Message from @TaLoN132

Discord ID: 783063908339810334

2020-11-30 20:08:03 UTC  

They are all dated...

2020-11-30 20:08:06 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire it’s unnecessarily slows down the process. Plus you have people banging on glass windows and yelling. The public poll watchers weren’t kicked for no reason. There are countless stories of republican poll watchers being disruptive. Not to mention the official poll watchers in the room never left.

2020-11-30 20:08:40 UTC  

Her testimony showed that employees were attempting to break the legal process and used intimidation to do so. That’s pretty bad...

2020-11-30 20:08:40 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire, you just advanced to level 5!

2020-11-30 20:09:39 UTC  

She did not attest to any fraud.

2020-11-30 20:09:51 UTC  

we need to start ignoring people like james and dedkraken. they are disrupting constructive conversations from reasonable people on both side of the political spectrum

2020-11-30 20:09:59 UTC  

do not reply or engage with them

2020-11-30 20:10:20 UTC  

She witnessed a person come in to invalidate an absentee vote and replace it with their own, and the employee there used physical intimidation to make her break the legal process for doing that properly.

2020-11-30 20:11:20 UTC  

Yes, fraud is something different and specific. But it points to a process of illegally counting ballots. Using physical intimidation.

2020-11-30 20:11:33 UTC  

Spears is just saying doing what he can to not address to issue in the table

2020-11-30 20:11:53 UTC  

That's why these hearings are so weird they arent under perjury. They arent allowed Democrat Congressmen to ask any questions. They arent allowing neutral experts in to testify. They arent allowing neutral witnesses. It's all information their legal team wants to present one sided.

2020-11-30 20:11:59 UTC  


2020-11-30 20:12:18 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire there was one affidavit of a woman claiming she was being intimidated but a large man. Yeah okay , those spam affidavits were all thrown out

2020-11-30 20:12:39 UTC  

Again if you have any affidavits of Republican poll watchers doing any of the things you mentioned I would be happy to take a look

2020-11-30 20:13:01 UTC  

A bunch of erroneous claims is not reliable evidence, especially when gathered in a website

2020-11-30 20:13:34 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire no one wrote affidavits on the republican poll watchers because no one is going after them legally

2020-11-30 20:13:51 UTC  

It’s been reported by election officials and recorded on tape @AdvanceManExtraordinaire

2020-11-30 20:14:22 UTC  

I don’t see how you could assign any meaning to it then

2020-11-30 20:14:42 UTC  

I mean, how easy is it to record something on tape lol. Especially if you hate trump

2020-11-30 20:16:09 UTC  

Affidavits are just for court. People can of course describe their experiences to the news. But the ones I described were part of the formal hearing over michigan certification which is more than these trump legal press conference "affidavit witnesses"

2020-11-30 20:16:24 UTC  

She was being overly pedantic, honestly. She was miffed that someone left when they supposedly weren't supposed to leave and never asked why. There may have been a valid personal why she left, but we will never know because she was not concerned about it. At the end of the day, we are all people and a certain measure of decency should permeate all we do. I understand that the "election judge" (I think that's what she called them) was apparently gone for 45 minutes when they should not have been, but common sense must prevail. I am certain that this type of thing happens all the time and as long as they are not allowing someone to vote that shouldn't, I'm not that concerned. The same should be true for any polling site. If she said that they were letting someone vote on behalf of their "sick" parent (or something) and she saw a steady stream of that going on, well that would be significant.

2020-11-30 20:16:44 UTC  

What are you talking about ? It’s on tape of hordes of public republican poll watchers screaming and yelling and banging on the glass , election officials reporting on their behavior of being disruptive. Yet you believe some unverifiable affidavits that they were mistreated.? @AdvanceManExtraordinaire

2020-11-30 20:17:04 UTC  

Keep in mind official republican poll watchers were always present

2020-11-30 20:17:12 UTC  

link them

2020-11-30 20:17:21 UTC  

the burden of proof is on you

2020-11-30 20:18:15 UTC  

Where is there a video of Republican poll watchers breaking rules and being kicked out?

2020-11-30 20:18:39 UTC  

anonymous sources say they have the video. trust me bro its real

2020-11-30 20:19:32 UTC  

You notice how spears just shows up to say source source source. Then I dont believe that source. Ignore these people folks nothing but sources here 🧐

2020-11-30 20:20:18 UTC  

the only source james has ever posted was an irrelevant case from 2 weeks ago

2020-11-30 20:21:12 UTC  

According to local reports, scores of poll challengers, who are being blocked from entering the center’s tally room due to capacity limits, have gathered outside, demanding they be allowed in.

2020-11-30 20:21:22 UTC  

wow i cant believe how awful republicans are holy shit

2020-11-30 20:21:28 UTC  

im registering democrat now thanks dedkraken

2020-11-30 20:21:52 UTC  
2020-11-30 20:21:58 UTC  

They were breaking the law

2020-11-30 20:22:10 UTC  

"haha yeah sorry we are at capacity limit, we literally cannot let you in to observe that we are conducting a fair election."

2020-11-30 20:22:52 UTC  

You can't just storm a place holding live ballots just because you're triggered.

2020-11-30 20:22:56 UTC  

Imagine belonging to a party willing to show up and protest votes being counted and still claiming to be all about the will of the people.

2020-11-30 20:23:42 UTC  

yes you can

2020-11-30 20:23:52 UTC  

Rally chants aren't the way to gain access to important places in good faith. Js.