Message from @liftandstudy

Discord ID: 780240344956665856

2020-11-23 01:11:54 UTC  

we've all seen video of Philly boarding up windows and blocking observers from entry, but PA's court just dismissed all that

2020-11-23 01:11:56 UTC  

I do understand the human element, the judges will be hesitant to do anything without a smoking gun. But I’m saying if we ignore that and look only at the legal rules

2020-11-23 01:12:11 UTC  

In theory yes. I would imagine that it is probably closer to beyond a reasonable doubt in reality. There is too much risk for judges to rule otherwise without having a good defense of undeniable evidence.

2020-11-23 01:13:34 UTC  

regarding preponderance of evidence: a lot of the allegations are about things that Dems scored BEFORE the election, this has a huge weight. Waiting until after the election is tacitly having accepted all the rigging done in the open before.

2020-11-23 01:13:46 UTC  

I agree, that was my concern from the beginning. Imagine we had the exact same circumstances, but this was an off year race for a House seat or something, I do not believe this would even be controversial.

2020-11-23 01:14:07 UTC

2020-11-23 01:14:08 UTC  

What wouldn't be controversial?

2020-11-23 01:14:10 UTC  

someone linked me this

2020-11-23 01:14:21 UTC  

Saw that earlier. That is concerning.

2020-11-23 01:14:34 UTC  

@Zuluzeit that fraud took place in this election

2020-11-23 01:14:41 UTC  

yep this was posted before but the channel is spammed with 2-way chats

2020-11-23 01:14:47 UTC  

I see what you are saying. I have no doubt that Trump believes the only way he could lose is if the other side cheated - he said as much repeatedly. Lawyers know whether a case has merit or not - or at least they should. I imagine his previous lawyers may have seen the writing on the wall.

2020-11-23 01:15:27 UTC  

It should be concerning, no widespread voter fraud has taken place.

2020-11-23 01:15:51 UTC  

republicans allowed all the voting machines, also allowed the extension of mail-in voting and the removal of checks in several states

2020-11-23 01:15:51 UTC  

@nachik, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-11-23 01:16:02 UTC  

where were they?

2020-11-23 01:16:03 UTC  

somehow AdamS sounded bald and had a CNN ticker going over his text 😛 (jk)

2020-11-23 01:16:15 UTC  

@nachik the evidence I’m talking about specifically is the poll watchers being excluded, the statistical anomalies, the affidavits of eye witnesses, etc. These elements did not occur before the election took place.

2020-11-23 01:16:15 UTC  

@liftandstudy, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-11-23 01:16:32 UTC  

I’m British and have independent looked at the claims...

2020-11-23 01:16:34 UTC  

I understand some rules were changed way ahead of time

2020-11-23 01:17:04 UTC  

@AdamS I was jokingly saying you sound like Stelter

2020-11-23 01:17:43 UTC  

There is no way you could possible know that based on the evidence we all have access to. You are just as ignorant to fact of that claim as anyone else.

2020-11-23 01:17:51 UTC  

lol was just saying...many get offended when a Brit voices opinion...

2020-11-23 01:17:53 UTC  

@nachik Are you sure that Phiily boarding up the windows video was to block out observers? I thought that was disproven in court. There were still representatives of both campaigns in the room. Those were non-campaign onlookers that were being disruptive, if I recall. It's been a while, so I may be misremembering.

2020-11-23 01:18:31 UTC  

@linuxace have you looked at the evidence?

2020-11-23 01:18:35 UTC  

@AdamS but yeah you can't be sure of that statement just as those who "know" that there was fraud can't be sure of that either

2020-11-23 01:18:35 UTC  

@realz, you just advanced to level 10!

2020-11-23 01:19:03 UTC  

I said widespread

2020-11-23 01:19:03 UTC  

@AdamS, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-11-23 01:19:06 UTC  

There is a LOT of "evidence", and more coming every day

2020-11-23 01:19:08 UTC  

As much of it as I can with the time I have. There is something strange going on. Doesn't mean it's fraud but it deserves a good look over.

2020-11-23 01:19:11 UTC  

iirc it wasn't Philly boarding up, it was Maricopa

2020-11-23 01:19:22 UTC  

@liftandstudy yep but poll watchers being excluded is already losing in State courts, maybe it will go to SCOTUS, statistical anomalies are weak evidence (once you allow the infrastructure you cannot prove it strongly enough), affidavits will be mostly dismissed (typically the court will side with local authority vs individuals, and witness accounts with no possible material evidence are limited)

2020-11-23 01:19:22 UTC  

Have you checked every piece of evidence?

2020-11-23 01:19:33 UTC  

@linuxace I totally agree with you, everything should be looked at.

2020-11-23 01:19:33 UTC  

I'm not sold either way other than something is strange and needs and explanation.

2020-11-23 01:19:38 UTC  

Boarding up windows would be silly in Philly since the watchers complained that while let in, they had to observe from forever away

2020-11-23 01:19:41 UTC  

I believe the dominion systems integrity should be satisfied now?

Secretary of State Republican Brad Raffensperger, who had ordered a certified testing laboratory to conduct an audit of a random sample of Georgia's machines, said that the probe was both complete and successful in ensuring that the machines hadn't been manipulated.

“We have partnered with the Department of Homeland Security, the Georgia Cyber Center, Georgia Tech security experts, and wide range of other election security experts around the state and country”.

An audit was conducted before and after the election of the machines, software & Firmware. (Reports attached).

All the votes have been re-counted by hand and have tallied up (irregularities of 2500 votes because 1 USB device was not uploaded). If all the votes tally up and the audit is complete then how can we challenge the integrity of the system?

I’m not by any means saying the system cannot be hacked, but if the system has been forensically examined, audited and the ballots recounted by hand then no doubt should remain.

Thank you. Great show!
Adam S. London England.

2020-11-23 01:20:17 UTC  

All the research and evidence is available, it just depends what people want to see and believe.

2020-11-23 01:20:24 UTC  

How many outstanding suits does the President have running? 3? 4?