Message from @Zuluzeit

Discord ID: 785243908829216778

2020-12-06 20:35:24 UTC  

Again, it doesn't matter if it is separate from the stimulus bill, that is an extra 1500 a family could have on top of the stimulus to feed their children because they are poor. Many will do it simply because they have no option and no money. They would end up starving without the extra stimulus. Would you rather feed your children or get the vaccine? That is basically forcing the poor to get vaccinated against their will. You don't have a choice when you are poor.

2020-12-06 20:35:24 UTC  

No, forcing people to be vaccinated or starve is an actual ridiculous position.

2020-12-06 20:35:28 UTC  

@Maw I will not starve if I don't Vaccinate.

2020-12-06 20:35:36 UTC  

> @Zuluzeit that's not like it's a secret I mean you can read it on their web page it's pretty clear.
@busillis That's what's so infuriating about it. They figure nothing anyone can do about it anyway.

2020-12-06 20:35:44 UTC  

@William Dinan Good for you, you're not everyone else.

2020-12-06 20:35:52 UTC  

No it’s the Powell Michigan case. Judge decided no oral argument on plaintiffs’ TRO

2020-12-06 20:36:29 UTC  

Rudy now has Covid

2020-12-06 20:36:41 UTC  

@Steeler26 No, hadn't heard of that. Any links to post?

2020-12-06 20:36:45 UTC  

I remember when the majority of liberals opposed the vaccine, and now suddenly they had a change of heart because they think Biden will win. It is ridiculous. The vaccine is still new and has not been tested in a massive amount of people. This is essentially a experiment.

2020-12-06 20:36:48 UTC  

If there were no lockdowns, I'd be more inclined to agree.

2020-12-06 20:36:56 UTC  

@leftingfighter33 if they are starving it’s because we have a bad congress that didn’t give out stimulus packages much earlier. The point remains non one is forcing people to get vaccines it’s just a proposal to encourage people to get vaccines. It doesn’t work for the reasons cited.

2020-12-06 20:36:58 UTC  

But there are government mandated lockdowns current occuring.

2020-12-06 20:37:18 UTC  

They don't seem to be wrong.

2020-12-06 20:37:18 UTC  

Dec 6, 2020

TEXT-ONLY ORDER: The Court is dispensing with oral argument with respect to the 7 Plaintiffs' Emergency Motion for Declaratory, Emergency, and Permanent Injunctive Relief, pursuant to E.D. Michigan LR 7.1(f). IT IS SO ORDERED. Issued by District Judge Linda V. Parker. (RLou)

2020-12-06 20:37:27 UTC  

@Maw if they make receiving a Vaccination as a requirement for Food Stamps that's another Story. That is an Equal Protection Claim. I have not read that!

2020-12-06 20:37:46 UTC  

@William Dinan Have you ever been on food stamps before?

2020-12-06 20:37:53 UTC  

You uh, don't get much.

2020-12-06 20:37:56 UTC  

@Maw yes

2020-12-06 20:38:01 UTC  

Right, and pelosi just admitted to withholding the stimulus from the American people because Trump was in power. She turned down a 1.8 billion offer and says that is now fine with 900 million because we will have different leadership.

2020-12-06 20:38:54 UTC  

@Maw that is irrelevant to my position.

2020-12-06 20:38:56 UTC  

It's almost like we should have kept trillions in our budget instead of giving tax rewards to wealthy people. Almost.

2020-12-06 20:39:05 UTC  

@by#0854 liberals used to be the antivaxx naturalist non gmo crowd. Also people wanted proper testing. They didn’t want a vaccine from russia that has lower standards for testing than western nations

2020-12-06 20:39:15 UTC  

From what I understand she also included provisions for national mail-in voting... because it was so successful in this election

2020-12-06 20:39:52 UTC  

If you haven’t seen this already.

2020-12-06 20:40:24 UTC  

I don't know if you realize this, but do you see the amount of ads on TV from attorneys about drugs that resulted in long term adverse effects? Telling you that if you took X you may be entitled to sue after it was proven that it caused those adverse effects in the long term? We have not tested for the effects of the vaccine in the long term...Only short term. We have no idea what the long term effects would be. This is why real vaccines take years to develop.

2020-12-06 20:40:40 UTC  

No one is proposing that @Maw they are taking a proposal posited on Twitter and are turning a molehill into a mountain

2020-12-06 20:40:44 UTC  

Lmao ironic AF Rudy has the Trumpvirus.

2020-12-06 20:41:08 UTC  

Then clarify.

2020-12-06 20:41:28 UTC  

Who will you sue for damages if it is the government who administered the drug that caused long term adverse effect? The government?

2020-12-06 20:41:41 UTC  

@leftingfighter33 after every other bill was shot down by McConnell. The reason we didn’t have stimulus earlier in the year was because if McConnell but I no one ever blames him

2020-12-06 20:41:52 UTC  

@Maw when a argument is based upon "A Position of Authority" it is usually is a weak one.

2020-12-06 20:41:53 UTC  

The government, yes, people do win those cases fairly frequently. @leftingfighter33

2020-12-06 20:41:57 UTC  

Oh no, not the middle man 🙈

2020-12-06 20:41:59 UTC  

@Maw read the article @leftingfighter33 posted

2020-12-06 20:42:00 UTC  

It's a virus. Eventually everyone is going to get it. That's what viruses do. This one happens to attack the elderly and people with underlying conditions and people with certain physiologies. In that respect it's also similar to the flu.

2020-12-06 20:42:01 UTC

2020-12-06 20:42:03 UTC  

Head lady in charge

2020-12-06 20:42:04 UTC  

Trust me... I have my concerns about the vaccine. Not so much because I think it is part of a nefarious plot, but because I think that we may be rushing a new technology that we cannot know the long term effects.

2020-12-06 20:42:32 UTC  

Pelosi never considered approving. She just clarified on TV she turned down all proposals specifically because of who was in power and is now fine with approving any amount.

2020-12-06 20:42:36 UTC  

That's the point. Why are we rushing for a virus that is no worse than the flu?

2020-12-06 20:42:39 UTC  
