Message from @Watching the Watchers

Discord ID: 781761175871815691

2020-11-27 05:55:31 UTC  

well that can't be helped; people claiming to interpret it textually but in bad faith? you can't prove what is going on in their minds. We have to assume judges judge in good faith, or at least the majority do.

2020-11-27 05:56:17 UTC  

either way I've been listening to this without realizing it the entire time

2020-11-27 05:56:24 UTC  

and I didn't find anything remotely objectionable

2020-11-27 05:56:25 UTC  

I don’t think it’s in bad faith. I just think people don’t think about their biases enough and pretend they are unbiased

2020-11-27 05:56:25 UTC  

@aiva, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-11-27 05:56:38 UTC  

again, this can't be helped

2020-11-27 05:57:00 UTC  

I agree @realz

2020-11-27 05:57:03 UTC  

I don't mind if a leftist judge leans left on his rulings as long as he is doing a good faith interpretation; sure his biases might make him take left leaning choices on ambiguities

2020-11-27 05:57:08 UTC  


2020-11-27 05:57:19 UTC  

the biases can't be helped

2020-11-27 05:57:33 UTC  

There are 9 justices, I imagine one can figure out how to check the other's bias. I think the odds of em all having similar biases is pretty low

2020-11-27 05:58:27 UTC  

We could also ask the question of whether bias is even desirable

2020-11-27 05:58:40 UTC  

(I don't think anyone thinks that Roe v Wade was a good faith interpretation)

2020-11-27 05:58:56 UTC  

@Elzam that’s why you need diversity of opinions. So they can check and challenge each other

2020-11-27 05:59:13 UTC  

I have heard that even RGB didn't like Roe V Wade

2020-11-27 05:59:20 UTC  

she thought it should have been an amendment

2020-11-27 05:59:39 UTC  

(or a federal law)

2020-11-27 05:59:42 UTC  

Well as far as the courts concerned, I don't want a diversity of opinion on what the constitution is.

2020-11-27 05:59:43 UTC  

Are things assumed to be a privilege until legislated as a right? Does a right have to be granted as an amendment?

2020-11-27 05:59:48 UTC  

Old but still relivent

2020-11-27 05:59:48 UTC  

@WatchingYouDaily, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-11-27 06:00:28 UTC  

Well what is a right? Does right mean you're entitled to it as supplied through taxpayer funding.

2020-11-27 06:00:47 UTC  

well I am saying what if the SC decides that FoS means you need to be able to speak and not being healthy doesn't enable speech or somesuch nonsese

2020-11-27 06:01:02 UTC  

(there are probably better amendments to use for this)

2020-11-27 06:01:19 UTC  

Though iirc it's 10 that says the rights are extended to the people

2020-11-27 06:01:55 UTC  

It's 9 not 10

2020-11-27 06:02:09 UTC  

I am not sure what you mean by this; are privilege and right a dichotomy ?

2020-11-27 06:02:20 UTC  

If so, pretty much, yes.

2020-11-27 06:02:40 UTC  

> The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

2020-11-27 06:03:52 UTC  

So just because it's not a right as written doesn't mean it does not exist. Doesn't mean it does exist either though

2020-11-27 06:05:27 UTC  

Btw this is the amendment used to defend Roe v Wade iirc

2020-11-27 06:07:58 UTC  

Is there anything in the constitution not allowing the banning of remote controlled cars

2020-11-27 06:08:49 UTC  

not explicitly enough

2020-11-27 06:09:03 UTC  

in practice the answer is no.

2020-11-27 06:09:09 UTC  

Very well

2020-11-27 06:09:11 UTC  

the federal government can ban remote controlled cars

2020-11-27 06:09:15 UTC  

The constitution can always be changed as you may know alcohol was banned for a time. Right now, I do not believe anything would be used for that

2020-11-27 06:09:44 UTC  

he asked it the constitution can _stop_ the banning of X

2020-11-27 06:09:52 UTC  

the answer for most things is no

2020-11-27 06:10:13 UTC  

the federal government (via congress and senate) can and does ban a lot of things

2020-11-27 06:10:21 UTC  

illicit drugs for example