Message from @AdvanceManExtraordinaire

Discord ID: 786357420041043989

2020-12-09 21:54:55 UTC  


n. the specific request for judgment, relief and/or damages at the conclusion of a complaint or petition.

2020-12-09 21:55:12 UTC  

What does import have to do with it? You said what communist producer has a well treated workforce. Sweden makes products they need. Their workers are treated well. They trade with their neighbors.

2020-12-09 21:55:43 UTC  

You do know that is a Legal Term meaning "Permission"?

2020-12-09 21:56:16 UTC  

@TaLoN132 i got you one upped. Kyle Rittenhouses current lawyer Mark Richard's is 3 blocks away and an acquaintance.
I recently was asking my exposure to mispronoun ing bearded females that are cis

2020-12-09 21:56:59 UTC  

There are trade offs in volume

2020-12-09 21:58:09 UTC  

My favorite legal document verbiage "now comes XYZ" sounds triumphantly marching into Valhalla

2020-12-09 22:00:37 UTC  

YouTube blog on censorship regarding the Safe Harbor period with Biden president elect and reliance on "authoritarian" news sources pointing to CISA for "fact-checking."

2020-12-09 22:02:11 UTC

2020-12-09 22:03:37 UTC  

Interesting trivia. Can anyone guess my ancestor?
They met a pair of native inhabitants looking for directions. The natives pointed to the Village and said what was as heard as 'Kanada' . My ancestor misunderstood it as the entire land they were on.
Who was it? I just found out a few weeks ago

2020-12-09 22:07:21 UTC  

Media would have skinned him alive if he would have tried to intervene in any of the unconstitutional legislature or appoint people at the hundreds of ballot boxes. Also, how would one go about knowing which dead people or nursing home patients DNC would select which was gamed out and every possible narrative baked and ready to feed the public. It's like any logical conclusion bordering are helpless to prevent something that essentially is a thought processes or prememptive accusation. Tell someone and risk sounding crazy until it actually occurs.

2020-12-09 22:10:33 UTC  

The best time to worry about a corrupt system is 1913. The next best time is 1971.
The next next best time is now.

2020-12-09 22:10:54 UTC  

For the brazen act of asking for a reelection in the swing states solidifies the notion of confidence in outcomes. If some sort of ploy to rile up the base then reelection would never be considered just like the fake "we did it Joe" sound in Harris's voice then silence. No rebuttal.

2020-12-09 22:16:07 UTC  

'My faith in elections cannot be restored unless fraud is proven.' ~ Modern Sage

2020-12-09 22:17:36 UTC  

Are they trying to "find" Trump votes? No. They are asking for signature verification and identification of actual voters casting all of these ballots. Elections cannot ever be conducted as such ever again. Swing states are going to have to get their house in order before they wreck the entire nation. But dwindling jobs outsourced to China and IPO's of appointed cabinet members for defense contracting companies as we provide "training" to freedom fighters in Ethiopia creates an illegitimate, unethical and completely debased nation.

2020-12-09 22:18:19 UTC  

It's the perfect storm

2020-12-09 22:18:42 UTC  

Witness statements are irrelevant.

2020-12-09 22:19:05 UTC  

Lol 'witness'

2020-12-09 22:19:13 UTC  

The only real reason I want the left to become unhappy is so I don't have to move in order to leave this shitty country.

2020-12-09 22:23:03 UTC  

Many in this chat are just as sure as those witnesses that they have seen proof without any knowledge of how it works. They just make up what they think it would be and project facile capers onto it. How many 700,000 smuggled ballot fantasies did we have to endure and still end up with the next thing being for sure the case cracker?

2020-12-09 22:23:38 UTC  

How many before you convinced there’s fraud?

2020-12-09 22:23:50 UTC  

One valid one.

2020-12-09 22:24:05 UTC  

What’s even happening?

2020-12-09 22:24:08 UTC  

How will you know is valid?

2020-12-09 22:24:49 UTC  

It will be vetted in a court of law, the mechanism we have for plausible grievances.

2020-12-09 22:25:30 UTC  

Ah right, the courts are infallible.

2020-12-09 22:25:42 UTC  

I mean that’s a fair argument

2020-12-09 22:25:47 UTC  

Man, I guess all those police shootings of unarmed black folk were 100% justified?

2020-12-09 22:26:06 UTC  

Seeing as they all got vetted in a court of law

2020-12-09 22:26:19 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire No, your judgement will suffice for me. Let me know what I think when you get a chance.

2020-12-09 22:26:22 UTC  

Have they taken down your 2020 election show?

2020-12-09 22:27:37 UTC  

I think it’s important to be conscious of how you structure your beliefs. If it really all came down to what the courts decide, that’s problematic.

2020-12-09 22:27:45 UTC  

How about gathering a herd of hysterical fanatics doesn't convince me, as impressive as that is to some people.

2020-12-09 22:28:19 UTC  

Fine, but there needs to be a middle ground between "shown in court" and "hearsey" that you'll believe these accusations.

2020-12-09 22:28:20 UTC  

If it really all JUST came down to witness testimony, that’s problematic as well. I’m sure Biden could find a few thousand people willing to lie under oath to oust trump.

2020-12-09 22:28:39 UTC  

So what you're saying is a summary judgment by the mob with punishment meted out on the spot.

2020-12-09 22:29:07 UTC  

My understanding is that, if they signed affidavits, it would be the gospel, yes.

2020-12-09 22:29:09 UTC  

A must watch Dan Bongino show today..before, thank decides to take it down..very informative.

2020-12-09 22:29:10 UTC  

@JV justice for victims, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-09 22:29:27 UTC  


2020-12-09 22:29:35 UTC  

What does level one mean?