Message from @em

Discord ID: 784700184785059851

2020-12-05 08:18:18 UTC  

@samwisegamgee77, you just advanced to level 7!

2020-12-05 08:20:40 UTC  

Yeah... Sequoia had been around since the 1970's. They made the ballot punching voting machines that were used in the 2000 election that created the hanging/dimpled chads. They were starting work on an eVoting machine, but they were not known to have gotten very far. In 2006, Smartmatic was ordered to sell Sequoia. They did so to a holding company and the sold the assets of Sequoia to Dominion in 2010, I believe. For a contract in the Philippines, Smartmatic licensed the Dominion Voting System, because they couldn't fulfill the order with their own systems. There were issues with the Philippine election and Dominion ended up in court with Smartmatic. That was the extent of their relationship. in 2014, Sequoia filed bankruptcy.

2020-12-05 08:20:41 UTC  

I dont discount the possibility that dominion has put their hand on the scale in some way, but I havent seen enough to reasonably convince me yet.

2020-12-05 08:22:33 UTC  

After they filed Bankruptcy in 2014, their intellectual property was bought by Dominion according to both that .gov website, and other news outlets from around 2017

2020-12-05 08:22:33 UTC  

@em, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-05 08:23:32 UTC  

The names of board members, connections, contracts and shells associated with dominion is very alarming to me, but to me, thats all there is at least publicly available currently.

2020-12-05 08:23:43 UTC  

And from what I’ve gathered, Smartmatic remained responsible for sequoia even after that order was given

2020-12-05 08:24:15 UTC  

No.. I am surprised they chose that county. There was a temporary "glitch" in reporting totals to the Sec of State to update the totals. Whoever entered the numbers reversed the numbers for Biden and Trump. Once they realized the problem, they switched them back and all was fine. People that think this was nefarious don't understand that relaying vote counts is often a manual process - because the systems are not on the Internet (or shouldn't be) and MI has 3 different voting systems in use, I believe.

2020-12-05 08:24:46 UTC  

Bidens cabinet picks have been the most alarming to me though

2020-12-05 08:25:24 UTC  

I understood that they bought the assets, including IP in 2010, but I might be misremembering.

2020-12-05 08:25:53 UTC  

Getting the old band back together for more wars.

2020-12-05 08:26:43 UTC  

The holding company formed to divest Smartmatic of Sequoia was owned by the US owners of Smartmatic, I believe.

2020-12-05 08:27:21 UTC  

I read something that convinced me that smartmatic and dominion were closer than they appeared but I have honestly been in the weeds reading shit for the last few weeks I couldn't tell ya where or what it was that convinced me

2020-12-05 08:29:23 UTC  

I don't doubt that Dominion systems have vulnerabilities and are likely to have less than ideal code. I have been coding since I was 9 years old and I have been involved in dozens and dozens of systems... and I can tell you that 4/5 systems are poorly architected and coded.

2020-12-05 08:29:29 UTC  

Thank you. Have the machines been handed over for independent analysis? & I feel it’s appropriate for the machines to forensically examined since so much of the electorate believe malfeasance has taken place.

2020-12-05 08:30:59 UTC  

I think you are, but then again I might be too lol
Iirc, in 2010 the order was given to Smartmatic to dissolve its holding in Sequoia, due to security concerns, determined by CFIUS

Sequoia then went through a long process of dying out, and was attempted to be bought by Hart Inc, Hart learned and reported of their remaining connections to smartmatic, and then I think radio silence for a few years and then the public record shifts from sequoia to dominion

2020-12-05 08:31:08 UTC  

I honestly think they are just competitors. I think Ramsland lost a race when Dominion systems were used and he went on a crusade.

2020-12-05 08:31:45 UTC  

I think they’re posed as competitors, to put the tinfoil hat on

2020-12-05 08:37:30 UTC  

This is utter and complete speculation on my part - I know that many developers that get crazy with their test systems. I could envision a developer that put some test functionality that allowed an Admin type to change vote totals for different test scenarios. I've worked on several systems that had a maintenance screen that exposed similar. This would often be a hidden "internal only" maintenance screen, but I have seen lazy programmers just make it available on a client facing screen.

2020-12-05 08:37:40 UTC  

Like I said all speculation.

2020-12-05 08:39:00 UTC  

Its my bedtime yall. I'm glad we were able to have some great back and forth, civil discussion. I appreciate all the open opinions and research. Have a great day/night all!

2020-12-05 08:39:24 UTC  

The bottom line is that hand recounts would expose any software only vote flipping. To flip a vote electronically and still balance to a hand recount. Ballots would have to be swapped out in all the corresponding precincts where changes were made.

2020-12-05 08:40:07 UTC  

Likewise. Goodnight.

2020-12-05 08:40:23 UTC  

Woohoo! My memory is not so bad after all

2020-12-05 08:40:35 UTC  

I would agree except the ballots are reprinted for the recounts so <a:aPES_Laugh:664885767574781964>

2020-12-05 08:41:02 UTC  

It's been a pleasure... Goodnight and Good morning, respectively.

2020-12-05 08:41:08 UTC  

Only a signature audit would do it

2020-12-05 08:41:10 UTC  

Same to you

2020-12-05 08:41:13 UTC  


2020-12-05 08:41:16 UTC  


2020-12-05 08:41:25 UTC  

I’m still lingering around lol

2020-12-05 08:42:13 UTC  

Are you sure about that? That kind of defeats the purpose of paper ballots.

2020-12-05 08:47:13 UTC  

Well, maybe not reprinted, but the signatures haven’t been verified during the audit. the audit just compares every ballot with what the machine counted

2020-12-05 08:47:13 UTC  

@em, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-05 08:47:31 UTC  

@em they bough the asserts of sequoia . They are still competitors to dominion.

2020-12-05 08:47:51 UTC  

They sold* their assets

2020-12-05 08:47:57 UTC  

and then Dominion bought them

2020-12-05 08:48:04 UTC  


2020-12-05 08:48:12 UTC  

They are not the same company

2020-12-05 08:50:23 UTC  

Also on a side note signatures do very little to stop fraud. What it does do is catch people with sloppy hand writing