Message from @Beth

Discord ID: 788258051588489218

2020-12-15 04:12:52 UTC  

And depend on China

2020-12-15 04:12:54 UTC  

The whole Trump Russia thing is salacious misdirection if you wanted to come outraged look at the ties between netanyahu and the Las Vegas jabba the Hutt.

2020-12-15 04:12:57 UTC  

What law did she propose to benefit the Chinese? In the meantime, I could list dozens and dozens in congress who have taken money from corporations who benefit from moving manufacturing jobs overseas without having to factor in the cost of protecting the shipping lanes.

2020-12-15 04:13:21 UTC  

Watson also said the investigation found that “observers and media were not asked to leave. They simply left on their own when they saw one group of workers... also leave.” - says who the people doing the fraud? which "workers"? what reason would they have to leave during a count?

2020-12-15 04:13:37 UTC read that book, its pretty enlightening and obvious now

2020-12-15 04:13:43 UTC  

What law has Biden proposed or advocated for that benefits China?

2020-12-15 04:13:43 UTC  

@james j you just can't help making yourself look silly. Duh, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon.

2020-12-15 04:13:54 UTC  

@Ghostdog that’s all explained in the investigation

2020-12-15 04:13:56 UTC  

Yes the right have. But the left has been overwhelmingly worse. Scroll back through these chats you will find many sources.

2020-12-15 04:14:19 UTC  

Who cares if Texas said we want out of this agreement? I don't like the way this is going. Which is nothing new.

Vs. You need to get trumpers. They're not welcome here. Confront thwm anywhere irrationally. Some other lady calling for "soldiers" to make trumpers pay. Esta loco verdad.

2020-12-15 04:14:23 UTC  

So what's the issue?

2020-12-15 04:14:31 UTC  

biden was one of the people supporting china in WTO

2020-12-15 04:14:33 UTC  

@Roadtrek Girl I don’t know what you are referring to with that comment

2020-12-15 04:14:56 UTC  

China loves Trump @ Trump Loves China

2020-12-15 04:15:03 UTC  

Both sides have contributed. To pretend otherwise is to be willfully blind and deaf. No side has the moral high ground.

2020-12-15 04:15:32 UTC  

Its been Fact Fake News.. that video

2020-12-15 04:15:41 UTC  

China has been at war with the west since the Korean war, an actual threat compared to Russia Russia Russia... how many Russians are here embedded and how many Russian products do we rely on?

2020-12-15 04:15:45 UTC  

@james j and how all those fun people intersect with the mega group

2020-12-15 04:15:50 UTC  

Nothing to see here.

2020-12-15 04:16:04 UTC  

Scroll down further and I said that the right have too. Fucking hell calm down

2020-12-15 04:16:04 UTC  

That Dem is a whack job and had all of her committee memberships revoked and had her office defunded.

2020-12-15 04:16:23 UTC  

It's a conspiracy theory that's more fact than theory @james j

2020-12-15 04:16:32 UTC  

@Beth calm down why so serious?

2020-12-15 04:17:05 UTC  

@busillis you were right earlier 🌸

2020-12-15 04:17:12 UTC  

FFS John Bolton. Tell me how much you agreed with him before he wrote a book to make money off of trump-hate. A very profitable industry

2020-12-15 04:17:46 UTC  

as much as President Trump did

2020-12-15 04:17:57 UTC  

@Ghostdog Um so has Russia. Only we built trade with China and become dependent on them and choose to be economic partners due to corporate interests. Heavily GOP based interest in many aspects. Koch brothers , Walmart etc

2020-12-15 04:18:04 UTC  

So you don't. Mkay.

2020-12-15 04:18:30 UTC  

I wish I were in Arizona I would bring pizza!!

2020-12-15 04:18:38 UTC  

You replied that to someone else's comment. I didn't see it as I was responding to your reply to me... and I am calm. I didn't call you a name nor use vulgar language.

2020-12-15 04:18:43 UTC  

I see Trumpers have no have nothing left to say

2020-12-15 04:19:03 UTC

2020-12-15 04:19:08 UTC  


2020-12-15 04:19:17 UTC  

@james j you said "I say Walmart because they are the biggest company in the world" NOT

2020-12-15 04:19:18 UTC  

When did I call you a name 😂

2020-12-15 04:19:22 UTC  

I was supposed to be a Karin

2020-12-15 04:20:22 UTC  

That's not a meltdown, that's an excellent outcome.

2020-12-15 04:20:33 UTC  
2020-12-15 04:20:33 UTC  

Okay Amazon recently took them over now they are second @Roadtrek Girl the pandemic did wonders for online sales

2020-12-15 04:20:46 UTC  

I see many Trumpers having a meltdown