Message from @AdvanceManExtraordinaire

Discord ID: 783397678239187005

2020-12-01 18:09:14 UTC  

Somewhere just shy of a month left at this point

2020-12-01 18:09:22 UTC  


2020-12-01 18:09:49 UTC  

He would need an investigation of extensive funding and extensive time and he has neither

2020-12-01 18:09:52 UTC  

@yetiCodes and were was Trumps Federal Gov. In this.. cuse they have to be part of it.. is this happened

2020-12-01 18:10:15 UTC  

No, @MatiLuc. Not necessarily

2020-12-01 18:10:55 UTC  

if you notice AG Bill Barr has been pretty passive during this whole process

2020-12-01 18:11:15 UTC  

@yetiCodes if u cant take 9000, out of ur bank without filling a fed. Report.

2020-12-01 18:11:17 UTC  

Pretty passive is an understatement

2020-12-01 18:11:21 UTC  

Have you seen the vitriol being thrown in their direction? There is no way I would want to have my employees trying to work while wondering when the angry crowd with pitch forks was coming for them.

2020-12-01 18:11:36 UTC  

This transaction are not done without the Gov. Knowing

2020-12-01 18:12:02 UTC  

AG Barr is in the firing line. AG Barr should go to prison for what he’s been upto.

2020-12-01 18:12:24 UTC  

Like what? (Not being snarky, just very curious)

2020-12-01 18:13:26 UTC  

Why what’s he been up to? I thought he was literally doing nothing lately

2020-12-01 18:14:01 UTC  

Goin back to work. Txt later

2020-12-01 18:14:53 UTC  

For starters ordering justice department to work as personal lawyers in Trumps personal/ criminal cases. For ordering police to fire tear gas at peaceful protest, ordering election officials to investigate the election before voting stopped, ordering sanctions on judges of the international court. I could go on...

2020-12-01 18:15:43 UTC  

He knows it’s the end of the administration, he’s probably hiding something he got upto lol

2020-12-01 18:16:33 UTC  

Idk, that doesn’t seem like a satisfying reason, IMO. If allegations were raised against you that you are implicated in the greatest heist in American history wouldn’t you want to clear your name and prove your innocence. This PR can’t be good for their future business prospects.

2020-12-01 18:16:59 UTC  

Is Lin wood just saying Random things at this point to get more money from donors

2020-12-01 18:21:02 UTC  

There are reports of Dominion representatives still actively helping with the election, so they are still involved. The burden of proof is on those doing the accusations and allowing it to play out could also be interpreted as being confident that they have nothing to be concerned about because they did nothing wrong. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Protest too loudly that you are innocent can often have the opposite of your intended result. The point is, I wouldn't read too much into it.

2020-12-01 18:21:45 UTC  

If they are involved, they deserve what's coming to them. If they are innocent, I hope I am never in their shoes.

2020-12-01 18:22:41 UTC  

From my perspective, I don’t know what proportion of illegal immigrants come here to work for $2/hr vs live off of welfare. I can reason that removing the welfare safety net, and making it legal to hire illegal immigrants, would raise the wages of those willing to work so they can be self reliant, and filter out those unwilling to work.

2020-12-01 18:22:53 UTC  

I find it super hard to believe China bought out the company and directed the employees to rig the election or laid off the entire workforce or whatever and there was no whistleblowers or anything

2020-12-01 18:23:31 UTC  

but hey if Lin Wood can prove it I am interested 😄

2020-12-01 18:24:29 UTC  

they say money doesn't grow on trees but maybe the wood kraken found a way to make it work?

2020-12-01 18:26:01 UTC  

This could be a form of art

2020-12-01 18:27:13 UTC  

Just joining a cult and leaning into its narrative, position yourself as a leader and just wing it , money will flow

2020-12-01 18:29:53 UTC  

If anything has come from’s the election process has to be uniformed and secure.

2020-12-01 18:30:32 UTC  

So, what you are saying is that American's on welfare would otherwise be willing to take those jobs were it not for being on welfare. i think we are more in agreement than not. I see them as different issues, but I see how you can make that claim. I am a big believer that "something given for free has no value". I don't see the benefit of helping people out without giving them the opportunity to contribute. There must be some way to allow those on welfare to earn their money.

2020-12-01 18:33:59 UTC

Another curious thing. Not sure if it’s conclusive.

2020-12-01 18:34:02 UTC  

That's a sticky issue, but I think there is a way to help people out without it being demeaning.

2020-12-01 18:34:19 UTC  

Is there a reasonable explanation?

2020-12-01 18:35:20 UTC  

I’ll try and get a Google docs link for context.

2020-12-01 18:38:27 UTC  

I think it’s extremely important to help those that can’t help themselves. The war on poverty programs however have proven to be detrimental. Whatever we had before the 60s- go back to that.

2020-12-01 18:41:52 UTC  

Would be great if you can. Thank you.

2020-12-01 18:42:19 UTC  

I respect hustle. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Hand outs can quickly become handicaps.

2020-12-01 18:42:40 UTC  

@AdamS Message sent. Now we wait 👌🏼

2020-12-01 18:45:20 UTC  

Prior to the 80's, we used to institutionalize those that could not take care of themselves. That had its own issues, but we just basically put them on the street when Reagan ended that practice in an effort to partially pay for eliminating the top tax bracket. That's an over-simplification, but you get the idea. The top tax bracket also had the net result of getting companies to spread the wealth around (strong middle class) and providing an incentive to invest in R&D. Overpaying employees or carrying huge profits would result in paying a higher percentage to the govt. There's a ton of data to support this, but that is why pre-1980's we didn't rely on the government as much.

2020-12-01 18:51:59 UTC  

@TaLoN132 the Mental Health Act was adopted in 1963 under JFK. I'm not sure how Reagan ended the practice ...

2020-12-01 18:53:34 UTC  

This appears to be another analysis of the media feed data (NEP->NYT)... It only is meaningful in that context. If the source data is not from one of the media feeds, I'd love to know how to get a copy.

2020-12-01 18:54:47 UTC  

> Few anticipated how quickly President Kennedy’s aspiration of reducing the institutional population by half would be realized. By 1980, the inpatient population at public psychiatric hospitals had declined by 75%.