Message from @james j

Discord ID: 781344499322060800

2020-11-26 02:21:22 UTC  

no, this is very wrong. If you are an expert in _any_ field and you watch shit like CNN you will quickly be disabused of this notion that they do even basic homework

2020-11-26 02:21:23 UTC  

Vote for what?

2020-11-26 02:21:24 UTC  

and here i will be nice and let you all know a little secret the hole covid 19 is real but it was used in the election as a front too push biden through and get him into office as the president too get trump out but its not killing as many people as you thing doo the research like i did

2020-11-26 02:21:29 UTC  

Biden doesn’t know what day it is

2020-11-26 02:21:38 UTC  

trump made a good point that most of the media use the airwaves for telling the news, maybe he might introduce something that if the news is not how it should be, as in factual truth then they might lose the right to broadcast

2020-11-26 02:21:38 UTC  

Mexico maybe, one party rule system over there

election, the casual stuff you know 2 parties that are the same

2020-11-26 02:22:12 UTC  

Two party system <<<<

2020-11-26 02:22:28 UTC  

Huge reason this country is so mega-divided

You try to make it more parties they call you racist I don't think it'll ever happen again ^^

2020-11-26 02:22:55 UTC  

I think two-party system takes away individuality and boils us all down into walking caricatures

2020-11-26 02:23:15 UTC  

i think morgan freeman would make a good president

2020-11-26 02:23:15 UTC  

Everything is racist these days

2020-11-26 02:23:26 UTC  

I don’t agree with all the politics of either party so I’m not signing myself up to tow either party line

2020-11-26 02:23:39 UTC  

so the left could inprison you and let china take over the us because we are the last thing standing in the way of the ratical left agenda

2020-11-26 02:23:39 UTC  

@OperatorGhost6, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-11-26 02:23:46 UTC  

I am amused how Biden would parrot the actions the Trump admin had already done on the Covid issue. But somehow his ideas were original. SMH 😞

2020-11-26 02:23:47 UTC  

my words are white in colour therfore discord is racist

No more fearmongering it's a peaceful protest here

2020-11-26 02:23:58 UTC  

> Fox News is watched pretty much exclusively by right wingers who already bought the right wing pitch.
> It isn't influential, because everyone who watches Fox News already agrees with it.
> CNN NBC, CBS, MSNBC, etc. are accepted in centrist circles and considered serious. Fox News is _scorned_ outside and is outside the window of acceptable news in most cosmopolitan public spaces.

2020-11-26 02:24:05 UTC  

@realz the only thing I heard on cnn about trumps taxes is that was emphasized was the overvaluing of property for loans and under valuing for taxes. That’s not really that bad in terms of reporting a potential curiosity. If trump showed his taxes and it revealed he didn’t own anything to Russia all they could talk about is what I just mentioned. Which again is fine to look into.

2020-11-26 02:24:47 UTC  

What I mostly heard repeated about the taxes was the number

2020-11-26 02:24:56 UTC  

OK well I don't watch CNN actively, so I don't know anything specific, but the various MSM outlets were talking about his "750 USD paid in taxes ohmy"

2020-11-26 02:25:00 UTC  

Like, I think we’ve all paid more than that in taxes lol

2020-11-26 02:25:07 UTC  

and his "huge" debts

2020-11-26 02:25:20 UTC  

no, they didn't mention that some debts are 'good debts'

imagine believing he payed 750$ I mean you have to be more than stupid or you don't pay taxes

2020-11-26 02:25:44 UTC  

I am willing to bet that if I searched for CNN articles, you will find what I am saying

2020-11-26 02:25:47 UTC  

are you willing to bet?

2020-11-26 02:25:48 UTC  

That’s all they talked about, the debts really didn’t get that much coverage. I only saw that in the New York Times , and explained it pretty fairly @realz

2020-11-26 02:25:54 UTC  

(no googling)

2020-11-26 02:26:07 UTC  

I’m off. Night, people. Happy thanksgiving!!

search for buzzfeed you find numbers in them and "things" after in 70% of them

2020-11-26 02:26:34 UTC  

Something replaced the tax coverage shortly after, don’t remember what though. It wasn’t long-lived.

2020-11-26 02:26:36 UTC  

if he had really just paid $750 in taxes then he certainly could have gotten Mexico to pay for the wall

2020-11-26 02:26:36 UTC  

@meglide, you just advanced to level 8!

2020-11-26 02:27:10 UTC  

You are missing the point here. The point is that the American people should know if trump paid off his personal debt of 100 s of millions to the Russian government. Hiding his taxes is highly suspicious. @realz

He gave away more to charity than to the wall (personal wallet of course)