Message from @markmen

Discord ID: 785711275962662933

2020-12-08 03:32:27 UTC  

I know he could, I just wouldn't count on it. The fact is... regardless of those that call him "racist" and say he's done "nothing". He's done everything he said he would do.

2020-12-08 03:32:43 UTC  

@Raven Evermore In this case, order66 is about right.

2020-12-08 03:33:16 UTC  

Sorry for delay. Hearing crazy shit.

Yes it does square. That report that I gave you does takes all that into account. You keep saying "they told their boss"... I assume you mean the poll workers told their boss. If so, that is clearly taken into account by this report as this was an investigation ordered by the election commission.

I have not personally seen any of the election workers admit that they told the Watchers they were done. If you have that please get me a link. I would like to see it. I am not saying its untrue. I simply have not seen that anywhere.

But... Let us assume for a moment that a Poll Worker told the Observers (not gonna use watchers to help keep this clear) that they were done.

It COULD be that a Poll Worker who was assigned to taking the ballots out of the envelopes told the Observers that her team was done and she is packing up. That could well be true and would align perfectly with the Report.

The Report basically says that the Observers saw the team responsible for taking the ballot out of the envelopes packing up and leaving. And they did leave. That team was not responsible for scanning/counting. They just removed the ballots from the envelopes.

This does makes some sense as the Observers left at approximately the same time as "Envelope Team".

So if someone from that team said "Hey Observers. We (meaning her team) are done. We are packing up and leaning?", that would not be a lie. That team did leave at approximately the same time as the Observers left.

Now again, as of right now, I have not seen ANY Poll Worker admit that they told the Observers that they were done. So if you have a link that makes that clear then I would love to have it.

2020-12-08 03:33:28 UTC  

> I know he could, I just wouldn't count on it. The fact is... regardless of those that call him "racist" and say he's done "nothing". He's done everything he said he would do.
@Raven Evermore Wall & Replace ACA?

2020-12-08 03:33:35 UTC  

I trust what he said he would do to one reporter when asked. "Yes of course I will, you know that already, you know that."

2020-12-08 03:33:40 UTC  

@Raven Evermore nothing is more invigorating than walking among the people when the military is controlling the streets.

2020-12-08 03:33:59 UTC  

@jbird I don’t have a link to the court case where the drunk lady was not found to be credible. It’s was like a month ago. The video thing wasn’t a court case. It’s was just a investigation launched to see what happened in GA. Turns out no laws were broken but there was confusion with the stopping and starting of counting. No malfeasance found

2020-12-08 03:34:07 UTC  

Dec. 2nd speech; "The Democrats has this election rigged right from the beginning. They used the pandemic as an excuse to mail out tens of millions of ballots, which led to a big part of the fraud… and there is no one happier than China. ... Dramatically eroding the integrity of our elections was the Democrats’ number one priority. For a simple reason: They wanted to steal the 2020 presidential election. All of the Democrat efforts to expand mail-in balloting laid the groundwork for the systematic and pervasive fraud that occurred in this election. ... The only conceivable reason why you would block commonsense measures to verify legal eligibility for voting, is you are trying to encourage, enable, solicit or carry out fraud. It is important for Americans to understand that these destructive changes to our election laws were NOT a necessary response to the pandemic. The pandemic simply gave the Democrats an excuse to do what they were trying to do with many many years."

2020-12-08 03:34:31 UTC  

Thanks... will take a look

2020-12-08 03:35:11 UTC  

The whole point was to find any actually fraud. There was none

2020-12-08 03:35:14 UTC  

Antifa needed to be stopped if you mean Portland. They are an anti-government movement (not democrat) that was more than violent. The Governor specifically asked for help.

2020-12-08 03:35:17 UTC  

This testimony is important, because the Colornel explains the link between Dominion systems and China influence.

2020-12-08 03:35:18 UTC  

It's not poll workers. It's journalists independently saying what the affidavits said.

2020-12-08 03:35:24 UTC  

Nobody has disputed it.

2020-12-08 03:35:26 UTC  

Miscommunication is not fraud

2020-12-08 03:35:28 UTC  

I agree there's allota show boating. I think Trump is right there is massive fraud. There's anyways been. Trump had to pursue there's avenues otherwise civil war would have erupted. He is just pushing the pieces down the board. Maybe he'll find a trump card? Fraud is difficult to prove.

2020-12-08 03:35:46 UTC  

All ballots were on tape and were physically observed by observers

2020-12-08 03:36:01 UTC  

Then stored , then counted

2020-12-08 03:36:05 UTC  

It’s not Fraud it’s TREASON

2020-12-08 03:36:11 UTC  

The camera was on the ballots the whole time

2020-12-08 03:36:51 UTC  

@jbird there is always some fraud , not massive fraud. That would mean we have never had legitimate election

2020-12-08 03:36:53 UTC  

Explain the "suitcase tape" it was fact checked by liars saying they never stopped counting. Fulton county is where they stopped due to a "water line" issue. I saw it on the news on election night.

2020-12-08 03:37:26 UTC  

Hmm... that video seems like it would have been relevant. Didn't see the drunk lady.

2020-12-08 03:37:40 UTC  

This is rather ominous phrasing coming from Trump in the context of his 2018 EO. It implies that marshal law will be in effect Dec. 17th.

2020-12-08 03:37:46 UTC  

I met a chick named Miss information some number of times, any relation?

2020-12-08 03:37:53 UTC  

Every news station said on election night that they stopped counting in almost all of the swing states around the time of 10-11pm

2020-12-08 03:38:01 UTC  

I just explained how it wasn’t. They did a investigation on that like weeks ago . @jbird

2020-12-08 03:38:10 UTC  

This, if China's involved.

2020-12-08 03:38:18 UTC  

That guy is litterally a spook. He's the most likely to be offering up dis-info and is confessing by projection.

2020-12-08 03:38:43 UTC  

If China's involved martial law should be declared at once.

2020-12-08 03:38:49 UTC  

Then Dec. 17th's going to be really spooky.

2020-12-08 03:39:15 UTC  

What’s wrong with China, we will at least defeat obesity @busillis

2020-12-08 03:39:16 UTC  

@james j, you just advanced to level 30!

2020-12-08 03:39:20 UTC  

Misinformation is whatever twitter and Facebook don't like as they are completely biased. Let's not forget youtube i.e. the AP has called the race for Biden.

2020-12-08 03:39:32 UTC  

@Recalibar my gut? All parties knew the whole plan

2020-12-08 03:39:39 UTC

2020-12-08 03:39:53 UTC  

These people feed the misinfo.

2020-12-08 03:40:00 UTC  

Trump was kicking all their asses

2020-12-08 03:40:10 UTC  

Yes, that would be the complete list of MSM and the biased news.