Message from @AntiFish03

Discord ID: 784590868035272715

2020-12-05 01:12:05 UTC  

Red Flag, universal background checks, ammo bans, Semi-automatic rifle bans, magazine capacity limits...

2020-12-05 01:12:12 UTC  

@inwa No, like in russian. Gitler Kaputt.

2020-12-05 01:12:37 UTC  

none of these has changed anything in any state that has them

2020-12-05 01:12:45 UTC  


2020-12-05 01:13:02 UTC  

Is guliani not working for Trump who is in power? if Dan bongino not also tied? This is good @inwa

2020-12-05 01:13:03 UTC  

and they won't... add additional penalties to crimes committed with firearms

2020-12-05 01:13:18 UTC  

You work for or with the government you are subject to transparency @inwa

2020-12-05 01:14:32 UTC  

make the penalties more hash and pretty soon criminals will either be incarcerated, or avoid using firearms in the commission of their crimes

2020-12-05 01:14:33 UTC  

I'm pretty certian there are plenty of felons who voted for Biden...the same guy who put them in the pin after importing drugs, creating an epidemic and declaring war on the poor! The insanity!

2020-12-05 01:14:39 UTC  

@skye hello, skye

2020-12-05 01:15:55 UTC  

@AntiFish03 elect congress people who make pushing that kind of legislation a priority

2020-12-05 01:16:20 UTC  

Also, that list of proposed gun control is already possible with the current laws. While respecting due process, and property rights.

2020-12-05 01:16:43 UTC  

That's who I voted for.

2020-12-05 01:16:56 UTC  

People to make government more transparent? @AntiFish03

2020-12-05 01:17:24 UTC  

Citizens cannot yell fire in a theater but our govt surely can start one, incite a revolution and overthrow a Shaw for British oil destabilizing an entire region for decades though. Sound familiar?

2020-12-05 01:18:42 UTC  

You might want to find to look at my reply to that if you missed it about fire in a theater

2020-12-05 01:19:44 UTC  

Not something that most politicians talk about... I was meaning firearms wise...

2020-12-05 01:22:16 UTC  

I was responding to the thing about government being resistant to passing legislation for transparency. @AntiFish03 it would require a bipartisan effort to prioritize that to make legislators campaign on that front

2020-12-05 01:22:37 UTC  

Gun laws only affect law abiding citizens. And even with the death penalty, criminals still tend to use firearms.

2020-12-05 01:23:03 UTC  

Agreed, its something I'd love to see. Better transparency in our government

2020-12-05 01:23:59 UTC  

Agreed for the most part. But stiffer penalties means that they are at least incarcerated for longer. And not in our society.

2020-12-05 01:31:26 UTC  

I'm not advocating for gun control. I was trying to see if there was a way to bridge the gap. It was a thought experiment. Where is the reasonable limit on what kind of weapon can or cannot be owned by a citizen? If there is one.

2020-12-05 01:31:53 UTC  

Sensible and responsible appraoch to gun ownership just like including in womens rights access to a safe abortion via allowing MD hospital privlages while also giving her the weighted knowledge of her decision and allowing time for a sensible and responsible decision. Perhaps gun rights should be allowcated to the state.

2020-12-05 01:31:53 UTC  

@inwa, you just advanced to level 10!

2020-12-05 01:32:51 UTC  

Safe abortion is a relative term

2020-12-05 01:33:34 UTC  

There are some who believe only muskets are allowed as that was the common firearm of the time. By that standard, only the written or printed word would be permissible under the 1st amendment, all other forms such as texting, internet, cellular, etc would be restricted or banned.

2020-12-05 01:33:35 UTC  

@Bey, you just advanced to level 15!

2020-12-05 01:34:13 UTC  

I was using a quick shorthand. I am aware that it is not an apt analogy, I was being lazy.

Making something a crime is a way of enforcing an established limit.

2020-12-05 01:34:13 UTC  

@TaLoN132, you just advanced to level 27!

2020-12-05 01:35:10 UTC  

A limit that is predicated on a person abusing a right, not a limit on everyone who isn't abusing the right

2020-12-05 01:35:17 UTC  

Oh, great. Doc is at a Russian click-bait farm also in collusion with Biden, tampering with elections and spreading massive disinformation. Russia is the "fire in the crowded theater" only this time the Dems have cried wolf for so long, the wolf has easy access. Sadly, RT is what Western media used to look like. Unbiased, fact-based journalism.

2020-12-05 01:38:20 UTC  

Those fraudsters dare to rig the election because they trust Americans want more their social life and networks accounts than their freedom and democracy.

2020-12-05 01:39:33 UTC  

You would have to read the papers to better understand, but either way...whatever we were doing in Ukraine (whether sound or not) multimillions to the son sitting on the board of Burisma and a legit Quid Pro Quo is extortion and criminal.

2020-12-05 01:40:38 UTC  

Would imagine they are highly transparent to their own.

2020-12-05 01:42:17 UTC  

What I am getting at is that there are other areas where we have figured out how someone can own what they want and use it in a manner that is consistent with societal norms. For example, we don't prevent people from owning cars that can go 200+mph and they can drive them as long as they abide by the rules of the road. They can go to a race track and let loose, of course.

2020-12-05 01:42:27 UTC  

@inwa I dont think a troll farm can afford me. My rate starts at 120 USD/hr

2020-12-05 01:42:37 UTC  

Maybe a troll farm leader?

2020-12-05 01:42:54 UTC  

Or troll trainer?

2020-12-05 01:43:21 UTC  

Troll SF?

2020-12-05 01:43:54 UTC  

I did see that but overthrow of the Shaw began with a fire in a theater ironically.