Message from @Repeat

Discord ID: 780204285928931348

2020-11-22 22:48:39 UTC  

the claim is that there's an algorithm in the computer that adds 1.25 when it sees a Biden vote and 0.75 when it sees a Trump vote and that over a large count of votes it skews the vote to Biden ... BUT in GA they did a hand count where a representative from each party looks at each ballot, agree who the vote goes for and adds up the number for each candidate

2020-11-22 22:48:44 UTC  

If Democrats were so confident this election was on the up and up then why are the fighting the investigation at every step.

2020-11-22 22:48:46 UTC  

I am 15 minutes into Giuliani video and he has yet to bring any proof of anything. Only conjecture and innuendo.

2020-11-22 22:49:12 UTC  

I think they’re doing an audit now

2020-11-22 22:49:37 UTC  

Isn’t that true in every case for everything, i am speaking in regards to the elections. It seems like you think something illegal happened and you want a arrest because of that presupposition @Repeat

2020-11-22 22:49:52 UTC  

That’s why I stopped listening after the first 5 sentences lol

2020-11-22 22:49:56 UTC  

So increasing regulations through reinstating former EPA regs? Not a fan of increased regulation even if it's with good intentions. The whole "path to hell is paved wiht good intentions" bit.

2020-11-22 22:50:07 UTC  

Closed source voting software is a bad idea. This was said in 2001. Still is.

2020-11-22 22:50:14 UTC  

well they're going to do a third count (machine) because the law allows for a candidate to request a recount if the difference is less than 0.5 percent

2020-11-22 22:50:14 UTC  

@meglide, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-11-22 22:50:45 UTC  

I don’t know how a hand count would catch what they’re looking for

2020-11-22 22:50:57 UTC  

@DeathRhodes666 And I disagree. You asked what I like. It's that. I like that.

2020-11-22 22:50:58 UTC  

pretty much what the PA judge said in his ruling

2020-11-22 22:51:19 UTC  

Why does everyone have server next to their name

2020-11-22 22:51:21 UTC  


2020-11-22 22:52:14 UTC  

I don't agree with more regulations as it bogs things down, but fair enough.

2020-11-22 22:52:28 UTC  

They are looking at the signatures. But I've heard that is impossible. I want to check the votes that are for Biden and no one else. Check the ink used to fill it in. Was it filled in with a pen or using toner from a laser printer.

2020-11-22 22:52:41 UTC  

Who is against that?

2020-11-22 22:52:48 UTC  

@GregInHouston2 How is Biden fighting anything? I'm not aware of him filing any lawsuits. He may have lawyers making sure that his voters are not disenfranchised by Trump's team's assertions, but to do otherwise would be dumb. The burden of proof in on the one filing the lawsuit.

2020-11-22 22:52:51 UTC  

in GA there is a paper ballot for ever vote so you hand count where the count is one-to-one and if that matches the machine count then there can't be some hidden algorithm in the machine that is different from one-to-one

2020-11-22 22:53:17 UTC  

I do believe that at least one occurrence of fraud happened, absolutely. I believe at least once case of fraud will be proven. I just hope they can trace it to a real person somewhere and do something about it.

2020-11-22 22:54:03 UTC  

There are cases of fraud every election @Repeat

2020-11-22 22:54:21 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Please! Biden isn't competent enough to fight anything.

2020-11-22 22:54:36 UTC  

From my understanding an audit is completely different from a hand count where they match signatures and such and address these accusations head on

2020-11-22 22:54:51 UTC  

@DeathRhodes666 It makes companies better in the long run. They just don't like the downstroke for innovation and modernizing. It worked in Australia with the carbon tax, which was repealed after everyone got their act together.

2020-11-22 22:55:19 UTC  

It’s just like in retail they take into account every quarter for lost , broken or stolen goods. Election is the same every year there will be fraud. The accusation is about so much fraud that it effected the election @Repeat

2020-11-22 22:56:02 UTC  

Yeah the claims that anyone is actively fighting recounts and whatnot are coming out of nowhere. It's projecting.

2020-11-22 22:56:16 UTC  

Fraud should go unpunished?

2020-11-22 22:56:23 UTC  

The accusation that has me concerned is the one where hundreds of thousands of votes were trucked in.

2020-11-22 22:56:40 UTC  

I was referring the accusation that the machine weighted the votes differently

2020-11-22 22:56:57 UTC  

No , but small instances of fraud does not amount to over turning the election @Repeat which is trumps angle

2020-11-22 22:57:13 UTC  

@GregInHouston2 there is no evidence of that happening

2020-11-22 22:57:21 UTC  

No one sophisticated enough to perpetrate mass fraud is going to truck in a pile of bogus ballots. Use your head.

2020-11-22 22:57:46 UTC  

I don't foresee nor have confidence in any extra regulations getting repealed if companies got their acts together with these regs. Though that's the nature of this government through my observations. Who doesn't like the downstroke for innovation and modernizing?

2020-11-22 22:57:47 UTC  

Right , they wouldn’t need to truck in ballots they would already be there

2020-11-22 22:57:53 UTC  

If they discover more than 1, great!

2020-11-22 22:57:53 UTC  

@Repeat Didn't a TX Republican offer up to one miiilllion dollars, mwah hah hah hah (pinky next to mouth) for proof of fraud? He must be broke by now.

2020-11-22 22:58:16 UTC  

Yeah I saw that lol

2020-11-22 22:58:54 UTC  

@Repeat but who cares about expected fraud, they already arrested one republican voter for fraud.

2020-11-22 22:59:02 UTC  

Politicians make much more than you realize.

2020-11-22 22:59:15 UTC  

@james j You beat me to it...