Message from @andrasol

Discord ID: 782241015108206592

2020-11-28 10:27:18 UTC  

I would be more accurate on a laptop

2020-11-28 10:27:34 UTC  

Lots of auto correct an spelling errors

2020-11-28 10:27:34 UTC  

Ok... I'm curious

2020-11-28 10:27:37 UTC  


2020-11-28 10:27:38 UTC

2020-11-28 10:27:45 UTC  

I passed Maw

2020-11-28 10:27:55 UTC  


2020-11-28 10:27:56 UTC

2020-11-28 10:28:02 UTC  


2020-11-28 10:28:36 UTC  

That's funny...

2020-11-28 10:29:23 UTC  

Not about the election, but still interesting

All quoted from the article:

"The reason we have a higher number of reported COVID-19 deaths among older individuals than younger individuals is simply because every day in the U.S. older individuals die in higher numbers than younger individuals," wrote Briand.

She also noted that between 50,000 and 70,000 deaths are seen both before and after the emergence of the virus, meaning that, according to her analysis, coronavirus has had no effect on the percentage of total deaths of older people, nor has it increased the total number of deaths in the category.

Briand believes, after reviewing the numbers, that coronavirus deaths are being over-exaggerated. After seeing that in 2020, coronavirus-related deaths exceeded deaths from heart disease -- the leading cause of death in the U.S. for many years prior -- Briand began to suspect that the coronavirus death toll figure may be misleading.

Briand found that "the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19," according to the original JHU newsletter.

"All of this points to no evidence that COVID-19 created any excess deaths. Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers. We found no evidence to the contrary," she continued.

2020-11-28 10:32:15 UTC  

I didn't think that coronavirus passed heart disease. I think it might have had a week where it was higher, but overall CoVid is number 3 behind Cancer and heart disease.

2020-11-28 10:33:36 UTC  

@TaLoN132 it's from the John Hopkins study, so any discrepancies, you need to contact them about.

2020-11-28 10:35:11 UTC  

I had been following the numbers pretty closely until about July. Just curious. I'll check it out. Thanks for posting.

2020-11-28 10:36:11 UTC  

@TaLoN132 I do actually agree with you though. I've heard covid is 3rd or 4th.

2020-11-28 10:38:11 UTC  

Well. I have to get a little rest before my kids wakeup, which will be in about 4 hours. Have a good one.

2020-11-28 10:38:23 UTC  

Good night.

2020-11-28 13:22:42 UTC  

@Huila If the people who would normally live 2 more months with last stage cardiac failure, dies after 1,5 months during a covid infection, the results you quoted would be more or less exactly what you see.

2020-11-28 13:22:58 UTC  

And this fits very well with what we are seeing here.

2020-11-28 13:45:25 UTC  

There's a reason John Hopkins took the article down. I went over in some detail yesterday in this chat why her analysis is flawed.

2020-11-28 13:46:31 UTC  

Can you explain why?

The numbers in general do not ad up though

2020-11-28 13:48:14 UTC  

The fact it came out of Johns Hopkins is kinda surprising

2020-11-28 13:52:54 UTC  

Short answer is that her analysis is drawn from this table that covers just three weeks of death where she looks at the differences in categories of deaths from the previous week and she excludes the Covid-19 category. A proper analysis would look at the sum of deaths not the differences and would include all categories.

2020-11-28 14:05:53 UTC  

I would expect John Hopkins to remove it as speculation.

2020-11-28 14:06:41 UTC  

It is interesting as such (qualitative reasoning), but not in this climate.

2020-11-28 14:07:43 UTC  

*"The reason we have a higher number of reported COVID-19 deaths among older individuals than younger individuals is simply because every day in the U.S. older individuals die in higher numbers than younger individuals,"*

This, for instance, is probably right and wrong at the same time.

2020-11-28 14:08:37 UTC  

@andrasol which numbers is it you need to add up?

2020-11-28 14:17:36 UTC  

Was a general statement. Like everything thst is put out by mediz and gov. Here in belgiun

2020-11-28 14:18:52 UTC  

In feb. When you looked into the off. Stats website. They stated counting all lung dis. And flu's as covid.

Mixing and matchen graphs with both test and confirmed cases stats.

I could go on

2020-11-28 14:18:52 UTC  

@andrasol, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-11-28 14:22:04 UTC  

@andrasol That because there is no standard within the medical community as to what get registered as what.

2020-11-28 14:22:15 UTC  

Cause of death is more complicated than people think it is.

2020-11-28 14:22:24 UTC  

There is

2020-11-28 14:22:33 UTC  

The who issued a 14 page doc

2020-11-28 14:22:33 UTC  

This leads to different numbers from different actors and constant revisions by number crunchers.

2020-11-28 14:22:50 UTC  

All part of the scientific process.

2020-11-28 14:22:52 UTC  

Telling hosp. How to make that determination

2020-11-28 14:23:00 UTC  

yes, that is common too.

2020-11-28 14:23:05 UTC  

I read it

2020-11-28 14:23:12 UTC  

Had it reviewed by people in the bussiness

2020-11-28 14:23:18 UTC  

Hospitals that is government run, gets intructions on everything.