Message from @yetiCodes

Discord ID: 783584042310041611

2020-12-02 06:37:52 UTC  

I mean you guys do get that if you get to enforce this throw out all the votes in polling places that had the six foot rule that team Biden could do the exact same thing in Trump counties...

It is simply NOT a viable remedy to ignore the votes of an entire polling place on thsi six foot crap

2020-12-02 06:37:55 UTC  

No problem. 🤙🏼🤙🏼

2020-12-02 06:38:06 UTC  

What if they don't take enough time? Fraud&&

2020-12-02 06:38:27 UTC  

because the Trump legal team files a lawsuit that say poll watchers werent allowed in the room to watch votes counted and the judge said were there GOP poll watchers in the room and they said there was a nonzero number

2020-12-02 06:38:55 UTC  

LOL... yeah "a non zero number" LOL

2020-12-02 06:39:13 UTC  

I think it would be helpful if people spent more time describing the laws, purpose, and procedures regarding the watchers w/ regard to absentee ballots. The notion that the campaign had people "present in the room" is complete nonsense.

2020-12-02 06:39:14 UTC  

now that is just embarrassing

2020-12-02 06:39:18 UTC  

Again, I don’t think that’s a satisfying remedy for the perceived harm, but I think there is an argument to be made that this was sketchy as hell. Lol. Layman’s terms.

2020-12-02 06:39:47 UTC  

That's not true... Observers have no say in signature verification. They have no training in it. Observers are there to make sure the process is being followed. They do not have the right to be able to read everything. That would be ridiculous. There are (or should be) checks and balances build into the process. If they follow the process, things should be caught and corrected.

2020-12-02 06:40:10 UTC  

this is simply not true

2020-12-02 06:40:23 UTC  

it would be wonderful if the poll watchers had a more in depth knowledge of what is going on and what they are supposed to do but sadly not that many cared about the nitty gritty until their candidate started scream fraud

2020-12-02 06:40:27 UTC  

they DO have say in signature verification, in literally every election we have ever had

2020-12-02 06:40:29 UTC  

Typically you would not see this on either side. There is a bipartisan working relationship during an election. One side does not subvert or prevent poll observers from performing their job.

2020-12-02 06:41:17 UTC  

@JonasRobert I also addressed the hotel room conference hearings people. When Kelly mechaney holds up a bunch of online submitted affidavits that’s the quality she is presenting, what affidavits do you think can hold up to scrutiny.

2020-12-02 06:41:17 UTC  

signature verfication varies state to state some dont use it as its the less reliable way to match folks

2020-12-02 06:41:22 UTC  

this is why I just said this: "I think it would be helpful if people spent more time describing the laws, purpose, and procedures regarding the watchers w/ regard to absentee ballots. The notion that the campaign had people "present in the room" is complete nonsense."

I dont think youre purposefully wrong but maybe you just arent familiar with how it works?

2020-12-02 06:42:01 UTC  

I keep saying that I realize the 6 feet thing is NOT ideal. It does hamper the ability of the watchers. But what is the remedy?

This rule was in place EVERYWHERE. I live in a Trump State and we had the six feet rule in place where I live.

The remedy cannot be that we throw out the ballots where the six feet rule was in place ONLY in Counties where Biden won.

I mean come on now.

It was not a violation of the law. It make life much much more difficult for ALL the poll workers. No doubt. But the remedy is not to throw out all the ballots.

2020-12-02 06:42:04 UTC  

I’m referring to the testimonies at the PA hearing ( I’m aware it is pseudo legal) but those folks filed affidavits, so I think hearing them out is good practice

2020-12-02 06:43:08 UTC  

@JonasRobert read what I sent you , the judge threw that out and the lawyers admitted they didn’t have a case. Poll watchers off the street are not meant to be so close. That’s for the official poll watchers that were present

2020-12-02 06:43:08 UTC  

depends what they have to say and what the procedure is we dont want unlimited testimony devoid of content

2020-12-02 06:43:13 UTC  

Just to be clear, the issue is not with being 6ft back. It is that they were kept more than 6ft back, correct?

2020-12-02 06:43:15 UTC  

Look guys, for context. Here is a picture of absentee ballots being processed in pre-covid times. You can see the observers are extremely close. They are able to compare the ballots against voter rolls, compare signatures, check for problems, etc.

2020-12-02 06:43:33 UTC  

here is a picture of a PA observer doing the same process lol

2020-12-02 06:44:08 UTC  

@JonasRobert they could still do that, the affidavits were the ones submitted by a mob of angry trump voters retroactively. They were already primed to see everything as fraud

2020-12-02 06:44:11 UTC  

thats not exactly an accurate comparison of all poll watching scenarios 😄

2020-12-02 06:44:28 UTC  

"poll watching" is different

2020-12-02 06:44:35 UTC  

How many times do you guys need me to say that the the six feet rule made things difficult? We all agree on that. The issue is what is your remedy?

2020-12-02 06:45:13 UTC  

The only way to filter them is to read them all. The insufficient / unverifiable claims will naturally get sifted out, 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

I think we agree on this

2020-12-02 06:45:19 UTC  

It's not about that. It's about nonsense gaslighting being spouted by @TaLoN132

2020-12-02 06:45:28 UTC  

Of fucking course they could look at the signatures

2020-12-02 06:45:34 UTC  

And they could challenge it

2020-12-02 06:45:36 UTC  

No... there is a process that is followed. Each state will have different rules, but typically the election workers are the ones that determine whether a signature matches known samples or not. Some jurisdictions will create 2-3 person panels that are comprised of representatives from both parties and possibly an independent. That panel decides the signature match. Observers make sure that they are following the process. If they notice people not following the process or one side bullying the other or something of that nature, they can note it and bring their concern to an election official.

2020-12-02 06:45:45 UTC  

but in some states the "6 ft" rule wasnt even observed. look at the pictures of the binocular guy. even if I concede that 6 ft is adequate, which it is not, you still have to contend with the fact they didnt even follow their own 6 foot rule. hence, the ballots should be tossed

2020-12-02 06:46:01 UTC  

@yetiCodes they were and shown to be unverifiable and thus useless

2020-12-02 06:46:02 UTC  

What states?

2020-12-02 06:46:16 UTC  

that could have been sifted through by the Trump Legal Team instead of finding out in the "hearings" that they were just confused or were saying weird stuff like I didn't like that fellas clothes

2020-12-02 06:46:16 UTC  

I live in a red state and we had the six feet rule

2020-12-02 06:46:16 UTC  

PA, for example

2020-12-02 06:46:42 UTC  

Every single one? 🤔

2020-12-02 06:46:44 UTC  

What is your remedy?

2020-12-02 06:46:56 UTC  

@JonasRobert what is your remedy?