Message from @Doc

Discord ID: 785251248302981193

2020-12-06 21:04:01 UTC  

Georgia hearings live now

2020-12-06 21:04:38 UTC  

back to the reality show, people!

2020-12-06 21:05:03 UTC  

I also used to have a really good meme about left unity.

2020-12-06 21:05:22 UTC  

Hegel & Hayek

2020-12-06 21:05:28 UTC  

Equal time

2020-12-06 21:05:31 UTC  

Aren't live real life events broadcast on a biased news networks fake news though? I thought I heard that somewhere.

2020-12-06 21:05:49 UTC  

yes, of course

2020-12-06 21:06:08 UTC  

I like my Hayeks of the Salma type. Thanks.

2020-12-06 21:06:14 UTC  

There we go.

2020-12-06 21:06:17 UTC  

Share this shit round before twitter deletes it.

2020-12-06 21:06:44 UTC  

Brian Kemp is CCP man now

2020-12-06 21:06:54 UTC  

Is that the subtext?

2020-12-06 21:06:56 UTC  

It’s interesting that trump hasn’t mentioned hunter Biden in a while. Wonder what made him stop

2020-12-06 21:06:58 UTC  

If he ever wasn't....

2020-12-06 21:06:59 UTC  

I think there's is little chance that they will rule to disenfranchise all PA voters. Act 77 was never intended to amend the constitution, it was meant to modify their existing election laws. I don't think that the legislature thought for a moment that it might require amending the constitution until Trump lost. I think he originally thought to delay until after the safe harbor as a de facto denial. But it is possible that Roberts or other Justices think it would be better to address it head-on to add legitimacy to the EC makeup. I think there is the smallest of chances that they overturn the vote... if that happens, the right can never again claim to have the moral high-ground with regard to "activist judges" (something I personally think both sides are guilty of).

2020-12-06 21:07:28 UTC  

He mentioned him last night

2020-12-06 21:07:43 UTC  

Okay this is not a BS question

2020-12-06 21:07:50 UTC  

He used to tweet non stop about him

2020-12-06 21:08:05 UTC  

A contested election can still be pulled off even if the electors are going for biden

2020-12-06 21:08:06 UTC  

weird name. He doesnt look like any hunter I know. He should be called "Slickman"

2020-12-06 21:08:11 UTC  

slickman Biden

2020-12-06 21:08:13 UTC  

Think he’s slightly distracted right now @james j

2020-12-06 21:08:54 UTC  

lol. You're claiming that the Justices following the rule of law are activists. That's funny.

2020-12-06 21:08:54 UTC  

@Soburin, you just advanced to level 6!

2020-12-06 21:09:12 UTC  

Being distracted by guliani making losing every case

2020-12-06 21:09:39 UTC  

Let's be fair, some of the conservative-appointed justices are absolutely activist.

2020-12-06 21:09:49 UTC  

Scary when you might be getting prosecuted by the sdny in a month

2020-12-06 21:09:49 UTC  

Ask one more question

2020-12-06 21:09:51 UTC  

Not sure how he's losing when he hasn't been giving the opportunity to present a case yet.

2020-12-06 21:09:54 UTC  

Now that Giuliani is on the DL, it should free up some time.

2020-12-06 21:10:12 UTC  

Justice Alito just moved the emergency appeal date for PA to Dec 8th instead of the 9th

2020-12-06 21:10:21 UTC  

The legal team has to realize that the testifiers are a train wreck? Yes No

2020-12-06 21:10:24 UTC  

@Soburin he has , his lawyers won’t even argue fraud in court. All his good lawyers quit and all he has now is looney Rudy

2020-12-06 21:10:26 UTC  

Uh, make a case that's a case and they'll hear it.

2020-12-06 21:10:39 UTC  

Not to even mention the kraken people

2020-12-06 21:11:03 UTC  

@Adam135 dismissed sooner than later

2020-12-06 21:11:45 UTC  

Can we all find something to agree on, please? Like Guiliani melting was fun?

2020-12-06 21:11:48 UTC  

Until I see what happens I'm not taking any bets

2020-12-06 21:11:50 UTC  

The problem with publicizing bizarre conspiracy theories to the general public is that you run the risk of normal people rejecting them.

2020-12-06 21:12:02 UTC  

get kraken-plasty