Message from @james j

Discord ID: 783787665421893686

2020-12-02 19:59:12 UTC  

Lying is way less severe than starting a war

2020-12-02 20:00:17 UTC  

There is only Penalty under law if you cant prove a affidavit false , you cant really show someone lied if they say they say something or thought they something @William Dinan

2020-12-02 20:00:50 UTC  

This maga-hatted televanglist is out of control. How can someone trying to build a sober legal case stand anywhere near him? I think she has no intention of waging a legal battle. It was all a pretense to push unsubstantiated propaganda.

We now know why Trump did the sham distancing.

2020-12-02 20:01:08 UTC  

@james j What is the Lie?

2020-12-02 20:01:52 UTC  

That. That right there is why they did it that way.

2020-12-02 20:03:07 UTC  

@William Dinan you asked why would he lie? I said because of maga bucks. Then I said the only way you get in trouble is if you can prove the person intentionally lied and/or the claim is falsifiable in the first place.

2020-12-02 20:03:56 UTC  

@james j show me the Money?

2020-12-02 20:05:30 UTC  

The pa guy got 200000 dollars crowd sourced through go fund me. This was after he took back his affidavit. He then claimed he didn’t but officially he did. @William Dinan maga (trump supporters) gave him money because they thought he would help them get trump to steal the election

2020-12-02 20:06:04 UTC  

Show me the witness stand. Anyone can say anything 'under penalty of perjury' if they know there is no chance of it appearing where perjury is a thing. And the tactic is working, apparently.

2020-12-02 20:06:54 UTC  

Sorry... way behind. Catching up.

I don't agree... I posted last night about it. I had many concerns about her testimony.

2020-12-02 20:07:21 UTC  

@james j Please link the Go Fund Me. I haven't seen it.

2020-12-02 20:07:27 UTC  

He testimony was just “urban people are lazy” no proof or evidence given @TaLoN132

2020-12-02 20:07:58 UTC  

China wants to invade us to be farmers?

2020-12-02 20:07:58 UTC  

@Dedkraken, you just advanced to level 18!

2020-12-02 20:09:24 UTC  

That guy asked why Georgia's hand recount didnt show discrepancy and they flat lied and said they didnt count them

2020-12-02 20:10:02 UTC  
2020-12-02 20:10:05 UTC  

Lying doesnt make the Kraken look credible

2020-12-02 20:10:47 UTC  

Lol the theory is that they didn’t count them? @Dedkraken

2020-12-02 20:11:08 UTC  

@james j i thought you were talking about the Tractor Truck Driver.

2020-12-02 20:12:21 UTC  

You asked why he would lie, he is using the same business model as all the other maga grifters (people taking money from maga in hopes it will over turn the election) they saw other people do it and so they do they same. That is why someone would lie @William Dinan

2020-12-02 20:13:35 UTC  

@james j we are talking about two different People.

2020-12-02 20:13:35 UTC  

They will be hailed as hero’s to 70 million people @William Dinan

2020-12-02 20:14:11 UTC  

Yeah James they said a recount never happened that should be very hard for them to prove

2020-12-02 20:14:13 UTC  

I am addressing why someone would lie , then I gave an example of someone who “whistle blew” and how much money he got @William Dinan

2020-12-02 20:14:40 UTC  

Omg what a stretch @Dedkraken

2020-12-02 20:15:36 UTC  

Do you not think potential maga bucks is a reason to lie? @William Dinan

2020-12-02 20:16:05 UTC  

It was more than that... She was trying to assert that 72% of the vote was in question, because of a stupid MI law (that both parties have let stand) where unbalanced precincts are excluded from the audit. The reality is that 72% only represents 441 total votes out of balance. There were other Rep counties that were just as out of balance. And the number of votes in a precinct greatly increases the amount of effort required to get into balance... So, laziness was an unfair characterization that she had to know was not an accurate representation of the decision factors for determining whether to further attempt to balance. @Repeat

2020-12-02 20:16:28 UTC  

@james j after the Fact. Talk about Faith.

2020-12-02 20:17:24 UTC  

@TaLoN132 yikes , did anyone call her out on the 72 percent number? I only watched the beginning cuz I realized she had nothing up front

2020-12-02 20:17:44 UTC  

@William Dinan maga people are very predictable. There is a whole business eco system built around their faith

2020-12-02 20:18:44 UTC  

Trump has raked in 100 million dollars (that doesn’t even go to the legal defense fund). He is fleecing his own supporters. In the fine print he is free to do whatever he wants with the money @William Dinan

2020-12-02 20:18:48 UTC  

@james j What will they do next?

2020-12-02 20:19:12 UTC  

@james j yeah, and that eco system is called a meritocracy...

2020-12-02 20:19:42 UTC  

Prob be famous and be hailed as brave hero’s by maga people @William Dinan make a few bucks. Have some appearances on Trump tv

2020-12-02 20:19:49 UTC  

Lmao meritocracy

2020-12-02 20:20:09 UTC  
2020-12-02 20:20:45 UTC  

@abracadabra.holmes you don’t understand I am talking about a business model based around how hopeful trump supporters are. Their belief and faith has already given Trump 100 million dollars in pocket money

2020-12-02 20:21:13 UTC  

Trump supporters give to people that agree with them and push whatever crazy right wing narrative that is out there @abracadabra.holmes

2020-12-02 20:21:33 UTC  

170, no? Where did I see that?

2020-12-02 20:21:33 UTC  

YouTubers, whistle blowers you name it