of the strategy is to wait, go for a court victory that doesn't leave Biden with time for a countermove.

2020-11-22 19:12:28 UTC  

@GregInHouston2, you just advanced to level 6!

2020-11-22 19:12:51 UTC  

Even so, you would be probably be able to make out someone wheeling in a dolly with 250K prefilled in ballots... Or maybe in a little red wagon.

2020-11-22 19:12:52 UTC  

I still want to know what I get by advancing to a higher level!

2020-11-22 19:13:37 UTC  

"Prefilled" What other kind of ballots is an counting center going to get?

2020-11-22 19:14:48 UTC  

Prefilled illegal replacement ballots for Biden... As some have suggested.

2020-11-22 19:14:59 UTC  

Alan Dershowitz explained this route:

2020-11-22 19:16:13 UTC  

What really surprises me the most is how many people living in other countries come to our chats to impose their thoughts and opinions🤨

2020-11-22 19:16:19 UTC  

I don't think those were replacement ballots. But they could be prefilled in that they were printed filled in. I would love to see them pull the ballots were Biden and only Biden got a vote for analysis!

2020-11-22 19:19:11 UTC  
2020-11-22 19:25:29 UTC  

Yeah... But they still have a queen. 😉

2020-11-22 19:26:08 UTC

2020-11-22 19:27:42 UTC  

Maybe she would back off if they shared the Dom Perignon with her....

2020-11-22 19:28:05 UTC  

Another case that must be proven

2020-11-22 19:28:53 UTC  

Don’t think that will affect the presidential proceedings

2020-11-22 19:57:35 UTC  

I wonder if it might be time to revisit the reason why we can't verify that our votes registered as intended. Presumably, it's to maintain anonymity thus impeding people from selling their votes. It's the same reason that you can't take a picture of your ballot in the booth. However, that dynamic changes with mail-in voting. That is the only real way that people could cheat using mail-in ballots. I don't think either side talks about that because they don't want to give their opponents any ideas. This likelihood is extremely unlikely today with the technology today. All it would take is one person of integrity to play along get proof and expose the operation. That being said, I can't think of another reason why we shouldn't be allowed to log into our state's election server, use the vote identifier from our mail-in or in-person vote, and provide a unique, secret password that we set when registering to vote (or confirming our registration once this is implemented) and see the status of our vote, as well as, the actual tabulated values. This could be made even more secure with Public/Private key encryption or two-factor using our phones, etc. At some point, this could include an actual scan of our vote. This would prevent others from being able to access our vote information. We would have to ensure that the people with access to the vote data are not able to link the vote to each person. That way, they couldn't sell lists of the people who voted a certain way. In other words, election officials and voting systems would not be allowed to maintain a link between the voter and the vote. The vote would have an identifier that the voter would have to maintain. Theoretically, you could audit your vote through the entire process. I am already seeing the code in my head... Any thoughts? What am I missing?

2020-11-22 20:00:54 UTC  

People that were concerned that their votes were altered or not tabulated correctly could log in and verify them. If they find a discrepancy, they could call a hotline and report it. It would also be better than ID or signature verification. Complete, private transparency to provide checks and balances that we can all trust.

2020-11-22 20:01:52 UTC  

1 person did play along. That guy who recorded the snapchat in minnesota of the ballot harvesting scheme.

No body believes him. Why would you risk trying to do that yourself?

2020-11-22 20:02:33 UTC  

Nobody believes the USPS worker in Michigan

2020-11-22 20:02:54 UTC  

@TomWiliam += One Past Last Jedi, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-11-22 20:03:11 UTC  

this is trump right now 🤣

2020-11-22 20:03:25 UTC  


2020-11-22 20:03:27 UTC

2020-11-22 20:04:33 UTC  

is this server a Mason ?

2020-11-22 20:06:06 UTC  

@DrSammyD Hey, Doc... Good Sunday. What do you think about personal vote auditing, though, as a concept? I see the "preventing vote buying" issue as a hurdle, but I am not sure that it is appreciably any different than what we have now.

2020-11-22 20:06:59 UTC  

@TaLoN132 voting system in US is not fear

2020-11-22 20:08:01 UTC  

should only count person vote, and who has more vote win, am I right?

2020-11-22 20:10:21 UTC  

Of course, I'm just trying to address the lack of trust. I'm a software architect/engineer, so I am wondering if there might be a way to use technology to overcome the trust deficit.

2020-11-22 20:11:01 UTC  

I am not talking about technology at all @TaLoN132

2020-11-22 20:11:52 UTC  

what do you call state vote? do you know what I mean?

2020-11-22 20:13:28 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Me too. I quit but that is my background. The problem is with closed software. Back in 2001, there were arguments for open source software but every state rejected that.

2020-11-22 20:13:36 UTC  

If we can all agree that our democracy would benefit from a system that gave the people the peace of mind in knowing that their vote was counted as intended and not flipped, coopted, altered, or nullified, we might be able to work together to make that happen.

2020-11-22 20:14:17 UTC  

Don't forget deluted.

2020-11-22 20:14:41 UTC  

Stick with fully auditable ballots. Use counting machines. Random sample audit the machines and random sample audit the ballots

2020-11-22 20:14:46 UTC  

My 2c