JV justice for victims

Discord ID: 776245518241234975

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Did you know this before your show last night?

Oops I'm in the wrong room I think..sorry

Have they taken down your 2020 election show?

A must watch Dan Bongino show today..before, thank decides to take it down..very informative.

What does level one mean?

Oh..you're a bot..must be a warning.

Thank you Zuluzeit!

No it said Bot right before

I don't know busillis

So what does it mean?busillis?

K.thanks all

Right now ok..

Too bad I don't drive..

Oh yea@Dan bonjovie

I'm going out for now. Checking the show that understands the Texas lawsuit..no offense..

Take away the electoral votes from these swing states. They will get their stuff together by the next election ..watch...

What's your opinion on taking away the electoral college votes of the swing states? Is that a possibility if goes to SCOTUS?

I heard no show tonight..please confirm.

Test fraud in election

19 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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