Message from @Whithers

Discord ID: 780845561954959380

2020-11-24 17:18:20 UTC  

I volunteer as opponent if anyone wants to try.

2020-11-24 17:18:27 UTC  

Those "massacres"

2020-11-24 17:18:56 UTC  

Oh yea "taxation without representation" lol tell that to expats

2020-11-24 17:19:02 UTC  

No it is not. This is the justification for Civil War:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

The Left are enemies of our heritage, of all ethical government, and of our species.

2020-11-24 17:19:04 UTC  

What a joke

2020-11-24 17:19:11 UTC  

Pretty much what I have had to do. Apparently I am part of a majority according to Bill O’reilly. He says the MNN are all doing massive layoffs now after election because their ratings have dropped to 2 million lol

2020-11-24 17:19:28 UTC  

'Justify' might have suffered some dilution damage recently. I'm not sure justifying something is necessary to do it anyway.

2020-11-24 17:19:28 UTC  

@Whithers that is ONE justification

2020-11-24 17:19:32 UTC  

@Whithers If you want to justify something, you are supposed to use your own words.

2020-11-24 17:19:40 UTC  

No, the atheist is able to justify anything. That is why they have no ethical standing.

2020-11-24 17:20:03 UTC  

you cant have an ethical standing. Ethics is the philosophy of morals.

2020-11-24 17:20:08 UTC  

That is the only justification for an American.

2020-11-24 17:20:12 UTC  

You lack a kind of empathy to keep framing things in terms of atheism or enemies and friends

2020-11-24 17:20:13 UTC  

You cant have a "philosphical standing"

2020-11-24 17:20:21 UTC  

That is an incorrect statement.

2020-11-24 17:20:22 UTC can, but it means something different.

2020-11-24 17:20:24 UTC  

Until we don’t stand any longer, as a “got to destroy it mind set is allowed to take control” fundamental change America... But is it for the better or worse... we must desire it make it better, or go down the road of other failed nations of the worlds history.

2020-11-24 17:20:25 UTC  

@Dan_Sundin, you just advanced to level 6!

2020-11-24 17:20:56 UTC  

@Whithers See how classifying you as abrahaimte saves me time? This is not something it is any point in discussing. 😉

2020-11-24 17:20:59 UTC  

Don't tell anyone but I'd civil war if I thought I could succeed

2020-11-24 17:21:29 UTC  

Ethics is the standard of the law as derived from the principles upon which it stands. Morals are the personal code of behavior which individuals hold, whether above or below the standard of ethics.

2020-11-24 17:21:30 UTC  

There are many numerous violations of our constitution that I can't see being rectified any time soon

2020-11-24 17:21:31 UTC  

Here is to hoping that monopolization of our media gets dissolved

2020-11-24 17:21:39 UTC  

I justify myself : stamp:

2020-11-24 17:21:41 UTC  

'This human convention is indefensible without God as the presupposed source, cuz reasons.'

2020-11-24 17:21:43 UTC  

@Whithers Yes, master.

2020-11-24 17:22:29 UTC  

@Zuluzeit Are you familiar with Munchausens trilemma?

2020-11-24 17:22:49 UTC  

Don't let the government get involved or they'll uphold the monopoly with regulations I've seen it many times

2020-11-24 17:23:03 UTC  

In epistemology, the Münchhausen trilemma is a thought experiment used to demonstrate the impossibility of proving any truth, even in the fields of logic and mathematics. If it is asked how any given proposition is known to be true, proof may be provided.

2020-11-24 17:23:07 UTC  

Empathy is not a given human trait. It randomly occurs at various levels. That is why empathy is no evidence for ethical standing.

2020-11-24 17:23:31 UTC  

I know a little about Munchausen's but not a trilema, no. @Doc

2020-11-24 17:23:32 UTC  

@Jorgen Johnson I know. I teach epistemology.

2020-11-24 17:23:38 UTC  

Talking to your opponents without trying to understand them is lacking in empathy and not conducive to constructive dialog

2020-11-24 17:24:09 UTC  

Randomly shitting on atheists and implying that this is their politics, numerous times in this conversation? That is evidence of this lack of empathy

2020-11-24 17:24:22 UTC  

You are so single minded you have never seen the world from another pov

2020-11-24 17:24:29 UTC  

I'm not an atheist

2020-11-24 17:24:36 UTC  

Fuggit, Googling it

2020-11-24 17:24:39 UTC  

@Zuluzeit It is Fabulous. It is where the human consciousness meets its limit. And there are only three pathways from there. One is Dogma. And since humans have a low uncertainty tolerance, it explains why dogmas becomes so important.

2020-11-24 17:24:46 UTC  

But it makes me cringe very hard every time you say things like that.

2020-11-24 17:24:57 UTC  

Taking a stand on principle is not about empathy. It is about the line which when crossed is a declaration of war. The Left declared war the Right will finish it.

2020-11-24 17:25:08 UTC  

Cultish ^^