Message from @Doc
Discord ID: 790314137115688970
Unfortunately this is why I'm called a market-skeptic!
The Desire for Personal or Instant Gratification is a powerful Marketing Tool?
The free market theory doesn't exactly work as advertised.
On a Global scale I would say Yes.
Nike is still doing just fine.
So is Apple.
Also let me know how Microsoft will do if they do things that the general public disagrees with.
it works exactly as advertised.
Not really, but you're entitled to your opinion.
@Maw. Biden seem more interested in Internal Tax Reform rather than Trade Agreements to level the Field in the US?
china pays lower wages so companies move there or hire cheaper labor. thats perfectly rationale. it wont be that way forever because as their standard of living increases their wages will rise too
And I agree with this, strangely enough!
I'd like both, but if you could choose only one, I'd choose tax reform.
he meant to say reform his own taxes
Tax the Medical Doctor more than adjusting the Trade Indifference?
Tax the corporation that utilizes critical infrastructure more than the individual that utilizes it less.
Or you know, actually tax them at all in certain cases.
I protest, my Lord!
Is rural Canadian hide better than City slicker Canadian hide?
More thick.
Depends on the Lotion that is Applied....
Well damn. Straight to a big ol' "F" you
the original notice to sidney was like 14 pages
Linwood more losses, they should sue him too and have Powell represent him
That would be kind of funny
More is not necessarily better or efficient.
i meant in an ironic sort of way
Regulations like don't be able to bet both for and against success such that failing is more lucrative than making suastainable decisions. Regulations like having to retain enough cash to cover when you completely shit the bed at the expense of investors. You guys are just puking up 'regulation bad cuz socialism' positions where they are inappropriate. That's why this discussion is wonky.
So did
there is mountains of regulations! you can complain its not applied but not because it doesnt exist
I was driving and doing errands. This is a discussion that should have lasted about 30 seconds.
@Zuluzeit is the arbiter of all conversations... Make conversations great again.
> there is mountains of regulations! you can complain its not applied but not because it doesnt exist
@Phil Deregulating and gutting the agencies to enforce it go hand in hand. You might want to look at deregulatory measures before making that claim.
The average Conservative doesn’t understand regulations