Message from @markmen

Discord ID: 785690965339144222

2020-12-08 02:12:26 UTC  

There's a question of legitimacy either way at this point

2020-12-08 02:12:27 UTC  

@Cali La La, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-12-08 02:12:44 UTC  

I think it's gonna hit regardless of who wins.

2020-12-08 02:12:55 UTC  

I also heard today that the woman in the video has contracted a lawyer

2020-12-08 02:13:04 UTC  

Most Americans, especially on the liberal side will see the electoral college as the only legitimate selectors of the presidency.

2020-12-08 02:13:08 UTC  

@WinstonSmith yes a lot of people (Trump supporters) have been led to believe that there will be fraud so they see fraud where there isn’t. You should really look at the statistical models you can use them to show the trump cheated, it’s all about the original subjective inputs you decide. Not a single piece of evidence survives in court to the point where all of trumps lawyers left except for Ellis and guliani and they won’t even argue a single instance of fraud in court. You are just being convinced by confirmation bias and this show being put on is sufficient for you. However that’s not evidence it’s just unverifiable stories. You know Trump has raised 200 million dollars off this hoax from trump supporters. This goes straight to his pocket and his fans just keep giving more because they believe his farce.

2020-12-08 02:13:11 UTC  

This mystery ballot shit is more wordplay to allow people to lie.

2020-12-08 02:13:17 UTC  


2020-12-08 02:13:21 UTC  

She canceled an interview then immediately did so

2020-12-08 02:13:22 UTC  

When I google that stuff @DrSammyD this is the report that is coming back.... are you suggesting that this report discloses the poll workers told the watchers they were done? I will find the entire report to check.

2020-12-08 02:13:49 UTC  


2020-12-08 02:14:04 UTC  


2020-12-08 02:14:16 UTC  

'If we call it 'mystery ballots' it is both condescending and nothing else we say can be fact checked. Even if they prove they were fraudulent they STILL won't be mystery ballots. They were REAL, just real Fraud.

2020-12-08 02:14:33 UTC  

When the data theft was failing they halted

2020-12-08 02:14:52 UTC  

Trump needs Biden not to get to 270, if he wishes the American people, all of them, to see him as the legitimate president. There's also the military option outlined in his Executive order in 2018, should he choose to use it, but that comes Dec. 17th, after the electors have been selected.

2020-12-08 02:14:56 UTC  

@WinstonSmith if you aren’t claiming mystery ballots what are you claiming

2020-12-08 02:14:58 UTC  

It’s blatantly obvious

2020-12-08 02:14:59 UTC  

You asked this question. "Are you telling me that you heard a poll worker say "We're done'?"

That's what I'm responding to with this report

2020-12-08 02:15:22 UTC  

I'm not sure if anyone watches Steven Crowder on YouTube, but he has a recent episode that he points out that Ruby Freeman has a bunch of absentee ballots in a bin with no return address, which should make them illegitimate if that's the case... although you can only see the first one in the pile.

2020-12-08 02:15:23 UTC  

They had to make emergency ‘adjustments’

2020-12-08 02:15:34 UTC  

Come on man!

2020-12-08 02:15:35 UTC  

The report that doesn’t show any conversation between poll workers and watchers

2020-12-08 02:15:48 UTC  

Regardless of massive amounts of fraud being shown to the American people, they will see the Electoral college as legitimate. As unfortunate as it is. This needs to end, and quickly.

2020-12-08 02:15:49 UTC  

I believe in coincidence once, maybe twice. But 5 or 6 times with the sudden massive jumps in Biden votes ... no way.

2020-12-08 02:16:32 UTC  

I'm not saying that the report says they told poll watchers. I'm saying that report combined with the video makes this timeline 100% correct.

"We're done" -> "We've Packed up" -> "I'm gonna talk to the observers" -> ??? -> "Media Reports they're done" -> "Observers leave"

Now. What happened in the ???

2020-12-08 02:16:50 UTC  

It’s also called making accusations without proving your case. That’s not multiple instances of fraud it’s multiple instances of people claiming fraud when there isn’t any @ShortCircuit

2020-12-08 02:16:52 UTC  

I don't think we're able to accurately gauge the opinions of "most" Americans, and the "liberal" side, I think, has been grossly over-estimated.

2020-12-08 02:17:07 UTC  

I'm claiming that there is a distinct possiblity those ballots were fraudulent. I don't know what a 'mystery ballot' is.

2020-12-08 02:17:36 UTC  

I heard the same thing. She backed out of an interview at the last minute (lost her time in the spotlight)

2020-12-08 02:17:36 UTC  

@ShortCircuit, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-08 02:17:38 UTC  

@Cali La La aren’t those just naked ballots

2020-12-08 02:18:00 UTC  

Yeah 10k people all lied and made up everything and this was the most secure election in history ok 🤪

2020-12-08 02:18:00 UTC  

@markmen, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-08 02:18:08 UTC  

I'm not sure... she said they were absentee ballots on the video, and stated she had to go through all of them.

2020-12-08 02:18:11 UTC  

@WinstonSmith the accusation is that 1000s of ballots showed up at night , this is not the case

2020-12-08 02:18:23 UTC  

No it isn't. Even the lawyer presening the video didn't say that.

2020-12-08 02:18:28 UTC  

No.. they were in evelopes

2020-12-08 02:18:53 UTC  

@WinstonSmith that’s what the Trump team was alleging , “where did these suitcases come from?”

2020-12-08 02:19:00 UTC  

If SCOTUS shoots down A77 the dominos will tumble

2020-12-08 02:19:05 UTC  

Hence mystery ballots @WinstonSmith