Message from @james j

Discord ID: 793891648307200012

2020-12-30 17:19:37 UTC

2020-12-30 17:19:38 UTC  

These people are so full of emotions, it's hard to listen to at times.

2020-12-30 17:20:02 UTC  

And they're good words.

2020-12-30 17:20:06 UTC  


2020-12-30 17:20:10 UTC  

Y'all have fun. Not interested in dealing with trolls. Here I am on this server just trying to have a conversation and all you want to do is throw accusations and draw bout people you have no idea about. a

2020-12-30 17:20:10 UTC  

The appropriate questions were asked in the hearing. I hope everyone also listened to the answers, no matter how inconvenient to their narrative. People seeing something they don't understand doesn't mean they get to make up what it was.

2020-12-30 17:20:26 UTC  

@Liberty or Death gossip isn’t information

2020-12-30 17:20:31 UTC  

yes, those are my words. I stand by them.

2020-12-30 17:20:44 UTC  

So how am I wrong

2020-12-30 17:20:55 UTC  

Pepe Silva fits

2020-12-30 17:20:58 UTC  

Not gossiping. Just mentioning what is on the video of the shredder the day the election was being certified.

2020-12-30 17:21:01 UTC  

@Zuluzeit already bunk...

2020-12-30 17:21:01 UTC  

Dots and everything

2020-12-30 17:21:03 UTC  

Enjoy your day.

2020-12-30 17:21:07 UTC  

Go with Christ.

2020-12-30 17:21:10 UTC  

A gossip hearing

2020-12-30 17:21:13 UTC  

Jesus Christ

2020-12-30 17:21:22 UTC  

Of course Jesus is involved

2020-12-30 17:21:32 UTC  


2020-12-30 17:21:44 UTC  

You can block them if need be

2020-12-30 17:21:58 UTC  

Don’t block factual information @Liberty or Death

2020-12-30 17:22:56 UTC  

Don’t get sucked Into a information bubble that just spreads gossip

2020-12-30 17:22:57 UTC  

"People seeing something they don't understand doesn't mean they get to make up what it was." ... you're taking all the fun out of life

2020-12-30 17:24:51 UTC  

> @Zuluzeit already bunk...
@busillis They did see shredding (of envelopes) which is supposed to happen. The witnesses felt that it wasn't appropriate protocol. This is the problem with mapping meaning onto processes about which one is ignorant. I guarantee they walked out of that room thinking shredded envelopes is fraud.

2020-12-30 17:25:45 UTC  

They should train people on how to know what they are seeing

2020-12-30 17:27:28 UTC  

Maybe for a month before an election

2020-12-30 17:28:19 UTC  

you mean like this: "In a release issued through Cobb County Government spokesman Ross Cavitt, Cobb Elections said the items that were being shredded were mailing labels, completed and “checked off” reports, sticky notes and other papers and documents.

Voters were mailed two envelopes as part of their absentee ballot package. One was a “white privacy envelope” that contained the actual absentee ballot. The privacy envelope was then placed in a larger mailing envelope that contained the voter’s signature.

The privacy envelopes were among the items that were also shredded—after the election was certified—but not the mailing envelopes with the signatures."

2020-12-30 17:28:19 UTC  

Later Folk's---the snow has got to go🇺🇸 💯

2020-12-30 17:28:19 UTC  

@EZZ, you just advanced to level 6!

2020-12-30 17:29:51 UTC  

Psy ops

2020-12-30 17:29:59 UTC  


2020-12-30 17:30:16 UTC  

> They should train people on how to know what they are seeing

@james j Or how to not draw concrete conclusions about things about which they know nothing. We will now have a portion of people who didn't even see what was misunderstood believing it was yet another example of fraud. Conclusion about a misconception by proxy.

2020-12-30 17:31:07 UTC  

People have been primed for months to think there will be fraud for months because of trump. So now when they see something that they don’t understand they just assume fraud @duckherder

2020-12-30 17:31:22 UTC  

Elections used to be transparent and simple. Prefer going back to that instead of psy ops

2020-12-30 17:31:32 UTC  

@Zuluzeit this will require a better education system

2020-12-30 17:32:16 UTC  

Basic critical thinking taught in school

2020-12-30 17:32:21 UTC  


2020-12-30 17:32:22 UTC  

doesn't help that there was litigation all summer to relax signature matching standards and keep voter rolls dirty

2020-12-30 17:32:35 UTC  

People are just supposed to trust that

2020-12-30 17:32:43 UTC  

Less subjective signature matching @duckherder

2020-12-30 17:32:44 UTC  

"The audit team, consisting of law enforcement officers with the Secretary of State’s office and
GBI, reviewed 15,118 ABM ballot oath envelopes from randomly selected boxes that stored the
150,431 ABM ballots received in Cobb County for the November 3, 2020 General Election. The
sample size of oath envelopes reviewed was chosen in order to reach a 99% confidence level in
the results. Utilizing the decision guidelines set forth below, the audit team confirmed the
accuracy of the initial determination of the Cobb County Elections Department in all but two
cases. In the two cases where the audit team determined that the voter should have received a
cure notification, the audit team was able to confirm by interviews with the voters that the
actual voters in question cast the ballots. Based on the results of the audit, the Cobb County
Elections Department had a 99.99% accuracy rate in performing correct signature verification
procedures. The audit team was also able to confirm that the two ballots that should have
initially been identified by Cobb County Elections Department staff as requiring a cure
notification were actually cast by the voters to whom they were issued. No fraudulent absentee
ballots were identified during the audit."