Message from @markmen

Discord ID: 785689832247918594

2020-12-08 02:06:01 UTC  

Rather than "Didn't happen ahaha."

2020-12-08 02:06:33 UTC  

How many in here are 50 cent army proxies?

2020-12-08 02:06:33 UTC  

Safe Harbor date really isn't that important overall. A lot depends on what SCOTUS does with PA suit.

2020-12-08 02:06:50 UTC  

Lets say fraud did happen, electors change before Jan. 6th. Shit's gunna hit the fucking Fan, and fast.

2020-12-08 02:07:06 UTC  

Barret i s going to recuse

2020-12-08 02:07:11 UTC  

Um no. Again, based on the witnesses that Team Trump have tried to get us to believe thus far tells me they are not after the truth. So I am not going to blindly take them at their word.

Team Trump said the watchers were "Thrown Out" - clearly by the video that did not happen.

Team Trump said that ballots magically appear in suit cases hidden under a table - Completely debunked.

So why would I just believe what they are saying? Your bias is showing.

2020-12-08 02:08:03 UTC  

You are clearly experiencing some cognitive dissonance.

"We're done" -> "We've Packed up" -> "I'm gonna talk to the observers" -> ??? -> "Media Reports they're done" -> "Observers leave"

What happend in the question mark? Because I got the rest DIRECTLY from the state.

2020-12-08 02:08:10 UTC  

The local TV stations reported that they were told to go home not thrown out

2020-12-08 02:08:44 UTC  

Are you telling me that you heard a poll worker say "We're done'?

2020-12-08 02:09:00 UTC  

If you want to keep lying to yourself. Go for it. But when everyone involved, the observers, the statisticians, the voters have 10s of thousands of datapoints that suggests lots of things need investigated. But you aren't arguing there isn't evidence, your point is to say that anyone who looks at all the signs of fire at all are evil and need to stop looking for actual fire. You are an evil person.

2020-12-08 02:09:03 UTC  

I think it would be better for the US if we didn't send the electors on that date. It's a symbolic thing and if Biden symbolically wins on Dec. 14th with the electors, he's going to be the president-elect. Anything that claims otherwise is going to be met with vitriolic rage like we've never seen.

2020-12-08 02:09:23 UTC  

That's why I think Dec. 8 is important.

2020-12-08 02:09:35 UTC  

Does this make a difference? Told to go home is somehow different than thrown out?

2020-12-08 02:09:52 UTC  


2020-12-08 02:09:57 UTC  
2020-12-08 02:10:12 UTC  


2020-12-08 02:10:22 UTC  

Come om@man!

2020-12-08 02:10:22 UTC  

And we STILL don't know what's up with the Dominion shit. And electors are selected tomorrow.

2020-12-08 02:10:37 UTC  

There is a huge difference

2020-12-08 02:10:53 UTC  

They went home thinking nothing was wrong

2020-12-08 02:10:53 UTC  

@markmen, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-08 02:10:54 UTC  

If you are told to go home and told that counting is done. You have been lied to by an official person.

2020-12-08 02:10:59 UTC  

There's also reports that GA poll books and log sheets have gone missing.

2020-12-08 02:11:02 UTC  

That all was well

2020-12-08 02:11:22 UTC  

Long story short, Dec. 8/14th is important, because if Trump is found to be the winner, he will not be seen as legitimate. He should _actually_ just quit.

2020-12-08 02:11:26 UTC  

If they were ‘thrown’ out that would have raised their suspicions

2020-12-08 02:11:48 UTC  

I disagree, if Biden cares about the country, he should concede.

2020-12-08 02:12:07 UTC  

I wish this were the case, but at this point in time, it's a question of legitimacy.

2020-12-08 02:12:17 UTC  

I guess, but seriously, there is not much of a difference.

2020-12-08 02:12:18 UTC  

The perps certainly didn’t want that

2020-12-08 02:12:23 UTC  

That's what they told their bosses' investigator.
"Georgia's chief election investigator says in an affidavit that authorities reviewed footage of vote-counting in Fulton Co. - the clips the President and his supporters have plastered all over the internet - and found "there were no mystery ballots."

2020-12-08 02:12:26 UTC  

There's a question of legitimacy either way at this point

2020-12-08 02:12:27 UTC  

@Cali La La, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-12-08 02:12:44 UTC  

I think it's gonna hit regardless of who wins.

2020-12-08 02:12:55 UTC  

I also heard today that the woman in the video has contracted a lawyer

2020-12-08 02:13:04 UTC  

Most Americans, especially on the liberal side will see the electoral college as the only legitimate selectors of the presidency.

2020-12-08 02:13:08 UTC  

@WinstonSmith yes a lot of people (Trump supporters) have been led to believe that there will be fraud so they see fraud where there isn’t. You should really look at the statistical models you can use them to show the trump cheated, it’s all about the original subjective inputs you decide. Not a single piece of evidence survives in court to the point where all of trumps lawyers left except for Ellis and guliani and they won’t even argue a single instance of fraud in court. You are just being convinced by confirmation bias and this show being put on is sufficient for you. However that’s not evidence it’s just unverifiable stories. You know Trump has raised 200 million dollars off this hoax from trump supporters. This goes straight to his pocket and his fans just keep giving more because they believe his farce.

2020-12-08 02:13:11 UTC  

This mystery ballot shit is more wordplay to allow people to lie.

2020-12-08 02:13:17 UTC  
