Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 787430195639877673

2020-12-12 21:21:54 UTC  


2020-12-12 21:22:03 UTC  

@james j The details matter before enough people are feeling left out in the cold and censored to the point that discussion is no longer possible

2020-12-12 21:22:38 UTC  


2020-12-12 21:23:11 UTC  

@Beth the flaw with that is antifa isn’t a self identifying group. The right just calls anyone who isn’t trump person antifa. Or counter protests neo nazis or proud boys antifa. It’s not a self identifying thing it just something the right labels on anyone they don’t like or opposes them.

2020-12-12 21:23:17 UTC  

Censorship. Another fatally diluted word.

2020-12-12 21:23:20 UTC  

I think a better word would be adjacent, rather than horizontal.

2020-12-12 21:23:33 UTC  

You get the point..

2020-12-12 21:23:40 UTC  

No need to shout... I liked your logic. Makes sense. Of course, the green stuff will only take a few million years to become fossil fuels.

2020-12-12 21:23:55 UTC  

I do, don't know if others will though.

2020-12-12 21:23:59 UTC  

Says you 😂😂😂

2020-12-12 21:24:14 UTC  

I mean you can feel like you are getting censored but politics is a place for proper debate and one side decided they dont care so much for facts 😂

2020-12-12 21:24:42 UTC  

@james j I'm sorry but that's just a sensationalist claim if I've ever heard one.. I've never called someone antifa because they don't support Trump.

2020-12-12 21:24:56 UTC  

Not really true in my honest opinion. They certainly can call standard liberals communists sometimes.

2020-12-12 21:25:00 UTC  

Before you argue, I'm right aligned... So you included me in that statement.

2020-12-12 21:25:22 UTC  

It's not super common though.

2020-12-12 21:25:31 UTC  

Ignore him he loves to argue with anyone about anythin 🙈.. 💩💩💩

2020-12-12 21:25:46 UTC  

Sense and censorbility.

2020-12-12 21:25:48 UTC  

@Darkangael if you break tos you get “censored” people on the right tend to this a lot. Like I said Half the posts on parler aren’t an exchange of ideas or perspectives. It’s calls of violence and uprising. Also if you haven’t noticed being “censored” is almost seen as a right of passage for right wing commentators, they use it as badge of honor for marketing their channel. All the while their channels are just growing while they complain about being censored.

2020-12-12 21:25:52 UTC  

@Beth says reality

2020-12-12 21:25:58 UTC  

Likewise 👍🏼

2020-12-12 21:26:28 UTC  

Eh, debatable. Both sides break TOS frequently but if you have a biased outlook only one side gets punished.

2020-12-12 21:26:31 UTC  

@{CAP}Radeon If I wore a black t short and protested against the proud boys right now they would call be antifa.

2020-12-12 21:26:31 UTC  

Open your eyes James that statement you just made was delusional

2020-12-12 21:26:55 UTC  

@Maw look at parler for examples of things conservatives say that are blatant tos violations

2020-12-12 21:26:57 UTC  

Erm what? 😂

2020-12-12 21:27:21 UTC  

I'm not going to talk about some fringe site which is obviously going to be biased.

2020-12-12 21:27:37 UTC  

@Beth no it’s Isn’t. Your misunderstanding of what antifa is , is the problem.

2020-12-12 21:27:46 UTC  

@Maw it’s the post popular conservative social platform

2020-12-12 21:27:49 UTC  

It's biased because facebook made it biased. lol

2020-12-12 21:27:52 UTC  

Bernie groups and progressives arent right wing

2020-12-12 21:27:57 UTC  

Lol okay James 💩💩💩

2020-12-12 21:28:04 UTC  

----> "Conservative platform" <----

2020-12-12 21:28:08 UTC  

@{CAP}Radeon saying things that break tos is not being biased

2020-12-12 21:28:30 UTC  

@Maw you think parler isn’t a conservative platform being championed by conservatives

2020-12-12 21:28:46 UTC  

It is when it's largely toward one group of people. I'm telling you, just go look around twitter and find all the 'kill whitey' and 'fuck white people' posts. Enjoy.

2020-12-12 21:29:07 UTC  

Facebook Twitter google brutal to the Bernie bros 😂

2020-12-12 21:30:15 UTC  

Literally never even implied this, try again.

2020-12-12 21:30:29 UTC  

@Maw I see one side getting censored more than the other as well and I watch people from both sides.

2020-12-12 21:30:45 UTC  

@Maw yeah if you have any notoriety you usually get suspended. They applies to conservatives, only conservative talking heads or ones with any significant following would tend to say the same things they say on parler now

2020-12-12 21:31:04 UTC  

Why did you highlight conservative platform @Maw

2020-12-12 21:31:27 UTC  

@Darkangael one side says more inflammatory things