Message from @Starscraper

Discord ID: 786494812411920424

2020-12-10 07:19:46 UTC  

@Dedkraken I don't think you actually watched the hearings my guy, you conveniently have crafted a narrative as to why the affiants cannot be taken seriously, claiming most were "Frivolous" without anything substantial to back that up. If you cared to watch the Michigan hearing in full you would see the amount of people who came forward there ALONE and almost all of them corroborated the fact that poll watchers were intimidated, harassed, and obstructed from meaningfully doing their jobs, not to mention the testimony outlining lack of chain of custody of ballots, counting of ballots in machines multiple times (There is a video that came out today that shows this is indeed possible) and much more. Not to mention how you downplayed the expert witnesses without providing an in depth reason or counter argument as to why their testimony should not be considered.

2020-12-10 07:19:57 UTC  

Raffensberger is a good man. Integrity & principles.

2020-12-10 07:20:59 UTC  

I watched the hearings. I added context from court cases where they actually have to prove their claims instead of just saying anything they want without consequence or questions.

2020-12-10 07:21:29 UTC  

Raffensberger is the last human being on this planet that you should even remotely attribute any type of moral integrity to.

2020-12-10 07:21:47 UTC  

Why because he cares about democracy?

2020-12-10 07:21:49 UTC  

Court cases where also trumps lawyers claims mysteriously change when they could get disbarred or jailed or lying.

2020-12-10 07:24:10 UTC  

... Trump may have created his own dis-info campaign. Y'all have spent an entire month debunking nonsense lawsuits. Now you're fatigued. Then he drops the most serious law suit of them all with Texas.

2020-12-10 07:25:31 UTC  

The mass frivolous lawsuits are now a reason to dunk other lawsuits 😂 great plan?

2020-12-10 07:25:31 UTC  

And the best part is, that whole "You can't submit evidence to a case that went to SCOTUS" is BS because original jurisdiction, lmao.

2020-12-10 07:25:32 UTC  

@jfindley, you just advanced to level 12!

2020-12-10 07:26:31 UTC  

Great way to get the Presidency of the United States. In court by overturning the electorate.

2020-12-10 07:27:36 UTC  

If only it were the electorate

2020-12-10 07:27:37 UTC  

@Starscraper, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-12-10 07:27:57 UTC  

I'm pretty sure the voter fraud in this instance was pretty substantial. I mean, I've seen all the same evidence you have, probably, but I've also seen a lot of other stuff you might not have. I know it's fun to pick on Melissa and everything, but there's some legitimate "wtf was that?" that came up in almost every state.

2020-12-10 07:29:04 UTC  

Wtf moments happen every election. This one is no different. I’ve seen all the evidence taken to the courts and thrown out.

2020-12-10 07:29:05 UTC  

@AdamS, you just advanced to level 17!

2020-12-10 07:29:08 UTC  

I'm not sure "overturning" is the right word for it... More like a vote of no confidence.

2020-12-10 07:29:35 UTC  

> Court cases where also trumps lawyers claims mysteriously change when they could get disbarred or jailed or lying.
Don't knowingly spread this lie. That was a quote from a case that wasn't about fraud, so of course they didn't allege it in that one.

2020-12-10 07:29:44 UTC  

Right. As long as I've been alive, people have been crying about rigged elections. This is a chance for us to get away from that.

2020-12-10 07:30:04 UTC  

That’s usually what happens in 3rd world countries where the one in power is not happy with the result: turkey, Nigeria, Pakistan.

2020-12-10 07:30:31 UTC  

Do you think that Dominion provides a solid product?

2020-12-10 07:30:36 UTC  

Lol, they never claim rigged elections

2020-12-10 07:30:48 UTC  

This election was clearly suspect, and the fact they want to tell you "Nothing to see here" and refuse to do an audit/signature match to solidify and guarantee Biden's victory tells me otherwise. Too much stuff that i've seen tells me this was NOT legit

2020-12-10 07:30:51 UTC  

They [dictatorships] rig the elections then censor anyone from questioning them

2020-12-10 07:31:23 UTC  

Not a lie or a quote. Frequently their claims in courts did not remotely resemble claims on TV.

2020-12-10 07:31:24 UTC  

And who's doing that?

2020-12-10 07:31:25 UTC  

No election or system is 100% secure. My iPhone isn’t 100% secure doesn’t mean it’s hacked.

2020-12-10 07:31:34 UTC  
2020-12-10 07:31:59 UTC  
2020-12-10 07:32:10 UTC  

What is being displayed in public hearings is far from what is being alleged in courts,

2020-12-10 07:32:21 UTC  

Do you think there might be a reason for that?

2020-12-10 07:32:34 UTC  

You guys who are denying this are experiencing what we call "cognitive dissonance"

2020-12-10 07:32:50 UTC  

Yes they have no basis and it’s all bs...every way to steal the election.

2020-12-10 07:33:39 UTC  

Can't steal what was stolen from you

2020-12-10 07:34:07 UTC  

First it’s fraud, it’s rigged, it’s stolen, stuffed ballots, algorithms, mail men, when all fails it’s the constitution. Give me a break.

2020-12-10 07:34:16 UTC  

And yeah, not hard for courts not to get what was in the hearings when the courts don't even hear the merits of the vast majority of cases

2020-12-10 07:34:17 UTC  

What about this...

Proving fraud is difficult, and takes time. Proving fraud in multiple states simultaneously with a wide array of variance in the types and degree of fraud is even more time consuming.


Sow doubt in the legislature, draw public awareness to the issue of fraud, but don't actually fight the fraud in court.... YET....

Instead, get the election settled ASAP, then investigate the fraud, in a criminal capacity as well as civil.

2020-12-10 07:34:19 UTC  

This is patently false, many of the bigger lawsuits include the evidence that we've been seeing and more, I.E Nevada and Matt braynard, Arizona, ect.