Message from @meglide

Discord ID: 780600027973287936

2020-11-24 00:39:48 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Every news service that I looked at on election night said that several of these swing states announced that they were suspending the counting of votes.

2020-11-24 00:40:16 UTC  

I am talking about the pause that happened around 2am eastern time on election night

2020-11-24 00:40:38 UTC  

I remember when the election streams I was watching announced those too.

2020-11-24 00:44:58 UTC  

Not necessarily... it all depends on how they architected the interface. They have to determine certain transfer triggers. It is unreasonable to expect that a transfer will be triggered each time there is a single change in votes. My guess is that they used math to initiate data transfers. Because they used math based algorithm to initiate the data transfer, it will give the appearance of uniformity. To assume that this is proof of nefarious acts would be short sited. A thoughtful analyst would take these concerns and send an email to Edison Research asking what might cause this apparent uniformity in ratios. My guess is they have a programmer that would immediately recognize those numbers and could provide a reasonable explanation. Until someone takes that step, to assert it as proof of malfeasance makes me question their ability as a data analyst, because it is a short-sided, amateurish conclusion... And that is a professional opinion that I am actually qualified to make.

2020-11-24 00:45:20 UTC  

So am I...

2020-11-24 00:46:36 UTC  

So were the new agencies not informed correctly about what was happening at the tabulation centers?

2020-11-24 00:46:36 UTC  

@Talaire, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-11-24 00:47:18 UTC  

What news agencies?

2020-11-24 00:47:18 UTC  

@TaLoN132, you just advanced to level 16!

2020-11-24 00:48:06 UTC  

OAN, Newsmax, Fox, ABC that I remember ... could have been others too

2020-11-24 00:48:48 UTC  

No. That was announced by news agencies, and there are reports by the poll watchers they were told that counting was ending, and to go home.

2020-11-24 00:51:06 UTC  

I was watching various sources, too. None stated categorically that they were stopping the count. Some pointed out that there would be a slow down in the reporting because they were preparing the mail-in votes to be tabulated. Reporters often paraphrase what they think they heard. Unless we saw a press conference where election officials stated that all tabulation was being suspended, my guess is that reporters might be misreporting what was happening.

2020-11-24 00:52:44 UTC  

The vote tabulation center can claim whatever they want but GOP observers have testified to counting continuing without them.

2020-11-24 00:52:46 UTC  

If you add to it the fact that the numbers from these swing states didn't change for a few hours and then all of a sudden some big numbers were posted it adds credibility to the reports from the news agencies that the counting/reporting was suspended

2020-11-24 00:53:37 UTC  

Could it be that it was a ruse (sp?) to get the republican observers out of the tabulation centers so that they could no longer observe?

2020-11-24 00:55:53 UTC  

I have trying to read all of the court filings that I can... I must have missed those. Do you know which cases included these sworn statements? I would love to read them.

2020-11-24 01:00:34 UTC  

Anything is possible... It's also possible that they were just letting people know why the tabulation had paused and when asked, let them know it could be a while before they would start tabulating again. After so many false claims, I have decided to choose to only put credence in assertions that are made in court filings and reserve judgement until I can read them for myself. That's just me. I remain skeptical of all claims until they are formalized in court.

2020-11-24 01:01:47 UTC  

I am finding that this approach has helped with maintaining my peace of mind. I highly recommend it.

2020-11-24 01:02:09 UTC  

definitely interesting...

2020-11-24 01:03:07 UTC  

I watched that one today as well and can't understand what those records mean that he showed. If I understand what he showed today then it certainly looks like Wayne County Michigan was doing something wrong.

2020-11-24 01:05:49 UTC  

"Trump administration GSA Emily Murphy grants permission to begin the transition process to President-elect Joe Biden"

2020-11-24 01:06:14 UTC  

"I remain skeptical of all claims until they are formalized in court."

You know, except the vote tally.

2020-11-24 01:13:15 UTC  

The vote tallies are performed theoretically using a formal process that has been prescribed the legislature and administered by duly appointed election officials. Until it is proven in court that this did not occur - too funny, @RobertGrulerEsq is talking about this very thing as I type this...

2020-11-24 01:13:46 UTC  

best Trump case legal strat I've seen so far:

2020-11-24 01:14:50 UTC  

Political/Governmental competence as a default assumption is laughable on its face.

2020-11-24 01:17:48 UTC  

Not a strategy to prove he won... Only to win at all costs. If this happens, we can expect that every candidate who's party has a more than 26 majority delegations in the House of Reps will use the same tactic. If that is allowed to happen, we lose all pretense of democracy. I am guessing that SCOTUS realizes this and will take it into consideration.

2020-11-24 01:18:34 UTC  

I don't think you watched the video...

2020-11-24 01:19:17 UTC  

Right, votes won’t matter @TaLoN132

2020-11-24 01:19:22 UTC  

Only the house would

2020-11-24 01:19:40 UTC  

"we lose all pretense of democracy" is a feature not a bug

2020-11-24 01:21:01 UTC  

I did... Doug Flutie Hail Mary references and all.

2020-11-24 01:21:37 UTC  

@zzzdsdasdd that strategy is to rely on invalidating signatures, which is a very low bar of authentication. I don’t know anyone using signature matching in any other circumstance in life. It’s a outdated old timey way that no one really uses. Also I believe ids are used in Georgia for mail in

2020-11-24 01:26:08 UTC  

@james j I wouldn't be so sure about the low bar of sig match verification. For example the 1st rando article I got back from a search is from 5 years ago where "More than one in three signatures submitted in support of a proposed crime victim's rights amendment were deemed invalid by reviewers in the Secretary of State's office."

2020-11-24 01:27:27 UTC  

@james j more to the point I remember ppl saying that the current sign match rejection rates were historically low, getting even 1% rejection rate would prob flip Georgia (I haven't actually run the numbers just gessing on the 1% threshold, there *is* some threashold though)

2020-11-24 01:27:28 UTC  

@zzzdsdasdd, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-11-24 01:28:02 UTC  

I am not aware of IDs being used for any mail-in ballot voting. How does that work? Do they put a photo copy of their DL in the envelope?

2020-11-24 01:28:37 UTC  

I know they use it for invalidations , my point is it’s a weak way to invalidate a vote because most modern people don’t have matching signatures, I put no thought into anything I sign in term if how it looks I just make a letter and a bunch of swiggly lines. I guarantee none of my signatures match. Maybe back in the day people paid more attention to their signatures but now days people sign things less and less @zzzdsdasdd

2020-11-24 01:29:03 UTC  

I think @TaLoN132 said they use ids for mail in ballots, I’m not sure

2020-11-24 01:29:47 UTC  

The ID was only used when they requested a mail-in ballot online.

2020-11-24 01:29:59 UTC  

Yes, for absentee ballots you have to be a registered voter to request an absentee ballot but what does that have to do with IDs?